Volume 8 Number 1
Digital Humanities, Postfoundationalism, Postindustrial Culture
This article articulates a view of the digital humanities that hopes to advance the discipline across broad scholarly and administrative contexts. It will succeed in its aims if it is both comprehensible to newcomers and stimulating for experienced practitioners: a “bridging” effort, but one undertaken with serious intent. It proceeds by isolating a key debate for examination, describing two concepts that go a significant distance to solving issues raised by that debate (but not far enough), and exploring the theoretical writings of a selection of high profile digital humanists. The goal (a non-trivial undertaking) is to illustrate the utility of postfoundationalism as a conceptual tool, its interdependence with postindustrial culture, and the light it sheds on our understanding of what “DH” is. If successful the article, rather than making an essentialist claim that “Digital Humanities is defined by postfoundational method,” will constitute a contribution to the developing digital humanities “agenda.”
This is well and good and, ignoring for the moment people who would strongly disagree with such a broad statement, useful in its Catholicism. But it makes the task of “defining the digital humanities” difficult [Terras et al. 2013]. Even if there is no great desire to define a “discipline” in the traditional sense of the term, the field needs to find intellectual levers that can make sense of a very broad definitional continuum, and explain to stakeholders what DH is, how it is connected to the current difficulties encountered by the humanities, how it is connected to broader postindustrial culture, and how technical DH outputs should be assessed. Without answers to these issues the field is unlikely to gain either high levels of student engagement, or a portion of increasingly competitive funding sources.I use “digital humanities” as an umbrella term for a number of different activities that surround technology and humanities scholarship. Under the digital humanities rubric, I would include topics like open access to materials, intellectual property rights, tool development, digital libraries, data mining, born-digital preservation, multimedia publication, visualization, GIS, digital reconstruction, study of the impact of technology on numerous fields, technology for teaching and learning, sustainability models, media studies, and many others. [Gavin et al. 2012, 61]
A field’s agenda consists of what its practitioners agree ought to be done, a consensus concerning the field’s problems, their order of importance, the means of solving them (the tools of the trade), and perhaps most importantly, what constitutes a solution. Becoming a recognized practitioner means learning the agenda and helping to carry it out. [Mahoney 2004, 9]
The DH Moment
Liu’s argument is that this unpreparedness stems from a general resistance to theorizing the deeper cultural significance of the discipline across the DH community, in favor of building tools, systems and websites, and programming code [Liu 2011b]. Manfred Thaller probably wouldn’t agree with that sentiment, but appears similarly frustrated about the long-standing tension in the digital humanities over whether the discipline has “an intellectual agenda or […] constitute[s] an infrastructure” [Thaller 2012, 20]. In sanguine voice Willard McCarty has pointed out that “…complaints of stagnation and theoretical poverty…” have followed the discipline since at least 1962 [McCarty 2012, 27]. It is worth remembering in this context that the older humanities computing tradition was not associated with what could be termed the “main currents” of late twentieth century intellectual culture. The heated debate surrounding Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman’s Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery (1974) provides one example of how it could become enmeshed in topical debates (in this case around cliometrics, or the use of quantification in economic history), but humanities computing was not known for its engagement with high-profile intellectual trends. Analysis of the Humanist email seminar, run by Willard McCarty since 1987, backs this up [Rockwell and Sinclair 2012].the digital humanities are not ready to take up their full responsibility [to reinvigorate the Humanities] because the field does not yet possess an adequate critical awareness of the larger social, economic, and cultural issues at stake. [Liu 2011a, 11]
He followed up by opining:Do you have to know how to code? I’m a tenured professor of digital humanities and I say “yes.”
Ramsay later softened his position, and has produced his own significant contribution to digital literary theory, but his comment brought a challenging vein of digital humanities discourse into the light of day. Some people were angered, and felt that such a “brazen” attitude opened up a space for them to air mounting grievances. The assumption was that Ramsay’s comment betrayed a lingering prejudice across the discipline that equated the ability to write computer code with hostility to Theory. This may or may not have been an unjust conflation, but for whatever reason the association of coding with anti-theoretical prejudice had become a touchstone issue.But if you are not making anything, you are not — in my less-than-three-minute opinion — a digital humanist.
The two tweets provided a summation of the hack versus yack debate in 280 characters, with a substantial dose of irony.DH arguments are encoded in code. I disagree with the notion that those arguments must be translated / re-encoded in text.
