For digital humanists planning to build tools for cyberinfrastructure several
variables ought to be defined for each project. Pay close attention to the
balance of traditional methods and new ways of conducting research. When
gathering resources to do the job, seek contributions of different domain
experts. Also, careful consideration of a tool’s intended scope will help refine
the required resources needed to complete a project. This case study illustrates
how one project, the Social Networks and Archival Context Project (SNAC), has
defined these variables. The process of building a new tool also benefits from
an awareness of older infrastructure that has come before it. SNAC illustrates
this awareness in the way it has taken advantage of previously existing
infrastructure, both cyber and not, by extending its purpose and building new
features on top of it.
When speculating about the future of scholarship, it seems certain that research and
teaching will continue to be affected by the evolution of traditional infrastructure
into digital forms. This is as true for the humanities as it is for other
disciplines and digital humanists in particular should have an important role to
play in shaping the infrastructure for their domains. Digital humanists, who can
both identify the needs of mainstream humanities scholars and suggest acceptable
computational solutions to those needs [
Juola 2008], are essential
participants in the development of a new digital cyberinfrastructure for humanities
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) report on cyberinfrastructure
defines cyberinfrastructure as
the layer of information, expertise,
standards, policies, tools, and services that are shared broadly across
communities of inquiry but developed for specific scholarly purposes:
cyberinfrastructure is something more specific than the network itself, but
it is something more general than a tool or a resource developed for a
particular project, a range of projects, or, even more broadly, for a
particular discipline.
[ACLS 2006]
This definition leaves a lot of room to imagine the technological future of
the humanities, allowing researchers and educators to decide for themselves the
appropriate tools and services that will meet their needs. While the report states
that cyberinfrastructure is something more general than a tool or resource, tools
will be a necessary component. For digital humanists planning to build tools for
cyberinfrastructure, it is helpful to pay close attention to the balance of
traditional methods and new ways of conducting research, and to the contributions of
different domain experts, when gathering resources to do the job. Careful
consideration of a tool’s intended scope will also help refine the required
resources needed to complete a project. The following case study will illustrate how
one project has successfully balanced these variables and it may serve as a model
for designing others. I will discuss each of these variables more, but I also want
to introduce the idea of an infrastructure stack on top of which a successful
cyberinfrastructure tool rests. The stack serves as a foundation for the new
technology by linking it to the past. The sense of the word “stack” I use is
the one that refers to a pile of objects, one on top of the other. In this case the
stacked objects are abstract systems and technologies. The oldest technology rests
at the bottom and newer technologies pile up to the top. If you remove one from the
stack, the objects above it and supported by it could not exist without the missing
foundation. To illustrate this concept and elaborate on the balancing act of tool
design, I offer a case study of The Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC)
Project, which is an emerging example of cyberinfrastructure. SNAC serves this
purpose by demonstrating the ability to balance many of the variables necessary for
cyberinfrastructure and the project is built upon an easily definable infrastructure
stack. I will begin this case study with a description of SNAC and its prototype
user interface.
Introducing SNAC
The SNAC project aims to provide scholars with improved access to distributed
historical records with new discovery tools. The heart of the project is a very
large (and still growing) dataset of archival creator descriptions expressed in
the international metadata standard Encoded Archival Context-Corporate Bodies,
Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF). The records describe people and corporate
bodies who are the creators of primary humanities resources that have been
collected into archives and libraries around the world. The descriptions contain
biographical data, lists of associated resources, and lists of associations with
other people. This curated set of data enables SNAC to build new discovery tools
for researchers. SNAC’s goal is to provide improved access to the resources that
document the lives, work, and events surrounding historical persons, and provide
unprecedented access to the biographical-historical contexts of the people
documented in the resources, including the social-professional networks within
which they lived and worked [
IATH n.d. b].
