Volume 4 Number 1
Digital Encoding as a Hermeneutic and Semiotic Act: The Case of Valerio Magrelli
In this article we propose different methods of encoding, according to the TEI Guidelines, three different cases of genetic or compositional textual variants found in the autographs of the Italian contemporary poet Valerio Magrelli. These encoding experiments reflect the diverse nature of the artifacts and represent a critical assessment of the effectiveness of present encoding practices for the multidimensional and pragmatic aspects of authorial drafts. Thus far, it seems that the TEI has yet to offer a convincing theoretical model and adequate practical solutions for representing the complex temporal structures normally present in manuscripts, and in fluid textual traditions in general. Our conclusion is that there is a potential conflict between the linear and hierchical nature of current formal language systems such as XML, and the intrinsic dynamic nature of the writing process. In such cases we may have to rethink present models of document modeling, and to develop, within an adequate epistemological framework, a new theory of digital text.
1. Fluid Text and Markup Languages
We must understand and keep in mind that at the moment of data entry the text (the entire quantity of information contained within it) is being entrusted to a different channel from that in which it has survived until now (if one of the elements of the system of communication changes, the others necessarily change as well). We must also always remember that transcription is in any case an interpretative act that manifests itself at the very moment in which we take any decision: from the simplest — is this element a full stop, the end of an abbreviation or a dash? – to the more complex — is this other case a verse, a single verse on two printed lines, or two verses? [Gigliozzi 1998, 228]
2. TEI-XML Encoding of the Poetry of Valerio Magrelli
2.1 Space and Time. Encoding of the Autograph of “Molto sottrae il sonno alla vita”
<lg> <l>verse</l> <l>verse</l> <l>verse</l> </lg>
2.1.1 First Encoding
<handNote xml:id="blue" scribe="Magrelli" medium="blue biro"/> <add hand="#blue" place="left">E</add> Il sonno <subst> <del hand="#blue" type="overstrike">è l'indiscreto ospite<lb/>irresistibile</del> <add hand="#blue">si allarga <add hand="#blue">nel corpo/<milestone unit="verse"/> come un secondo<lb/> corpo intollerabile./<milestone unit="verse"/></add> </subst>
2.1.2 Second Encoding
<app> <rdg varSeq="1">Il sonno è l'indiscreto ospite<lb/> irresistibile.</rdg> <rdg varSeq="3"><add hand="#blue" place="left">E</add> Il sonno <del hand="#blue" type="overstrike">è l'indiscreto ospite<lb/> irresistibile.</del> <add hand="#blue" place="top">si allarga come un secondo<lb/> corpo intollerabile</add></rdg> <rdg varSeq="4"><seg type="l">E il sonno si allarga <add hand="#blue" place="supralinear">nel corpo</add></seg> <seg type="l">come un secondo<lb/> corpo intollerabile</seg></rdg> </app><lb/>
Subsequently the author inserted with the blue biro an E and modified the verse, deleting a portion of it (è l’indiscreto ospite // irresistibile) and added some new text (si allarga come un secondo corpo intollerabile). Hence we have1. Il sonno è l’indiscreto ospite irresistibile (red biro).
The result of the final revision is the integration of “nel corpo/” and the introduction of a metrical structure (the character / indicates the end of a verse):3. E il sonno si allarga come un secondo // corpo intollerabile
In the encoding, we have chosen to represent not only the actions of the author and hence the physical data (cancellation, rewriting, insertion of elements which subdivide the verse unit) but also the consequences of these actions (the first portion of text is substituted by another, forming a new verse; this is turn undergoes variation to form two new verses). Then, by eliminating the empty milestone element and inserting the <seg type="l"> tag, we make one reconstruction of the verse explicit, while marking the end of the typographic line with <lb/>.4. E il sonno si allarga nel corpo / come un secondo // corpo intollerabile /
- We represent textual variation with the <app> tag and indicate the sequence of the author’s corrections with the varseq attribute;
- We contain the textual variation within the element <seg type="l">, representing the reconstruction of the verse unit;
- We avoid the redundancy of empty elements by specifying which unit undergoes textual variation.
