FLAME is an online digital humanities project providing economic data for
investigations of the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages (CE
325-750) in Western Eurasia and North Africa. While accumulating, entering, and
displaying the data, the project’s leadership has become increasingly aware of the
inherent distortions in these data. These deviations operate on various levels, from
the disparate events that provide the coin finds that serve as the basis of its data
to previously unexamined scholarly biases that underpin such a quantitative approach
to historical analysis. By systematically examining these phenomena, we hope to frame
a discussion of such inherent biases in other digital humanities undertakings.
When did antiquity end and when did Western Eurasia become medieval? FLAME (Framing
the Late Antique and Medieval Economy), a collaborative digital humanities project
based at Princeton University, aims to provide answers to this question through the
examination of coin data from the period of this transition — roughly 325–750 CE.
FLAME gathers as much coin-find evidence as possible, digitizes it, and visualizes
the results. In a series of conferences, we have examined this period and reflected
upon the possibilities that FLAME raises for framing (or re-framing) the discussion
of the ancient economy.
In this paper, we outline the shape of FLAME, starting with its questions and
motivations and describing its methodology and presentation. We highlight several
issues that demonstrate more general challenges to digital humanities projects,
particularly those that synthesize large and disparate bodies of evidence. We explore
the issue of systematic bias across our project layers. Beginning with the ancient
evidence itself, we suggest a typology of the bias that we have dealt with in the
course of the project, including biases that result from the project design itself.
We conclude that this bias creates insuperable obstacles for certain kinds of goals,
such as comprehensiveness, or even acceptable levels of representation for certain
regions, in pursuing big-data analysis in ancient history. The data is significant,
but there are also important lessons to be learned from its defects: among them how
to present systematic bias to users, as well as how to use data in ways that account
for identified biases.
1. Introduction to the FLAME project
The question of the late antique - early medieval
The nature of the transformation of Western Eurasia from the “ancient world” to
the beginning of the medieval one has long been debated. With the development
of scholarship, the types of the evidence used to attempt to answer this
question have continuously expanded. The classic studies on this subject, from
Gibbon 1776] to [
Dopsch 1923] and [
Pirenne 1922], based their arguments to a great extent on the
sparse literary and legal sources that survive from the fourth through the
eighth centuries CE. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, two major
works brought material culture into the conversation: [
McCormick 2001]
Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce,
A.D. 300-900 and [
Wickham 2005]
Framing the Early Middle Ages: Europe and the Mediterranean,
400-800. McCormick cited the importation of Arabic and Byzantine
coinage into Europe c. 750-900 as one of the catalysts of the development of a
distinctive European economy, but otherwise ignored earlier monetary
developments and was more anecdotal than systematic in his use of the evidence
of coin finds to illustrate commercial relations.
[1] Wickham avoided McCormick’s
Eurocentric approach and used a meticulous study of ceramic manufacture and
distribution to establish patterns of continuity and rupture of exchange around
the Mediterranean. He was explicit in his intention to eschew numismatic
analysis, explaining his decision in a footnote that expressed hope that future
studies would examine coinage more carefully.
The outlines of the changes in minting from antiquity to the Middle Ages have
long been clear. In the fourth century CE, the Roman Empire, which controlled
the Mediterranean and beyond in antiquity, had been using a trimetallic system
of gold, silver, and bronze in the Mediterranean world, while its Sasanian
(Persian) rival to the East used a currency that consisted almost entirely of
silver. By the eighth century, monetary economies in the region morphed into
new forms and standards. A silver-based monetary economy developed in Europe, a
bimetallic one of gold and bronze in Byzantium in the northeast Mediterranean,
and a trimetallic system in the extensive lands of the Umayyads in the greater
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. The extent and volume of the
circulation of the coins that these economies used can be determined only from
a careful compilation and study of modern coin finds. Although digital tools
facilitate the analysis and visualization of the resulting patterns in the
literature, an understanding of the underlying forces shaping this data is
necessary. Only a critical reflection on the processes that led to the
deposition, excavation, study, and compilation of late antique coins can help
overcome the biases inherent in these processes and contribute to the
historical narrative of the period.
FLAME was formed in 2013, in the context of the annual Stone Lectures at
Princeton which Chris Wickham delivered. It began as an explicit attempt to
take Wickham’s aforementioned footnote to illuminate the economic history of
western Eurasia from the fourth to eighth century by assembling and presenting
numismatic data. From the beginning, its creators conceived it as a resource
database, that is, making the data available to others online but also meeting
and managing the expectation of a broader audience than its creators.
[3] In retrospect, the project’s inception influenced several
subsequent biases.
[4] Although FLAME began with the
necessary academic expertise in numismatics, represented by Princeton’s
numismatist, Alan Stahl, who came up with the idea for the project, the early
stages of the project did not include any digital technical expertise and
included rudimentary and unstandardized Excel files. Then-graduate student Lee
Mordechai “grew” into the role of technical director over time. As a
result, FLAME developed organically and benefitted from formal expertise in the
digital humanities only after a couple of years. Most initial members were
postdocs and graduate students affiliated with Princeton at the time. Project
development was inconsistent until the hiring of Mark Pyzyk as full-time
project manager in 2020. The subsequent regular discussions in the project’s
weekly meetings were crucial in thinking about and fleshing out the biases
underlying FLAME, as well as attempts to resolve them and how to communicate
them to FLAME’s audience. FLAME’s leadership defined the temporal delimitation
of the project to c. 325-750 CE and divided the project into two consecutive
stages that would examine the simpler question of coin minting and the far more
complex problem of coin circulation.