SNAC’s emphasis on social networks is, of course, no accident. Social networks
are a hot topic. However, social networks have been around far longer than
Facebook. Simply put, a network is a set of relations between objects; a social
network the set of relations between people. Kadushin describes social networks
as having been
at the core of human society
since we were hunters and gatherers. People were tied together through
their relations with one another and their dependence on one
another…Kinship and family relations are social networks. Neighbors,
villages, and cities are crisscrossed with networks of obligations and
[Kadushin 2012]
What is relatively new, Kadushin continues, are “systematic ways of talking about social networks, depicting
them, analyzing them, and showing how they are related to more formal social
arrangements such as organizations and governments.” [
Kadushin 2012]
From Facebook to Flickr, Twitter to Tumblr, the social networking concept is
embodied everywhere online through many widely used Web applications. Taking
advantage of the relationships captured in its dataset, SNAC has developed a
social network web application that has helped the project earn the nickname
“Facebook for the dead”
Seal 2012]. The comparison with the ubiquitous social networking
site is not without some utility. Social networking sites like Facebook enable
users to articulate and make visible their social networks [
Boyd and Ellison 2008], which is the organizing principle for SNAC’s
data. Boyd and Ellison define social network sites as web-based services that
allow individuals to construct a profile within a bounded system, articulate a
list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse
their list of connections and those made by others within the system. In its own
way, SNAC provides these same features for historical figures.
Figure 1 shows an example of a personal profile in the online SNAC prototype
http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/snac/search), in this case the
one for J. Robert Oppenheimer. The profile contains descriptive metadata such as
life dates, occupations, subjects to which the person is related, alternative
forms of his or her name, and a biographical history. The central column
contains “Links to collections” and “Related names in SNAC,” where
lists of connections from the personal profile to archival collections, other
people, corporate bodies, and resources are articulated as well as providing
links to traverse the connections. For example, Oppenheimer is listed as the
creator of 38 collections housed at the Library of Congress and several
university libraries. Additionally, SNAC lists another 163 archival collections
in which Oppenheimer is referenced. For each of these collections SNAC provides
a link to its entry in WorldCat, the online catalog of the world’s largest
network of library content and services [
WorldCat n.d.]. In addition
to these external links, SNAC also links internally to the profiles of other
people, families, and organizations that share a connection to a given profile.
Oppenheimer, for example, is listed as having been associated with or
corresponded with 175 other people and 35 organizations, all of which have a
profile in SNAC.
The profile pages, the links between them, and the lists of external related
resources are not created manually by experts. Another characteristic SNAC
shares with social networking sites is the bottom-up, rather than top-down,
approach to organizing its content. Individuals in the online community define
the content and structure of a typical social network site instead of
professional information providers [
Kolbitsch and Maurer 2006]. SNAC
allows the properties of its data (such as the names, dates, correspondence
relationships, and creator attributions captured in the EAC-CPF records) to
self-organize the information presented in the system.
Project Variables
Using SNAC as an example this case study will show what a software tool may look
like within humanities cyberinfrastructure and describe its relationship with
the other components listed in the definition of cyberinfrastructure from the
ACLS report quoted above (information, expertise, standards, etc.). Alongside
discussing SNAC specifically, I will address cyberinfrastructure more generally
by defining a set of variables to consider when approaching the design of a new
tool. When reviewing the existing literature about humanities
cyberinfrastructure a picture emerges that helps define these variables. Imagine
a three-dimensional graph where examples of cyberinfrastructure technology could
be plotted. The three axes of the graph represent the following opposing
- X: Created by humanists ← → Created by non-humanists
- Y: Small boutique projects ← → General-purpose applications
- Z: Traditional humanities infrastructure ← → Scientific
I will discuss each of these axes in turn through highlighting ideas from the
literature, as well as show how SNAC is a real-world example of how one project
has found its place on the graph by striking an appropriate balance for its
context on each axis. Plotting a multitude of projects on the axes imagined here
is beyond the scope of this article, but I do believe SNAC falls close to the
middle of the graph, hence its use as an illustrative example.
