DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
Volume 12 Number 1
2018 12.1  |  XMLPDFPrint

Digital text: hermeneutic issues [fr]

Jean Guy Meunier <meunier_dot_jean-guy_at_uqam_dot_ca>,  Université du Québec à Montréal


The digitization of texts is omnipresent in the digital humanities. It seems to present itself only as a modification of the material medium: from text on paper to digital text. But it does more than that. Digitization also affects the text as a semiotic object. The multiple operations of this technology implement interpretative decisions that are not without their effects on the semiotic text; that is to say, the text that offers itself for reading and analysis. In this sense, the digitization of texts is not neutral. It is an important moment of material hermeneutics.

Note on Translation

For articles in languages other than English, DHQ provides an English-language abstract to support searching and discovery, and to enable those not fluent in the article's original language to get a basic understanding of its contents. In many cases, machine translation may be helpful for those seeking more detailed access. While DHQ does not typically have the resources to translate articles in full, we welcome contributions of effort from readers. If you are interested in translating any article into another language, please contact us at and we will be happy to work with you.

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2018 12.1  |  XMLPDFPrint