As FLAME operated for several years without funding, its leadership prioritized
rapid data collection which would both serve as a proof-of-concept for
subsequent funding, as well as producing results that its many non-tenured
members could use in their research. In retrospect, this decision introduced
and amplified existing (but then unrecognized) biases. For example, each member
of FLAME was given responsibility for a defined region of western Eurasia. They
worked independently of each other, coordinating with the leadership. This
accelerated data gathering but probably also sharpened differences between
regions, compounding the problems in regional biases (see below). Although many
additional contributors have joined FLAME over the years, the rationale
underlying the project’s spatial division remains an organizing principle and
the project’s temporal limits have not moved. From an early stage, the project
decided to focus on a few key variables relevant to its driving questions and
ignore others. For example, FLAME records a coin’s metal but ignores its
weight, as well as descriptions of text or images it might bear. This was
another decision that expedited data gathering, but it also resulted in fewer
variables for cross-checking and made it more difficult to address some of the
project’s subsequent biases. A key subsequent decision, taken a few years
later, was to import data from other digital sources - again greatly increasing
the amount of data in FLAME but introducing its own biases (discussed
Today, FLAME’s application provides comprehensive data to its users while also
highlighting the many gaps in current scholarly knowledge. It encourages
historians and other users to be more cognizant of these unknowns and their
implications, fostering a more methodological and transparent approach to the
study of the economic aspects of the transition between Late Antiquity and the
Middle Ages. This paper focuses on the methodological and theoretical
contribution of FLAME to the broader discourse in the digital humanities.
Technical Approach
FLAME experimented with several different data structures before settling on
its current format. FLAME’s core is a relational database (SQL Server). Project
members add to and edit the database through an Admin Panel website, developed
in JavaScript. The public version of this website includes a list of possible
values for FLAME’s key variables such as metal, denomination and mint.
[5] Automatic tests within
the Admin Panel highlight potential issues with existing entries — for example,
coins with dates outside the project’s range — which require additional
attention from project contributors and administrators.
FLAME’s users interact with a graphic user interface (GUI). The GUI is based on
a map, developed in ArcGIS and JavaScript, on which the project’s data is
displayed. A side panel allows users to run advanced searches and place filters
on the data, with most results displayed on the map. Additional results may
appear in tabular or graph formats. FLAME’s design encourages exploration of
the results through customization. For example, when visualizing the coinage
output of a mint over time in a histogram, users can color-code different
elements based on the metallic content of coins minted in that location; the
data behind the histogram can then be exported in several formats (e.g. CSV,
FLAME has imported data from other projects and datasets. Some of these
projects are openly accessible online. Others consist of data collected by
individuals, who then decided to donate it to FLAME. The decision to import
data resulted in an increase in the size of FLAME’s database by an order of
magnitude but also led to multiple challenges in using and maintaining these
data (see below for biases). Each of these datasets is idiosyncratic in its
coverage and data structure, so FLAME converts the data to its own format using
custom-built scripts. Since these other projects and datasets are continuously
updated but have no API (Application Programming Interface), the process is
undertaken on an ad hoc basis, using custom-written scrapers and data
transformations, leaving the resultant data unlinked except for a reference URL
on FLAME’s side for users wishing to follow entries back to their source. For
this reason, FLAME keeps a record of the dataset, from which the information is
derived. Since the data is not linked according to a wider linked open data
standard, the same data points could appear in two different datasets with
different names. As digital numismatic projects operate autonomously, two or
more databases could and often do end up containing the same coin finds but
digitized and classified them according to different criteria, depending on the
idiosyncratic goals or structure of these projects. To evaluate potential
duplicate data, FLAME developed an additional program that suggests possible
duplicates, which are then checked by project staff.
Beginning in parallel to FLAME’s public launch in 2021, the project has begun
to place more emphasis on User Experience (UX) to make the site and web
applications more user-friendly. FLAME’s leadership has periodically observed
and interviewed potential users — specialist and non-specialist academics, as
well as some students. These interviews have resulted in changes to the
public-facing user interface (UI), as well as the development of new features.
The emphasis on UX developed further through collaboration with the University
of Houston’s SYRIOS project, a National Endowment for the Humanities-funded
project that illustrates the history of ancient Syria through coinage.
Within the typology of digital humanities projects, FLAME shares some of its
characteristics with other projects that work with material culture, and more
specifically projects that focus on numismatics.