X: Created by humanists ← → Created by non-humanists
Due to its complexity and necessarily broad range of required skills, the
development of cyberinfrastructure often requires collaboration between
humanists and non-humanists. First and foremost, scholars of the humanities
must lead the development of their own cyberinfrastructure, despite the fact
that tool development is not yet rewarded on par with more traditional
scholarly outputs [
Schreibman and Hanlon 2010]. They alone can
accomplish the intellectual task of modeling scholarship for new digital
environments [
Drucker 2009]. They alone can judge its
usefulness and assure that the technology will serve their needs [
Hunt et al. 2011]. However, few individual humanities experts
(let alone any expert) will have the range of expertise required to build
cyberinfrastructure, so librarians, archivists, programmers, and computer
scientists will bring essential complementary skills to the task [
Borgman 2009]. Technology developers and humanities
researchers working alongside each other are likely to push both the
technical and the intellectual boundaries farther, yielding greater
innovation [
Collins et al. 2012]. Casting the net even wider, the
ACLS report, which lists collaboration as a necessary characteristic of
cyberinfrastructure, calls for “cooperation with librarians,
curators, and archivists; the involvement of experts in the
sciences, law, business, and entertainment; and active participation
from and endorsement by the general public”
ACLS 2006]. However, it should be noted that, while necessary, collaboration is
itself a challenge that requires careful resolution of methodological
differences and regular communication about each collaborators’ perspective
Chuk et al. 2012].
In the case of SNAC, its emphasis on social networks is conducive to
attracting collaborative partners. The study of social networks has been
identified as a cross-cutting agenda where the digital scholarship of
humanists, technology researchers, and others converge in a way that
encourages collaboration and, in particular, brings humanists to a seat at
the table where scholarly infrastructure decisions are being made [
Borgman 2009]. The social network is a topic that lends itself
to interesting collaborations among many different disciplines with a scope
not so narrow as to constrain research nor so expansive as to be meaningless
Friedlander 2009].
The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), University of
Virginia, leads the team developing SNAC. IATH is known for collaborative
research and technology development with the practical needs of humanities
scholars as its primary motivation. The list of other participating
institutions and individuals on SNAC’s project team and advisory board
suggests a wide range of disciplinary expertise is contributing to the
project, including historians, English scholars, librarians, archivists,
information technology developers, information scientists, computer
scientists, and more [
IATH n.d. c]. The breadth of knowledge
required by the development of SNAC means no single discipline has all the
answers to the project’s research questions. Archivists, librarians, and
information scientists are needed for their expertise in existing
infrastructure surrounding primary resources, experience in information
organization, and their knowledge of new data standards. Computer scientists
and developers contribute by solving and implementing solutions for the
myriad of technical challenges encountered during the course of SNAC’s
development. Historians and English scholars contribute their knowledge of
humanities research methods and SNAC’s user community, helping shape the
public interface to the data and ensuring the new tools are designed to be
of practical value to scholars. For the sake of brevity, these examples are
probably oversimplified. The full picture of collaboration on SNAC is more
complicated, especially since its participants often wear multiple hats and
it is hard to encapsulate all the multidisciplinary challenges faced by SNAC
in a few short sentences. However, the team does appear to have a mix of
expertise well suited to the task of developing SNAC.
Y: Small boutique projects ← → General-purpose applications
Given the great need for teams of collaborators, it should be evident that
the scale of cyberinfrastructure research is large, the goals are many and
multi-faceted, and the aim is to serve a large audience. However, attempting
to do too much, to make a technology useful for everyone in the humanities,
risks the possibility of making it useful for nobody, because a tool with a
very broad audience in mind is unlikely to meet the requirements of
specialized fields [
Hunt et al. 2011]. At the other end of the
scale, cyberinfrastructure of the past decade has led humanities researchers
to create smaller, isolated projects, the contents of which cannot be easily
combined for analysis without the development of a more robust
infrastructure to link them together [
Blackwell and Crane 2009]
Crane et al. 2009]. Creators of a cyberinfrastructure tool
should have a specific audience in mind and build features into a tool that
serves that audience well, but the tool should also be interoperable with
other systems to support some unimagined uses by unanticipated users. A
successful cyberinfrastructure of the future will likely consist of multiple
systems that exist to support the specialized needs of each discipline, yet
support the sharing of data between these systems [
Hunt et al. 2011].