2.2 Alternative or Variant? Encoding of Ecco la lunga palpebra della donna
1 <handNote xml:id="M" scribe="Magrelli"/> <!-- ... --> <rdg varSeq="2"><subst><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">traccia</del><add hand="#M" 5 place="right">cenno</add></subst></rdg> <rdg varSeq="3"><subst><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">cenno</del><add hand="#M" place="supralinear">porta</add></subst></rdg> </app> 10 </seg><lb/> <seg type="l">d'un <app> <rdg varSeq="1">lungo</rdg> <rdg varSeq="2"><subst><del hand="#M" 15 type="overstrike">lungo</del><add hand="#M" place="supralinear"><emph rend="circle" n="adj_2">antico</emph></add></subst></rdg> </app> acquedotto di sguardi, </seg><lb/> 20 <seg type="l"> <app> <rdg varSeq="1">una orbita assorta e magica</rdg> <rdg varSeq="2">una<subst><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">orbita</del><add hand="#M" 25 place="supralinear">curva</add></subst> <del hand="#M" type="overstrike">assorta</del> e <del hand="#M" type="overstrike">magica</del> e <add hand="#M" place="supralinear">muta</add></rdg> <rdg varSeq="3"><del hand="#M" 30 type="overstrike">una</del><add hand="#M" place="supralinear">la sua</add>curva <emph rend="circle" n="adj_3">sacra</emph> e <del hand="#M" type="overstrike">muta</del> <add hand="#M" place="supralinear"><emph rend="circle" 35 n="adj_4">solitaria</emph></add>: </rdg> </app> </seg><lb/> <seg type="l">ai suoi piedi 40 <app> <rdg varSeq="1">un pastore</rdg> <rdg varSeq="2"><add hand="#M" place="supralinear">nasce il canto <note type="arrow" resp="#M" place="foot"> 45 <list type="simple" n="adj_list1"> <item><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">DOLENTE</del></item> <item>PERPLESSO</item> <item>STUPITO</item> 50 <item><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">ATTONITO</del></item> </list> </note> d'un</add> pastore</rdg> 55 <rdg varSeq="3">nasce il canto <note type="arrow" resp="#M" place="foot"> <list type="simple" n="adj_list2"> <item><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">DOLENTE</del></item> 60 <item>PERPLESSO</item> <item>STUPITO</item> <item><del hand="#M" type="overstrike">ATTONITO</del></item> </list> 65 </note> <del hand="#M" type="overstrike">d'un</del> <add hand="#M" place="supralinear">perplesso d'un</add> pastore</rdg> </app> 70 </seg><lb/> <seg type="l"> <list type="varianti" resp="#M"> <item><emph rend="underlined" n="adj_5">perplesso</emph></item> 75 <item><emph rend="underlined" n="adj_6">stupito</emph></item> <item><emph rend="underlined" n="adj_7">inquieto</emph></item> </list> 80 <delSpan hand="#M" type="overstrike" spanTo="#delend01"/> <app> <rdg varSeq="1">suona e muore</rdg> <rdg varSeq="2"><del hand="#M" type="overstrike" n="d2">suona e</del> 85 <add hand="#M"> <list type="varianti" resp="#M"> <item>canta</item> <item>sogna</item> </add></list><anchor xml:id="delend01"/> 90 <del hand="#M" type="overstrike">muore</del><add hand="#M" place="right">piange.</add> </rdg> </app> </seg><lb/>
2.3 Backwards in Time: Encoding of Essere matita è segreta ambizione
- The yellow page preceding the corrections (A0)
- The photocopy without corrections (B)
- The yellow page with corrections (A).
2.3.1 Encoding of A
2.3.2 Encoding of B
Conclusions: The Epistemology of Variation
Of particular interest appears to be the recent deepening of the notion of “process,” which emerges in a separate but convergent manner from the study of phonetics and phonology, and from morphology and syntax ... These results converge towards a vision that is much more complex and empirically founded on the problem of the linearity of linguistic phenomena, showing that at each level of analysis global planes come into play behind the apparent seriality of linguistic production. ... One significant consequence of the creation of these new methods is that they succeed in reducing interest in the notion of process to the second level to the benefit of the notion of process. [Sornicola 2005, 37]
- acknowledge that the actual computational models, and in particular formal languages like XML, are not always adequate for the representation of unstable cultural information structures such as textual variants;
- rethink the models of digital documents, incorporating the vision of text as a process, a plastic phenomenon, part of a temporal continuum in which all of its “phases and structures” (material or abstract[15]) have “intrinsic meaning.” [16]