[8] As such,
FLAME’s development coincides with that of several other digital projects
concerned with ancient numismatics. These projects were generally developed
organically as digital versions of traditional reference publications that
include as much data as possible that conform to certain criteria. Thus, for
example, the Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE) represents a catalog of
all coin types minted in the Roman Empire until 491 CE and was based on the
Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) series of reference works. Other projects include
the Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire (CHRE) project, which aims to collect all
the information about coin hoards in the Roman Empire and beyond between c. 30
BCE and 400 CE, and the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), which includes
archaeological objects found in England and Wales — mostly finds made and
reported by the public, including coins. Both these projects collected new
material and had no published precedent, but were nonetheless perceived as
digital versions of printed catalogs.
FLAME shares some of its core features with these projects. For example, like
FLAME, both the CHRE and PAS projects include a GUI, but unlike FLAME, both
CHRE and PAS place more emphasis on their data than their visual
representation. Both are also similar to FLAME in their data structure,
separating data at the level of individual coins and finds of coins found
within a common archaeological context. These approaches emerged organically in
different projects, resulting in different architectures. A subsequent
collaborative ontology, nomisma.org, was later established in an attempt to
provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts between these and
other numismatic projects. Projects such as OCRE and PAS have organized at
least some of their data in a Nomisma-compliant manner, although the many
technical challenges have slowed collaboration, including with FLAME.
Other digital numismatic projects focus almost always on a single political
entity (e.g., the Roman Empire) and/or a limited region (e.g., France). FLAME,
however, attempts to push the discussion forward by aggregating and harmonizing
data from different sources during a time of major change in its database.
Other numismatic projects facilitate answering numismatic research questions,
such as classifying coins into types, attempting to provide digital catalogs of
coins that share some variable, or finding patterns across coin finds.
[10] FLAME, on
the other hand, has as its core a historical question — the nature of the Late
Roman to Medieval transition — that is primarily concerned with change over
time whether through coin production (i.e. how many coins were produced) or
coin circulation (i.e. which coins circulated where). This has heightened our
sensitivity to data biases — regional, temporal, and compositional with respect
to coin find contents — at the level of project design. While our digital
numismatic colleagues are all well aware of these topics (we are under no
illusions here), FLAME has been incentivized by the nature of its starting
questions to dig deeper into these factors: how, otherwise, could we claim to
accurately pursue our main question?
2. Issues of bias
Over several years of working on FLAME’s development, reflecting on its features,
and receiving feedback from colleagues, we have concluded that FLAME’s data
contains serious gaps, reflecting biases that affect all stages in the process of
discovering, preserving and publishing coins. In theory, numismatics seems like an
ideal candidate for digitization because some of its variables–such as the number
of coins found or the year in which a coin was minted–are easily quantifiable and
thus facilitate further analyses. Although some earlier publications treated
biases in digital numismatics anecdotally, providing little empirical data or
theoretical reflection on them, there has been little systematic analysis on
issues addressing entire assemblages of numismatic materials.
[11] However, a
closer look at the numismatic evidence collected in the field — FLAME’s basic data
— reveals several types of biases, which we originally assumed could be minimized
through the accumulation of data. Once we had about a million coins in our
database, we believed, our database would be a more or less acceptable proxy for
the coins that were produced and circulated in Late Antiquity. In retrospect, this
view was naive. At present we believe that many of the biases we describe are
intractable in the near future and that tackling them would require significant
targeted research. As a result, despite the amount of data it contains, FLAME is
not a representative sample of the ancient monetary circulation.
We treat bias below on a spectrum of proximity to the ancient past. That is, the
closer the bias is to the historical material we propose to examine–e.g.,
individual transactions of coins, the burial of hoards, and so on–the more primary
we consider it. Critically, we insist on counting FLAME itself as a source of bias
that stands between researchers and the ancient past, sitting at the furthest
remove from the historical processes we provide insight into.
[12] Figure 1 below summarizes some of the biases that shaped
the patterns of the survival of coins of which scholarship is aware. It utilizes
“corpora” of coins - with a corpus consisting of a group of coins that
share some key characteristic (e.g. all coins found in southern France or all
coins produced in Constantinople). The figure demonstrates that only a tiny
fraction of coins survives and enters scholarly awareness.
The shaded area highlights the decrease from the total number of coins minted in
Late Antiquity on the left to the number represented in the FLAME database on the
right. In each of the three corpora (e.g., regions) the number of coins is reduced
over time for various reasons — some do not enter or survive in the soil and
others are not excavated or published. Within the figure, Corpus 1 is partially
excavated but never published; Some of the coins from Corpus 2 survive to appear
in FLAME; and Corpus 3 is partially published but FLAME utilizes it only in a
limited manner. The figure is not drawn to scale; while the amount of coins
produced at any point in Late Antiquity or the Early Middle Ages is unknown,
comparative evidence suggests that only an extremely small fraction of coins (i.e.
far less than 1%) produced would be reported in scholarship.
In the following section, we introduce four classes of bias: primary, secondary,
tertiary, and FLAME project bias. We begin, however, with Regional Bias (see next
section), as we believe that this methodological “layer” best illustrates the
complexities of the problem. While it is useful to think about proximity to the
past as a factor in data bias, Regional Bias shows that we must not fool ourselves
into isolating these categories from one another.
Regional Bias
Much of the bias in FLAME’s data emerges from regional differences rooted in
modern national or institutional factors, such as law, cultural organization,
national historical memory, or political circumstance — to say nothing of
economic reality. These national differences strongly influence the discovery,
preservation, and publication of archaeological objects. The absence of a
substantive rule of law can be ruinous to the cultural heritage of a region.