SNAC’s focus on social networks and creator description limits its scope by
reducing the types of data to be managed and the kinds of functionality
designers might build into the tool for analysis. However, it does not
restrict the size of the project. SNAC is poised to expand widely within a
certain band of information, specifically the description of primary
resource creators and the relations between them. SNAC has compiled over 2.6
million EAC-CPF records describing persons, families, and corporate bodies
IATH 2014] since the project began. In future phases of
development, nearly 4 million EAC-CPF records may be generated, creating an
unprecedented collection of data about the lives, work, and events
surrounding historic persons [
IATH n.d. b].
With its narrow, but deep, focus on creator description, SNAC intends to do a
handful of tasks extremely well and integrate itself into existing
infrastructure to offer researchers more functionality. The challenges
involved in creating, managing, and providing access to this massive amount
of data are a big enough task for one project, so SNAC will rely on others
to extend its functionality. For example, SNAC does not intend to collect
digitized primary resources or provide direct access to such resources, but
rather prefers to leverage existing cyberinfrastructure by providing links
to WorldCat (
http://www.worldcat.org/) and the online finding aids of archival
institutions to bring researchers closer to the resources they seek. Also,
SNAC has a specific audience in mind that is large, but certainly not
all-inclusive: anyone interested in historical research. SNAC will serve
this audience in a few ways: integrated access to distributed primary and
secondary resources about people and organizations; access to historical and
biographical descriptions; and access to the social networks of people of
historical interest [
IATH n.d. b]. The emphasis on a small number
of functions for a targeted audience built atop a unique dataset of
unparalleled size strikes an appropriate balance on the Y-axis between
boutique projects and general-purpose applications.
Z: Traditional humanities infrastructure ← → Scientific
Humanities cyberinfrastructure should be a step forward for research
infrastructure otherwise there is no reason to build it. It should offer new
solutions to old problems or enable humanists to ask new questions.
Therefore, to build such systems there is a need to utilize methods and
technologies that go beyond the traditional tools of the humanities.
Traditional humanities infrastructure includes intellectual categories such
as literary genres and linguistic phenomena, material artifacts like books
and maps, buildings such as libraries and book stores, organizations
including universities and journals, business models such as subscriptions
and memberships, and social practices such as publication and peer review
Crane et al. 2009]. In the digital era, however, existing
infrastructure must not be used uncritically as the default model for new
infrastructure [
Svensson 2011]. New infrastructure must go
beyond the capabilities of what already exists, otherwise it is merely
reinventing the wheel. Humanists may have something to learn from scientists
and engineers who have already defined, designed, and deployed much more in
the way of cyberinfrastructure, but this would leave the humanities in the
position of building on the technologies constructed for other disciplines
Borgman 2009] and this approach should also not be
uncritically adopted [
Svensson 2011]. A balance must be struck
with new technologies that push the boundaries of scholarly activities, yet
remain accessible and meet real needs. Humanities scholars will be unlikely
to engage with new technology for its own sake [
Collins and Jubb 2012] and their adoption of any new technologies
will be highly influenced by existing research practices developed when
using traditional infrastructure [
Collins et al. 2012].
SNAC pushes the boundaries of traditional infrastructure through its use of
digital data. The creator description data that drives the project is a
standards-based, internally consistent dataset with high potential for
interoperability with other systems and purposes. Data of this sort (and the
tools that can use it) provide a desirable characteristic of
cyberinfrastructure: that access to the data should be seamless across
repositories [
ACLS 2006]. Having the potential for data
sharing and re-use baked into the initial design of the project is an
approach more readily found in scientific research. Also, the rigor with
which the data is curated opens the door for innovative approaches to
research and the tools that support it. This sort of data-centric approach
enables structures and relationships to emerge in the system that would
otherwise go unnoticed without a lucky combination of serendipity and
painstaking manual research by humans. For example, during the first phase
of research and development, the SNAC prototype included an experimental
radial graph feature that demonstrated the ability to visualize and explore
the relationships between people and organizations represented in the data.
See Figure 3.