@foundhistory @ncecire If you can't explain to me in words how your code works, you don't really know how it works. [Scheinfeldt and Shaw 2011]
#!/usr/bin/python # Loop through images and feed to facial detection script import os import face_detect #rootdir = "/home/tim/mycode/recordsearch/src/recordsearchtools/files/E752" rootdir = "/home/tim/mycode/recordsearch/src/recordsearchtools/files/ST84-1" #rootdir = "/home/tim/mycode/recordsearch/src/recordsearchtools/files/test" #rootdir = "/home/tim/mycode/recordsearch/src/recordsearchtools/files/ST84-1/1907-391-400-[1731871]" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir, topdown=True): for file in files: print 'Processing %s' % file face_detect.process_image(os.path.join(root, file))
#!/usr/bin/python # face_detect.py # Face Detection using OpenCV. Based on script at: # http://creatingwithcode.com/howto/face-detection-in-static-images-with-python/ # Usage: python face_detect.py [image filename] import sys,os from opencv.cv import * from opencv.highgui import * from PIL import Image, ImageOps CLASSIFIER = '/usr/share/doc/opencv-doc/examples/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' CROP_DIR = '/home/tim/mycode/recordsearch/src/recordsearchtools/files/crops' def detect_objects(fn, image): """Detects faces and then crops the image.""" #grayscale = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image.width, image.height), 8, 1) #cvCvtColor(image, grayscale, CV_BGR2GRAY) storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0) cvClearMemStorage(storage) #cvEqualizeHist(grayscale, grayscale) cascade = cvLoadHaarClassifierCascade(CLASSIFIER, cvSize(1,1)) faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(image, cascade, storage, 1.3, 3, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20,20)) if faces: i = 1 for f in faces: #newfn = fn + ".output.jpg" #os.system("convert %s -stroke red -fill none -draw 'rectangle %d,%d %d,%d' %s" % (fn, f.x, f.y, f.x+f.width, f.y+f.height, newfn)) #os.system("mv %s %s.orig" % (fn, fn)) #os.system("mv %s %s" % (newfn, fn)) #print("[(%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)]" % (f.x, f.y, f.x+f.width, f.y+f.height)) file, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) im = Image.open(fn) # Increase selected area by 50px on each side then crop im = im.crop((f.x-50, f.y-50, f.x+f.width+50, f.y+f.height+50)) # Minor contrast adjustment im = ImageOps.autocontrast(im, cutoff=0.5) im.load() crop = '%s/%s_crop_%s.jpg' % (CROP_DIR, os.path.basename(file), i) im.save(crop, "JPEG") check_crop(crop) i += 1 def check_crop(crop): """Try to reduce false positives by doing a second pass and deleting images that fail.""" image = cvLoadImage(crop); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0) cvClearMemStorage(storage) cascade = cvLoadHaarClassifierCascade(CLASSIFIER, cvSize(1,1)) faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(image, cascade, storage, 1.3, 3, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cvSize(20,20)) if faces: if faces[0] is None: os.remove(crop) else: os.remove(crop) def process_image(fn): image = cvLoadImage(fn); detect_objects(fn, image) def main(): image = cvLoadImage(sys.argv[1]); detect_objects(sys.argv[1], image) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
The Epistemology of Building
Ramsay and Rockwell interpret this to mean that we need to develop a “humanistically informed theory of the making of technology,” an epistemology of building that provides scholarly justification for DH outputs in a way that makes sense to our peers in cognate disciplines [Ramsay and Rockwell 2012].Computational form, which accepts only that which can be told with programmatic explicitness and precision, is thus radically inadequate for representing the full range of knowledge — hence useful for locating what gets lost when we try to specify the unspecifiable. [McCarty 2005, 25]
Following this line of argument, which is a powerful one, arguments for more or less critical or cultural theory are simply components of a larger problem. The hack versus yack debate means little in the context of a 2000-year-old tradition, after all. This isn’t to criticize the many excellent scholars who have contributed to the discipline over the decades, or to ignore the growing body of work (much of it cited in this article) that suggests growth towards what Lakatos terms the ‘hard-core’ humanities. Any digital humanist who has spent a considerable amount of time staring at code to work out a particular problem will understand why this is easier said than done: the conceptual divide that separates Computer Science and the Humanities is large, and it is natural to only think in one of the two paradigms at any one time. Digital humanists need bridging concepts, or concepts that work just as well for the digital humanities as their analog cousins — levers capable of raising our conceptual understanding to new levels.what Lakatos (1980) would have called the “hard-core” of the humanities, the unspoken assumptions and ontological foundations which support the ‘normal’ research that humanities scholars undertake on an everyday basis. [Berry 2011, 4]
a robust context-transcendent truth standard which, in virtue of preserving the ‘aporetic tension’ inherent in the distinction between what is true and what we hold to be true, suffices to ensure that proffered knowledge claims are held open to critical scrutiny in an indefinitely extended array of situated forums. [Healy 2007, 143]
Such an interpretation works equally well for a writer like Stephen Ramsay, who “tries to locate a hermeneutics at the boundary between mechanism and theory” [Ramsay 2011b, x], pointing out thatNew media cannot be studied apart from individual instances of inscription, object, and code as they propagate on, across, and through storage devices, operating systems, software environments, and network protocols … [Kirschenbaum 2007, 63]