The most common form that this takes is the looting and selling of artifacts.
Such trade in looted goods has been regulated internationally since 1970 but
with unequal implementation.
[13] Those artifacts that are
not effectively controlled make their way through various channels to an
enormous market of collectors. In a global context, the vast majority of
countries are significantly affected by artifact looting. Even countries like
France, the United Kingdom, or the United States, which more effectively
regulate objects found within their borders, serve as an endpoint for artifacts
illicitly exported from other nations.
Ongoing warfare can also degrade or destroy a country’s cultural heritage.
Thus, regions such as Syria, Libya, and more recently Ukraine have suffered
serious loss of heritage objects and structures.
The circumstances particular to each region can be easily observed on FLAME’s
map of coin finds. Thus, FLAME’s users might be surprised to see that Italy and
Turkey at present contain considerably fewer coin finds in FLAME than England
and France. Italy and Turkey were far more central components in the late
antique monetized macro-economy and therefore we would expect them to be better
represented. That this is not the case is probably the result of modern
regional biases, rather than any ancient pattern of circulation and deposition.
FLAME has attempted to lessen such disparities, for example, through the
establishment of coordinated teams in such under-reported areas.
Numismatists with knowledge of these regions will be mostly unsurprised by
this. Most are aware that archaeological and scholarly circumstances are more
favorable in some places than in others. The question is why. Though a tempting
guess, it is not always a matter of wealth. Italy, for example, is a wealthy
country with a dynamic academic culture and a strong interest in excavating and
publishing archaeological materials on its territory. And yet we find
comparatively little published material there compared to some other countries.
On the other hand, Romania–significantly poorer today than Italy, but even more
so under communism–is among the best-excavated and published numismatic
contexts in Europe for late Roman coins. This was because its communist
government was strongly invested in establishing Romania’s “Roman” roots
and devoted enormous resources to supporting archaeological work, including
coin evidence, that furthered this ideological objective.
FLAME has approached this problem by investigating why a given region looks the
way that it does in FLAME. Answers are rarely simple and often require
considering the legal, political, and historical contexts that have shaped the
disciplinary histories and coin publication records of the region. These
factors have remained largely invisible to non-experts and seldom discussed in
publication, even among specialists.
Case Study: The United Kingdom
One of the best examples of such regional bias can be found in the United
Kingdom, which shows the influence of politics and law on the shape of modern
scholarship not only externally, in relation to other countries, but internally
as well. This bias explains the stark differences in coin finds reported in
England and Wales versus Scotland and Northern Ireland (discussed further
The main force behind this distortion has been the Portable Antiquities Scheme,
a government program operating since 1997 within the parameters of several
national heritage laws but in particular the Treasure Act — which deals with
archaeological finds of precious metal objects.
[16] The
PAS regulates and (sometimes controversially) incentivizes the discovery and
reporting of archaeological objects found by private individuals. While
individuals are required by law to report significant discoveries of more than
a single coin if gold or silver, or more than ten base metal (i.e. bronze)
coins, the PAS framework facilitates the process, preventing some of the more
important archaeological objects from being funneled into gray and black
markets. The objects are first inspected by local authorities — Field Liaison
Officers (FLOs) — who analyze, categorize, photograph, and record the objects
in an online database .
[17] Under most circumstances,
the reporters will receive the objects back, at which point they are free to do
with them what they want - and many do sell their finds to museums or on the
market. This process is arguably a great incentive for them to report their
finds or at least removes significant disincentives to doing so. The PAS is
therefore a point of contrast to the many countries where found artifacts are
considered the property of the state, with no (or limited) compensation offered
to finders. The data gleaned from the process is published by PAS online,
freely and openly. This has meant huge gains in coin find data for England and
Wales in the years since its adoption.
This bias is obvious when comparing England, a peripheral and minor part of the
Atlantic-Mediterranean macro-economy for much of the period FLAME covers, with
Mediterranean countries. Thus, England and Wales’s 1355 coin finds far
outnumber those of core economic regions in antiquity like Italy (467), Turkey
(265), and Egypt (74). This has much to do with the structure of reporting in
the UK, as well as the resources — and the legal enforcement efforts — devoted
to making the system work. As we mentioned earlier, because Scotland and
Northern Ireland do not participate in the PAS, the publication of coin finds
discovered on their territory lags significantly behind England and Wales. This
leads to a significant distortion in the British data encoded in FLAME; at the
moment, FLAME records almost nothing about coin circulation in the United
Kingdom outside of England and Wales. The British case study therefore
demonstrates the extent of some of the biases underlying intra- and
international variations within FLAME’s data, biases that would remain unknown
by most of the project’s users.