The radial graph visualization initially puts the name of an individual at
the center of a circle of nodes (other names) to which he or she is related
in some way. The example in Figure 3 shows “Oppenheimer, J. Robert” as
the central node with lines extending out to the names of all the other
people and organizations he had been associated with in his lifetime. In
addition to the lines drawn between the central node in the network and all
the other surrounding nodes, relationships between the surrounding nodes in
the circle are also indicated with a line. The visualization enables further
exploration by responding to mouse clicks on any node in the graph by
redrawing the visualization to include the immediate social network of the
selected node. For an amusing example, from the graph in Figure 3, clicking
on the node for “Eliot, Thomas Stearns” opens his social network and
reveals that Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was only two
degrees of separation from Groucho Marx
[1] (see Figure 4).
While the current phase of SNAC development does not feature the radial
graph, the feature is archived at another location (
It stands as an early experiment in what is possible with SNAC's data,
providing a hint of what is to come in future features such as a graph
visualization of social-document networks, visualizations of chronologies,
and geographic displays of collection locations [
IATH n.d. f].
SNAC’s web prototype and its visualization tools like the radial graph are
the public interface to (and a product of) a variety of innovative, yet
practical research agendas tackled by the SNAC project. The research never
sought to build and explore technologies just for the sake of creating new
technologies, nor did it adopt any existing technology without a plan to
apply its use to the current needs of SNAC’s target user group. SNAC
balances the utility of traditional methods that existing infrastructure
enable with the exciting, but unproven potential of new technologies. It
does so through the use of advanced technology to accelerate and extend
traditional methods in new ways. While researchers may have always wanted to
search for every occurrence of an individual’s name in the archives, it has
previously been impossible due to a lack of funding and time [
Collins and Jubb 2012]. However, as some historians have already
observed, a year’s worth of work using the current infrastructure combined
with a great deal of serendipity and persistence can be replaced by the data
in a single SNAC record [
IATH n.d. b]. Through this dramatic
reduction in time required to conduct research SNAC demonstrates the
benefits of a well-designed cyberinfrastructure tool.
Humanities Infrastructure Stack
To build upon existing infrastructure an understanding of its layered history
and the relationships between its various components may be beneficial. For
example, when trying to introduce a new public utility or a new mode of
transportation to a community, thorough knowledge of the existing layers of
infrastructure may reward planners with insights such as knowing the gaps in
existing service that a new one may fill, discovering ways to save
development effort for a new project by integrating with current
infrastructure, and understanding usage patterns that may help predict the
best places to initially roll out a new service. Look at the streetscape of
a typical city and you’ll see the layers, old and new. Sewers, sidewalks,
bike lanes, buses, and telephone poles line the streets. The poles are slung
with wires that carry electricity, telephone, cable TV, and the information
superhighway. The infrastructure that surrounds us is the result of an
iterative process of change and evolution over time. Humanities
cyberinfrastructure will be no different.
SNAC is not possible without the many layers of humanities infrastructure
that have come before it. SNAC is built on top of a long-standing
infrastructure stack that has served the scholarly community in a reciprocal
relationship, where it has been shaped and honed by scholarly use and in
turn has also shaped how scholars do their research. Any attempt to build
cyberinfrastructure ought to include a process of looking back while moving
forward. Which facets of prior infrastructure continue to be important
today? How can new technology be used to augment and extend those facets to
create a new layer of the infrastructure stack? Of course, some may ask, is
it even worth building? Certainly there are some who will have doubts about
the value of cyberinfrastructure and this points to the importance of the
Z-axis of the evaluation criteria. Cyberinfrastructure will not emerge
unless it is designed in a way that balances traditional research methods
along with the pursuit of advanced technology. One way to design technology
that respects the traditions of the past is to look back at the
infrastructure stack upon which the new technology is being built and not
neglect the scholarly activity it supports. If one can build a technology
that eliminates artificial or unnecessary restrictions on scholarly
activity, freeing scholars to do what they really want to do — read, write,
analyze, produce knowledge, and distribute it — then that technology will be
successful [
Juola 2008]. What follows is a discussion of
several key pieces of the stack beneath SNAC.