Peter Lunenfeld et al. suggest that the discipline needs to engage “with design as a method of thinking-through-practice”:[T]he stratum that we lodge ourselves upon with algorithmic criticism is one in which both results and the textual generation of results are systematically manipulated and transformed, connected and reconnected with unlike things. [Ramsay 2011b, 63]
Franco Moretti offers something similar when he notes that for himDigital Humanities is a production-based endeavor in which theoretical issues get tested in the design of implementations, and implementations are loci of theoretical reflection and elaboration. [Lunenfeld et al. 2012, 13]
Extending the theme into the materialist world of the hard drive platters and inscribed bits that mediate the manipulation of digitized sources, William Turkel suggests digital humanists would be well-served to think “in terms of transduction, the conversion of energy from one form to another” [Turkel 2011, 287–296]. In their introduction to the Journal of Digital Humanities special issue devoted to topic modeling, Elijah Meeks and Scott Weingart note that:[The map itself is not an] explanation, of course: but at least, it offers a model of the narrative universe which rearranges its components in a non-trivial way, and may bring some hidden patterns to the surface. [Moretti 2005, 53–54]
[I]n digital humanities research we use tools, make tools, and theorize tools not because we are all information scientists, but because tools are the formal instantiation of methods. [Meeks and Weingart 2012, 5]
Postindustrial Culture
Digital Humanities is not only characterized by the use of tools like Twitter (along with code, databases, ontologies etc.), it is constituted by them; the discipline assimilates digital tools and methods to the point where they become the thing itself. This is, of course, exactly what we should expect in bringing technology into such a fundamental relationship to scholarly activity. As Heidegger noted in 1949, technology is more than mere techne, or practical art:In as much as digital humanities is an Internet-based social network, it should come as no surprise that digital humanities looks a lot like the Internet itself. Digital humanities takes more than tools from the Internet. It works like the Internet. It takes its values from the Internet. [Scheinfeldt 2010]
As Galey and Ruecker noted in their contribution to the DH discussion about the epistemology of building, tools like Twitter ‘contain arguments that advance knowledge about the world’. In assimilating them into fundamental humanistic practice, to the point where understanding of their essential (engineered) nature is a requirement of participation in the debate, digital humanists are engaging in a postfoundational process with far-reaching consequences. A similar argument can be made for the fringe DH activity of contributing to post-disaster cultural heritage archiving and recovery, expressed in projects like the September 11 Digital Archive [RRCHNM 2002], the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank [RRCHNM 2011-], the UC CEISMIC Canterbury Earthquakes Digital Archive [Millar et al. 2011-], and Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive [Dillon et al. 2013]. Although not the first thing people would expect humanists to become involved in, it doesn’t take much thought to realize that the interventions of these teams was informed by a range of humanist thinking — about civic responsibility, the importance of cultural memory, public history, engaged scholarship — and that were it not for them significant amounts of valuable cultural heritage content would have been lost. The teams’ scholarly knowledge was put to use via postfoundational methods that resulted in significant contributions to national and international culture.the manufacture and utilization of equipment, tools, and machines, the manufactured and used things themselves, and the needs and ends that they serve, all belong to what technology is. Technology itself is a contrivance — in Latin, an instrumentum. [Heidegger 1978, 288]
These projects have been added to by The Praxis Network,[4] a group of “allied but differently-inflected humanities education initiatives… engaged in rethinking pedagogy and campus partnerships in relation to the digital” [Nowviskie et al. 2012-] and ADHO Special Interest Groups like Global Outlook: Digital Humanities (ADHO, 2013-), which seeks to assist in the equitable global development of digital humanities as a field.4Humanities began because the digital humanities community — which specializes in making creative use of digital technology to advance humanities research and teaching as well as to think about the basic nature of the new media and technologies — woke up to its special potential and responsibility to assist humanities advocacy. The digital humanities are increasingly integrated in the humanities at large. They catch the eye of administrators and funding agencies who otherwise dismiss the humanities as yesterday’s news. They connect across disciplines with science and engineering fields. They have the potential to use new technologies to help the humanities communicate with, and adapt to, contemporary society.
Chun was articulating specific concerns, but they were informed by an awareness of the kind of cultural critique practiced by Liu. She was pointing out that the hype associated with the digital humanities shouldn’t (or shouldn’t be allowed to) hide the fact that the field is as pressured as any other in the arts and humanities by technocratic tendencies and a drift towards corporatism within universities.As in the case of the repeated pratfalls of the slapstick comedian, stuplimity emerges in the performance of such fatigue-inducing strategies, in which the gradual accumulation of error often leads to the repetition of a refrain: “too strong”; or “something wrong there.” [Ngai 2000, 19]