Primary biases (ancient)
The regional biases discussed above are a modern phenomenon. But other biases
lie much closer to the materials themselves and to the ancient economic
activity of which they were a part. What we define as primary biases derive
from lived experience in Late Antiquity and the early medieval period. Since we
cannot fully reconstruct lived experience in the past, many of these biases are
theoretical. Therefore, we must use proxies to answer questions about, e.g.,
the differential loss of coins. The few scholarly attempts made to understand
the effects of primary biases on the modern numismatic landscape (i.e., the
coins that scholars are left to work with in the present) have generally based
their studies on theoretical models derived from modern economic
[18] The vast differences between societies over time,
however, obstruct such an analogy. For example, there are obvious issues
inherent in comparing a monetary economy, where transactions and taxes were
paid in precious metal coins, to one where payments are primarily in credit and
most cash denominations are bills.
In the pre-modern world, coins served as means of exchange and holders of
wealth; they were issued in three metals (alloys based on gold, silver, and
copper, respectively) and in various denominations (standards of fineness and
weight holding a fixed value in the monetary system, e.g., in the contemporary
United States, coins of 1, 5, 10, 25, or 50 cents). At various times and places
in antiquity, certain metals and denominations were available, corresponding to
different sectors and levels of economic activity. In general, gold-based
coinages were used for extraordinary, costly transactions (e.g., purchases of
land) and constituted the principal medium for storing wealth. Copper-based
coins were used for everyday transactions. Silver-based coinages, between gold
and copper in value, were used for salaries and middle-range purchases, and
could also facilitate day-to-day exchanges and larger purchases.
Virtually all ancient and medieval coins available for collecting and study
have spent most of the time since their minting underground. They may have been
buried intentionally or accidentally. The chief reason for intentionally
burying coins in antiquity was that there were few alternatives to save wealth
securely. Pre-modern societies rarely had any form of deposit banking, and so
individuals or institutions usually put saved coins along with other precious
objects into a vessel, burying them somewhere they could be dug up when needed.
Such “hoards” frequently comprised the highest-value coins available to
whoever hid them. Hoarding was relatively common in the pre-modern world,
though perhaps more so in times of perceived insecurity (e.g., war). If the
burier failed to retrieve the coins, they might come down to us as a hoard.
Other intentional contexts for coin deposits would be the burial of individuals
or other ritual offerings. Such cultural practices lead to biases in the coins
that survive up to our times — for example, the clear bias towards high-value
gold and silver coins in most hoard finds.
Other coins ended up in the ground through a different mode — accidental loss.
The vast majority of coins found in excavations and single finds — which
represent random accidental losses — are copper. The simple act of accidentally
dropping a coin during a transaction or travel would have been the first step
in this process, but the likelihood that the person would have recognized the
loss and retrieved the coin is far more likely in the case of high-value coins,
especially in antiquity where a single gold coin could be worth hundreds of
bronze coins. Also important is the fact that copper is often less bright in
color than gold or silver. As artificial lighting was rare, many transactions
took place outdoors in dusty or muddy locations that were close to the color of
copper. Such coins were less likely than gold or silver to attract the
attention of passersby. Another factor in the predominance of copper coins in
archaeological contexts is their generally fiduciary nature; that is, their
value was dependent on the state’s commitment to convertibility into precious
metal coinage. In cases of demonetization, for example as part of a coinage
reform, such coins would be worthless and might be casually discarded. Within
this context, silver coins issued within a tri-metallic system might be
significantly under-represented in modern samples since they were noticeable
enough to be observed and retrieved when lost (as opposed to copper), but not
valuable enough to be well-represented in hoards (as opposed to gold).
Secondary bias (archaeology)
The second class of bias focuses on the archaeological context in which coins
are found, as well as the various natural and technical processes at play in a
coin’s survival over time and its subsequent discovery. Excavations are the
most common legal context from which buried coins are intentionally retrieved.
Within excavations, coins are valued as chronological indicators for a
particular archaeological layer. Most excavation coins are presumed to be the
result of unintentional loss and so, as sketched out above, are usually
copper-based and small. They are often in bad physical shape owing to wear
(since they were used daily), direct contact with corrosive environments (e.g.,
soil), and the greater susceptibility of copper to corrosion compared to silver
or gold. These factors tend to coincide with each other, often corroding coins
to the point that they are unreadable. A case in point is the minimi of the fifth and sixth centuries CE, a designation for coins of
about 10 mm in diameter, often poorly struck in the first place. The
categorization of such coins as unattributed or unidentified, — if they are recognized at all in the
course of excavation — is a source of bias on sites, especially when dealing
with strata associated with Late Antiquity. On the other hand, prominent
features on certain denominations might allow for partial identification. For
example, the sixth- and seventh-century Byzantine 40-nummi bronze piece is
quite large and heavy and carries a large M which is easily identifiable even
if other features are illegible.
A further source of bias among coins from excavations is the process of site
selection by archaeologists. Some of these are limited by definition - for
example, built-over areas in modern cities generally allow for only limited
archaeological excavations. Moreover, Late Antiquity, the period FLAME
investigates, has traditionally attracted less scholarly and public interest
than e.g. Greco-Roman antiquity, a period that remains the focus of many
excavated sites, or sectors within larger excavations. In FLAME’s case, this
probably contributes to the sharp reduction in coin finds between the beginning
and end of the period, with which the project is concerned. This imbalance in
the results of excavations often stems from ideological interests (for example,
demonstrating the level of civilization or identity of certain site
inhabitants). This might operate at the level of the archaeologists, those
granting funding or permits for excavations, or both. For instance, it is
common for excavations in Greece or Turkey for much of the 20th century to
bulldoze (often literally) through levels associated with medieval or late
antique remains, usually to reach Hellenistic and Classical layers, which
scholars, funders, and governments considered more prestigious. This affected
not only what came out of the ground, but where it went (into a bucket or a
museum showcase), as well as how it was preserved, cataloged, studied, and
Besides excavation contexts, coins are often discovered in hoard contexts.