Arguably one of the earliest forms of infrastructure supporting information
for and about humans is the practice of naming people and their
organizations. The abstract appellation is a shorthand way of referencing a
whole person in narratives, news, rumors, documents, and data systems like
SNAC. Look back at Figures 3 and 4 in this article and notice the primacy of
names in SNAC's radial graph. Figure 5 shows a portion of the SNAC
prototype's home page where a searchable list of names provides access to
data contained in SNAC. The history of naming is long, but is perhaps most
significantly related to SNAC in the way personal names reflect the growing
complexity of society. For example, the legal and judicial systems of
expanding towns in medieval Europe needed to identify individuals clearly in
order to attach them to property, to tax and recruit them, and to prosecute
them, eventually leading to compulsory naming in the modern era for these
reasons [
Wilson 1998]. All human organizations now have some
bureaucratic interest in names and the official records of many
institutions, from churches to governments to corporations and beyond, can
end up residing in the next level of the infrastructure stack, the archive.
Archives are institutions that collect the unique records of corporations and
the papers of individuals and families, the unselfconscious by-products of
corporate bodies conducting business and people living their lives [
Pitti 1999]. Archives are part of our culture's memory
infrastructure, collecting material of legal and historical value. “Any record of human
experience can be a data source to a humanities scholar”
Borgman 2009]. Historians list just about every conceivable type of material as
important to their work, including primary source material such as reports,
wills, deeds, diaries, letters, and so on, all materials to be found in the
archives [
Case 1991]. What tool can a scholar use to find the
needles in the haystacks of archives? That would be the next level of the
infrastructure stack.
Finding Aids
A finding aid is a printed description of all the records left in an archive
with a common creator or source. A finding aid contains a description of the
creator, functions performed by the creator, and the records generated by
the creator through the performance of those functions [
Pitti 2006]. The finding aids provide context to archival
collections and detail their contents [
Daines and Nimer 2012].
Reading through finding aids has been listed by some historians as the most
frequently used method for locating primary source material [
Dalton and Charnigo 2004]. The archival descriptive principle that
organizes material based on its provenance (who created the collection)
causes personal and organizational names to be a key access point for
finding information in archives. Of course, this creator attribute of a
finding aid is not the only name. Deeper sections of the finding aid
describing the contents of a collection will also contain a wealth of names.
Experienced researchers often know the names of key people or organizations
connected to their topics of interest and pursue source material linked to
those names to provide context [
Duff and Johnson 2002]. Reading
finding aids and collecting names found therein is a method for building up
a list of leads to new sources. Finding aids have been an integral part of
humanities infrastructure, but for a long time the descriptive practice did
not conform to expectations of consistency one might expect from such a
system. Archivists initially developed specialized local practices for
describing their collections, believing their collections to be too unique
to employ standardized practices. However, over time, archivists came to
realize that although the contents of their collections are unique, the
properties, characteristics, and needs of these collections are not [
Theimer 2011]. This realization, combined with the energy
behind automating digital forms of description, led to the adoption of the
structured standard embodied in the next level of the infrastructure
Encoded Archival Description
The Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Document Type Definition (DTD) is a
standard for encoding archival finding aids using Extensible Markup Language
(XML) [
Library of Congress 2011 a]. Development of the data standard began in
1993, currently exists in a version released in 2002, and has been adopted
by archives to enhance access to their collections by displaying the finding
aids online and enabling full text indexing for easier keyword searching
Pitti 1999]. The schema is intended to represent
traditional print finding aids in machine-readable form and contains
elements to hold the same information one would find in those finding aids,
such as the creators, their functions, biographical information, and
descriptions of individual records in a creator’s collection [
Pitti 2006]. While EAD transformed archival description and
brought it into the digital age, the print conventions retained in the
presentations of online finding aids has been criticized as inappropriate
for the Web and archivists were urged to explore different ways of
presenting finding aid content online [
Daines and Nimer 2012].
Archivists themselves increasingly recognize that the structure of the
traditional finding aid, which is embodied in EAD, is inflexible and
inefficient when dealing with complex, interrelated records [
Pitti 2004]. The next level up in the infrastructure stack,
the aforementioned EAC-CPF, provides the key to revolutionizing archival
description and online access. However, before I address that, there’s one
more part of the stack that bears mentioning.
Before reaching the top of this mostly archival infrastructure stack a side
step to library infrastructure is necessary. An authority record is “a tool used by librarians to
establish forms of names (for persons, places, meetings, and
organizations), titles, and subjects used on bibliographic
Library of Congress 2011 b]. Of particular interest to SNAC are the collection of authorized
names (such as “Twain, Mark, 1835-1910”) and the list of
cross-references that lead to the authorized names (such as “Snodgrass,
Quintus Curtius, 1835-1910” and “Clemens, Samuel Langhorne,
1835-1910”). For reasons that will be described shortly, SNAC relies
on authority files to flesh out the biographical descriptions of people and
organizations in its data.
Encoded Archival Content – Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families
Encoded Archival Content – Corporate bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF)
is the top of the infrastructure stack that supports SNAC. EAC-CPF Schema is
a standard for encoding contextual information about persons, corporate
bodies, and families related to archival materials using XML [
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, n.d.]. EAC-CPF solves a problem inherent in traditional
finding aids and EAD, that is the difficulty of representing complex records
with a single document. Archival records are often of mixed provenance or
the records of the same provenance can be dispersed over numerous archives.
This situation causes unnecessary redundancy and duplication of effort [
Pitti 2004]. EAC-CPF solves this problem by enabling the
separation of creator description from record description. Maintaining a
unique, centralized creator record not only reduces redundancy and
duplication of effort, but also provides an efficient means of linking
creators to the functions and activities carried out by them, to the
dispersed records they created or to which they are related, and to other
related creators [
Pitti 2006].
As I mentioned before, one of SNAC’s primary objectives is the creation of a
large (and growing) collection of EAC-CPF records that power its prototype
access system. As its original National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
proposal describes, SNAC takes three steps to generate creator descriptions
in EAC-CPF [
IATH n.d. a]. First, preliminary EAC-CPF records are
derived from name and biographical components of EAD. The structured nature
of the EAD records enables information to be migrated directly into the
EAC-CPF format through automated EXtensible Style Sheet Transformations
(XSLT). A less simple part of this first step is the extraction of names
from semi-structured and free form text fields that require natural language
processing techniques.
In the second step, duplicate EAC-CPF records that describe the same person,
family, or corporate body are automatically matched and merged into a single
record. This process presents a challenge for SNAC. It’s not unusual for
people and corporate bodies to use different names and leave records behind
under those various names. Additionally, the EAD records, while structured,
often contain text data created manually by humans. Consequently, names may
contain misspellings or the same name may be entered in a variety of ways,
such as “Twain, Mark, 1835-1910,”
“Twain, Mark,”
“Mark Twain,” or “M. Twain.” For more information on this step and
further technical details about the entire SNAC project, see Larson and
Janakiraman [
Larson and Janakiraman 2011].
The third step involves matching the set of EAC-CPF records against
authority records from the Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF)
and the Getty Vocabulary Program Union List of Artists’ Names (ULAN). Doing
so will enable the project to set the authoritative form of a name as the
primary name in the EAC-CPF record as well as incorporating a list of
alternative forms. Also, biographical/historical data found in the ULAN
files will be added to the data in the EAC-CPF record to form a more
complete description of the person, family, or corporate body.
As of August 2014, SNAC has derived more than 2.6 million EAC-CPF records by
extracting data from 2.2 million WorldCat archival descriptions and nearly
300,000 British Library authority records. Future phases of development
expect to derive data from nearly 190,000 more descriptions of historical
collections from other government and academic archives and libraries [
IATH 2014]. SNAC’s prototype access system and the radial
graph visualization tool are the current examples, but more may be
developed. Perhaps, in time, such tools will come to be considered as
essential to humanities research infrastructure as the earlier layers of the
stack that support them.