Hoards are typically defined as two or more coins thought to have been buried
together, often in a vessel or other container, which exhibit a radically
different pattern of coin preservation. As hoards were usually buried in
secret, they are often found outside of habitation areas excavated by
archaeologists. In the nineteenth century, hoards were frequently discovered by
farmers as the result of adopting deeper plows or through exploitation of areas
that had been abandoned since the Middle Ages. The expansion of urban areas –
with their deeper digging for infrastructure (e.g. building foundations,
sewers, utilities, etc.) – as well as transportation routes (e.g. roads and
railways) resulted in more hoard finds as well. In more recent times, the use
of metal detectors has greatly increased the rate at which such finds are made
(hence the phenomenon of “detectorists” in the United Kingdom, who are a major
constituent of the aforementioned Treasure Act and PAS policies). Whether such
coins are brought to the attention of government authorities or local
numismatists varies greatly depending on legislation and policy, and is a major
source of bias affecting FLAME’s database and circulation map, as discussed
Tertiary (scholarship)
A third class of bias derives from the scholarship upon which FLAME draws, in
particular its unevenness in key variables such as the number of publications
(e.g. articles, archaeological reports) or the ratio of excavated-to-published
coin finds. These biases are also largely intractable as they stem from broader
trends in scholarship and publication practices (e.g., who studies what? Who
publishes, where and for what reasons?).
In light of modern academia’s pressures on scholars’ time, researchers must
decide how to allocate limited time and attention. This touches upon, but is
not the same as, the archaeological biases discussed above. Scholarly bias may
take the form of prioritizing certain academic activities over others.
Archaeologists, for example, often prioritize excavating sites over publishing
the results. Because of this, many sites that are excavated are not — and
likely will not be — published. A 2001 survey of archaeological excavations in
Israel revealed that fewer than 20 percent of excavations carried out in the
seasons between 1970–1989 had published their results.
[19] Similarly, the major salvage
excavations in Beirut’s city center over the 1990s and 2000s had at least 15
different teams excavating over 200 sites. Only a handful of these have been
published to date.
Similar decisions are made within excavations themselves. For example, as
discussed above, researchers decide to excavate certain strata and features and
not others based on ad hoc criteria. In the case of
Beirut, the published excavation sites bulldozed the layers above the
destruction layer of 551, making it extremely difficult to understand post-551
Beirut. Even after the excavation of a site, the numismatic material is often
challenging for the average archaeologist to deal with. Although the ideal
solution is to bring in a numismatic specialist, in reality many coins remain
unpublished because such a specialist is unavailable.
Relatively few hoard finds of coins are published after their discovery and
many of the publications lack key details like the mint of origin and
denomination of the coins. Coins are often deposited with regional
archaeological services or local museums; their contents can be reconstructed
only by an inspection of such an institution’s accession records or its
physical storage facilities. Many, perhaps a majority in some countries, of
discovered hoards are immediately dispersed on the collectors market, with no
record made of their contents.
A further bias derives from the notorious decentralization of numismatic
publications, an existing problem exacerbated by FLAME’s scope. Reports of
finds can appear in local and relatively inaccessible journals, excavation
reports, edited volumes, festschrifts, and journal articles, among others. Many
of these are not systematically used for disseminating numismatic research.
This phenomenon already makes it difficult to locate all these reports, so that
FLAME’s information is more representative of the most accessible publications
rather than the whole of numismatic scholarship. It also favors English or
other standard research languages (e.g., German over Armenian), often published
by Western-oriented presses.
There is, in general, no comprehensive centralized resource to track coin
finds, even at the national level. Such attempts have been attempted in the
past with various levels of success — for example Kropotkin’s survey of Roman
and Byzantine coin finds in the Soviet Union or Militky’s equivalent inventory
in the Czech Republic.
[21] The latter example indicates that
additional biases intrude at the sub-national level, with certain counties or
regions being better covered than others (Prague, for instance, is hugely
overrepresented among Czech coin finds).
[22] Even the PAS reports of British finds
include only material discovered since its inception in 1997; earlier finds
have to be added from traditional sources. While there are a few aggregated
numismatic publications that aim to report on all recent numismatic
[23] they are rarely comprehensive and
tend to briefly survey an enormous number of diverse publications, leading to
relatively low resolution.
Finally, the unequal products of scholarship resulting from the biases above
contribute to biases in reference works – the catalogs and other methodological
apparatus most scholars use to identify a coin or better understand a
numismatic process. As a general rule of thumb, the more coins are available
for study (through publication, ideally), the better the resulting product.