This case study has discussed the development of cyberinfrastructure at the
level of building tools to enhance research. I used SNAC as an example
because it allowed me to illustrate several variables that ought to be
considered when designing a research tool for humanities
cyberinfrastructure: size and scope of the project, members of the project’s
team, and choice of technologies. SNAC aims to be a project of great size
focused on a narrow mission — creating a network of archival data. To meet
the specific research needs of its anticipated community of users SNAC will
leverage the power of its data to provide access to research materials
through integration with existing infrastructure. This goal could not be
achieved without a diverse group of collaborators, from technology
specialists to humanists, each representing the various domains of expertise
that contribute to the project. This variety of influence on SNAC’s design
contributes to decision-making that weighs the merits of traditional
infrastructure and advanced cyberinfrastructure. SNAC adopts and develops
technologies that best meet the needs of humanities researchers while
pushing the limits of what is possible. One key way designers of SNAC ensure
that the needs of current scholars are met is to heed the heritage of the
project’s infrastructure stack. The creators of SNAC have understood the
infrastructure of the past and present, identified what has served users
well and which aspects need improvement, and thought creatively about how to
augment existing services and solve current problems. Further examples of
new cyberinfrastructure are likely to evolve naturally from the layers of
existing infrastructure in this way as opportunities to build new layers are
realized in the future, just as the infrastructure layers of the past were
once new solutions to old research challenges. Research infrastructure both
reflects and inspires humanities thinking and methods. As old obstacles to
research crumble through the development of new infrastructure, new methods
evolve and generate new challenges to bedevil researchers. The developers of
infrastructure respond with technology and ingenuity, creating new services
to meet these challenges. The cycle continues to this day, where digital
technologies are inspiring new methods of research and new tools are being
designed to facilitate, enhance, and accelerate those methods while
eventually setting the stage for the next evolution in humanities thinking.
While I have discussed mainly tool building, cyberinfrastructure is much more
than that. Cyberinfrastructure is the digital manifestation of a research
culture. However, even while designing cyberinfrastructure at this grand
scale, some of the variables that contribute to the success of a single tool
may also contribute to successful shaping of a digital culture. SNAC can
serve as an illustrative example in this regard, too. To better serve the
entire research community SNAC intends to grow from the size of a research
project to a self-sustaining national program. The Institute for Museum and
Library Services (IMLS) has funded a project named Building a National
Archival Authorities Infrastructure to help meet this goal. A proper mix of
collaborators that represent the breadth of the project’s stakeholders is
essential to bring this plan to fruition. The IMLS funding will support a
meeting of leaders in the archive, library, museum, scholarly, and funding
communities to determine the requirements of building a sustainable National
Archival Authorities Cooperative (NAAC) [
IATH n.d. d]. This
cooperative would go far beyond SNAC in scale, but share the same narrow
scope as SNAC. It intends to do a few things very well, but at a national
scale: provide integrated access to the records held in government,
business, and research archives across the United States as well as access
to the social networks of the people whose lives are documented in those
records. At this level of cyberinfrastructure building, researching new
technology plays less of a role than developing new policy recommendations
for the business, governing, and technical requirements for NAAC. However, a
great deal of emphasis is placed on the top of SNAC’s infrastructure stack,
the EAC-CPF standard [
IATH n.d. e]. Writing about EAC-CPF several
years ago, Pitti predicted that this “standard for creator
description will facilitate building international, national,
regional, and institutional biographical and historical databases
that can serve as resources”
Pitti 2004]. To that end, the IMLS funding will also support workshops and
scholarships to attend them in which EAC-CPF will be taught to increase
understanding and expertise in archival authority control. Broad adoption of
this standard by the archival community is a necessary component to building
the immense collection of data which tools like those developed in the SNAC
project require in order to become a major contribution to
As progress continues with SNAC, NAAC, and other related research efforts, it
appears that tools like those discussed in this case study will continue to
grow and serve their intended community of scholars. In time, perhaps new
projects will emerge to fill gaps in other disciplines. As this happens, we
will get closer and closer to the goal set forth by the ACLS [
ACLS 2006] report on cyberinfrastructure to create an
integrated digital representation of the cultural record, connect its
disparate parts and make the resulting whole more available to one and all,
over the network.
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