There are other factors as well — for example, the popularity of certain topics
over others. While good catalogs for Roman imperial coins (e.g. aforementioned
Roman Imperial Coinage series) have appeared from the 1920s, their Byzantine
equivalents date only to the 1970s. Comprehensive catalogs of Sasanid Persian
coins date to the 2000s and are still incomplete today.
[24] Other types of coinage — for example that of central Asia — are barely
covered by any scholarship.
The biases listed above mean that FLAME better represents — in both quality and
quantity of information — areas and periods with good reference works such as
the Roman Mediterranean compared to areas that are less well covered such as
central Asia.
FLAME project biases
Previous sections have described biases in FLAME's data at the level of coinage
itself, as well as regional contexts affecting the discovery, preservation, and
publication of coin finds. These are, in essence, exogenous to FLAME. There
are, however, biases inherent to FLAME itself that involve how the project is
structured, institutionally and operationally.
Most FLAME researchers are volunteers who provide the numismatic data for
regions about which they have some expertise. In general, they work alone,
coordinating their activity through project representatives. The participation
of such individuals does not, generally, arise in a vacuum, and is structured
by pre-existing individual and disciplinary contexts. Many early participants,
for example, were Princeton University graduate alumni. Subsequently,
volunteers might have seen a conference presentation on the project given by a
FLAME representative, or they might have been put in touch by someone with
knowledge of the project. Such weak ties follow familiar paths, generally
through North American and Western European universities.
[25] Many contributors were first visiting scholars at Princeton or
had passed through programs such as Dumbarton Oaks' numismatic summer seminar
(co-taught by Stahl) or that of the American Numismatic Society. Disciplinary
and institutional networks play a critical role in the shaping of such work,
which favors some regions over others. For example, the authors of this
article, who have constituted the leadership of FLAME, all specialize in
aspects of northern Mediterranean and European scholarship. When FLAME has
attempted research on coin finds in regions where its leadership has fewer ties
such as North Africa, the Indian subcontinent, or East Asia, it has run into
problems recruiting individuals who might help. These are limitations we have
sought to address, with varying degrees of success.
In certain cases, enough researchers studied a particular region that it made
sense to organize them into clusters working under a regional coordinator. Up
to this point, five regional clusters have come together to work on FLAME. This
has included groups focused on the Anatolian peninsula, the Iberian peninsula,
Southern Italy, Ukraine, as well as a group working at the University of
Hamburg focusing on early Islamic coinage. That the last group departs from the
typical regional focus is a result of scholarly specialization — most FLAME
scholars focus their research on pre-Islamic (e.g., Roman, Byzantine, etc.) or
Islamic coins but not both categories.
At both the individual and cluster levels, biases affect the data structurally
and, occasionally, more or less at random. Structurally, FLAME’s biases
intersect with the modern secondary biases that we identified above. Thus, some
countries are better able to support individuals and groups of scholars or have
particular national priorities that favor the publication and reporting of
coins, such as the Romanian example cited above. These factors affect the
potential for collaboration with scholars from these countries.
There are likewise biases that FLAME imported from other projects (with biases
of their own) through their datasets. Examples include the Coin Hoards of the
Roman Empire (CHRE), the Portable Antiquities Schema (PAS), Antike Fundmünzen
in Europa (AFE), the Early Islamic dataset (EI), and the Thessaloniki dataset
[26] It is safe
to assume that all these projects suffer from many of the same biases we have
described above. The extent to which they identify or publish information on
these biases varies but is often minimal, and so their specific project biases
are largely outside of our capacity to address.
3. Lessons for Digital Humanities
FLAME demonstrates that while powerful digital tools may help to address
archaeological and historical topics, they cannot overcome problems in source
materials. Biases that have plagued different research questions generally persist
and we are unable to even gauge their severity, except in outline, because we cannot
say how many materials have
not been discovered, reported, or
published in various regions. This makes the exercise of gauging robustness in late
antique and medieval coin data more epistemological than technical. In our opinion,
there is no technical solution to this problem. FLAME itself has introduced its own
biases to its digital representation of the research question — biases that derive
from its implementation, visual design, and varied experience of its contributors.
All in all, many of these issues are intractable and will not be resolved in the
foreseeable future — a feature we feel FLAME shares with other digital humanities
projects, which have acknowledged similar biases to varying degrees. The ORBIS
Project, for instance — a digital itinerary planner and travel-time calculator for
the Roman world — was significantly affected by project-level biases that led to the
inclusion of the Black Sea in the project’s data but not the Red Sea.
[27] The Mapping the Republic of Letters project — a mapping
application that visualizes connections between intellectuals and scholars of Early
Modern Europe — has noted Primary and Secondary Biases that it considers to be insuperable.
[28] The recognition of such blind spots is important in
establishing the limits at which projects in the digital humanities can operate
effectively and the extent to which scholars might draw conclusions from accumulated
digital data.
The biases involved in the collection, analysis, and presentation of data do not mean
that FLAME’s efforts, or those of any other digital humanities project, are useless.
On the contrary, FLAME has forced us, its creators, to reflect more systematically on
biases underlying scholarship on the late antique economy, many of which have not
been formally discussed in scholarship. The result is a more critical approach to the
broader research question, and one that translates across the digital humanities.
FLAME’s mapping application is invaluable to scholars, moreover, not only because it
makes explicit the totality of information available to scholars of this period (it
is a reflection of scholarship, after all, and not the ancient world itself), but
because it makes imaginable the information that is missing. Thus, while numismatists
will not, presumably, cease their research because of the sudden revelation of how
much they do not know (something they already suspect), they can and should be more
self-conscious about it, and about where and how this is so. Moreover, scholars whose
interests are methodological or historiographical now have a tool to examine not only
the late antique and medieval economy, but also the basis on which knowledge of it is
built. In this context, much of FLAME’s work over the past few years has moved
towards making its biases and other issues more transparent to project users. These
were not questions we considered during the first years of the project, when we were
more concerned about providing data to historians studying the ancient economy.
We have pursued two separate strategies to address systematic bias in FLAME’s data.
The first marks certain kinds of bias directly in FLAME’s user interface, associating
coin finds directly with particular biases that afflict them. These are communicated
through pop-up tabs that appear when users click on coin finds. These bias labels,
each of which expands to provide a detailed definition of the bias, as well as a link
to the entry on our website, are dynamically generated, based on an automated set of
criteria that assign bias on a case-by-case basis. These biases are most often at the
primary level, where certain coin features help to identify them. For example, in
Figure 8, the status of High Use Bias is based almost entirely upon the metal of the
coin — bronze coins tend to be used more than gold or silver coins, and so finds that
are characterized primarily by bronze or other base metallic coinages are assigned
this bias.
In other cases, we have been unable to assign biases based on coinage alone. Regional
biases have required considerable case-specific descriptions, and we have therefore
adopted a unique format to communicate these. This is the second of our two-pronged
approach to addressing bias. For regions like Britain, we have asked area experts to
write short essays explaining the particulars of the region in somewhat more detail
than what we saw above. These essays are posted as PDFs on a resources page on the
FLAME website, but they are also integrated directly into our UI and can be accessed
through the same bias tab described above (see Fig. 8, where the bullet “Regional
Bias: Britain” provides direct access to a PDF of the bias essay). Such links to
discussions of possible regional biases are assigned automatically to any find on the
territory of the region in question. A list of biases we have identified appears on a
dedicated page on our website, a link to which appears in all bias tabs.
[29] This list
is not comprehensive for FLAME or any other historical numismatic project. In both
the application and this paper, we have attempted to compromise responsibly, settling
for a level of explicitness and systematicity.
In this context, we believe that the best strategy for addressing these issues is to
use the powerful digital platforms we have built to highlight them. We encourage
users to engage with substantial critical approaches to the underlying data through a
few mouse clicks, for example through the regional bias essays, and by constantly
reminding users that these biases exist. This coupling of data and bias warning would
have been extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do using traditional publication
practices. Transparently highlighting biases in our data and presentation and making
that information available to project users are key steps towards the production of
more robust research.
4. Conclusion
All scholars who work in historical and archaeological disciplines are aware that the
evidence upon which they draw is incomplete and not fully representative of past
conditions. Source analysis is a basic component of the training of historians and
modern archaeological inquiry is accompanied by an understanding of the selective
nature of the evidence that comes from excavations. Within this scholarly context,
FLAME introduces an unprecedented concentration of relevant data - and tools to
analyze and visualize it - for questions regarding the late antique and medieval
economy. Yet this presentation also introduces profound challenges. Historians
trained in the traditional humanities are rarely prepared to contend with problems
inherent in large-scale quantitative datasets such as those underlying FLAME. On the
other hand, although digital humanities scholarship has produced impressive tools for
viewing, accessing and using data, it often does so without integrating traditional
humanistic insights that might realistically temper expectations for such data, at
least not to a level that satisfies more traditional colleagues. A large database
with sophisticated graphical representations, based on finds of over a million coins,
might appear to some scholars as a robust proxy for past conditions, but, as we have
seen, such an assumption is naive, since the data carries multiple layers of biases.
In this regard, FLAME’s emphasis on revealing the biases and their impact on the
shape of our data is a major contribution. Once scholars are thoroughly acquainted
with the biases inherent in its data and their presentation, the FLAME database can
serve as the basis for discussions of one of the key transitions in global history,
using more data — and more precise data — than has ever been possible before.
FLAME’s case suggests that other digital humanities projects should reflect on the
biases they replicate, introduce, or inherit from other projects as early as
possible. These reflections should be made public and be considered part of a more
robust presentation of the project, whether in formal settings such as conferences or
in project materials such as publications. The online presence of the project and its
documentation should include discussions of these biases that are accessible to
users, including the project’s attempts to acknowledge and ideally resolve them. If
possible, the project should also incorporate this more critical discourse into its
user interface. A shared discussion following such norms would benefit a broad range
of digital humanities projects and make their results more robust.
The future of digital projects such as FLAME is inherently interdisciplinary. Their
continued improvement requires the engagement and support of the broader community —
with scholars to explore its data, critique its design, suggest improvements to its
interface and functionalities, and contribute additional material. We hope that
designers of and contributors to these future projects find the results of our
introspective processes outlined above useful.
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