In recent years, there has been impressive progress in the automatic analysis of
Spanish verse. However, despite the excellent results of previous attempts,
there is still room for improvement, as this article shows. It presents
libEscansión, a new automatic scansion tool that, although initially designed
for analysing the verses of plays, outperforms all its predecessors in the
scansion of fixed-meter poetry. The library uses two novel approaches to achieve
this result: linguistically, it uses Castilian syllabification instead of the
more diphthong-prone American syllabic division. It uses a dedicated module that
can also be run independently. Methodologically, the library resolves metrical
ambiguities using a perceptibility-based recursive prioritisation system. The
combination of both allows libEscansión to perform a scansion 0.78% more
accurately than the best of its peers against a gold standard corpus, reaching
an accuracy of 97.01% (99.50% discarding non-erroneous disagreements).
Introduction and motivation
Spanish Golden Age plays are composed in verse, and their analysis requires
considering their metrical features. A noteworthy property of these works is
their polymetry – that is, they combine sections of different metres without a
solution of continuity –, although octosyllables are predominant. Nevertheless,
there are further challenges beyond the polymetry as the ortho-typography may be
unorthodox, intercalations of words, verses, or even whole stanzas in different
languages are not uncommon, and, most importantly, the poetic creation serves
the speech and not the other way around. Spoken language is, thus, the actual
gold standard to which we have to aspire. Unfortunately, working with recordings
turns out to be a difficult endeavour, as it raises several practical challenges
but, in the first place, involves theoretical issues regarding sample
representativity [
Sánchez Jiménez 2017]. Therefore, we have opted for a
simplified model, which phonology fulfils in the case of speech, even if
assuming some general metrical principles.
Digital approaches to classical Spanish theatre have experienced a small golden
age in recent years, largely thanks to the role played by stylometry in the
attribution to Lope de Vega of the obscure play
La francesa Laura as a result of research by Álvaro
Cuéllar and Germán Vega García-Luengos [
Cuéllar and Vega García-Luengos 2023a]. This
groundbreaking discovery brought worldwide media attention to digital
methodologies applied to philological studies. However, such an astonishing
finding is not an isolated event but the culmination of the rapid development of
Digital Humanities in the literary studies of the Spanish Golden Age theatre.
Studies dedicated to this historical genre with digital methodologies have
flourished over the last decade, making them a mainstream tool in the field.
This has spilt over effects on other areas, timidly opening the door to their
adoption, notwithstanding the commendable work of some notable scholars
dedicated to other periods and genres [
Calvo Tello 2021] of Hispanic
literature within the digital humanistic field - some even renowned pioneers of
Spanish digital philology [
Fradejas Rueda 2010] – and a well-grounded
theoretical scaffolding on Digital Humanities in in general [
Río Riande 2022]. However, in spite of these almost isolated, albeit
fruitful, efforts, the convergence of research groups in these other areas has
not, in general, reached a critical mass that would give it a momentum
comparable to that enjoyed by the theatre of the Golden Age, which has already
come to the the point where even well-informed self-reflection takes place [
Hernández Lorenzo 2020].
Recent developments in digital philology focused on Spanish Early Modern theatre
should be understood in their context and, more specifically, considering a
crucial factor that has prompted such an explosion: the relative availability of
well-curated editions. The colossal annotated edition by Presotto [
Vega 2015], which sets the quality standards that further attempts
should pursue, has found worthy successors in project Prolope [
Prolope 2024], DICAT [
DICAT 2024] or ISTAE [
Istae 2024]. Even though they have more modest pretensions than their
predecessor, as the resources are shared among multiple plays, they provide a
fixated text with enough enrichments to perform distant analyses of multiple
types on it.
These projects have paved the way for further endeavours in the field of digital
humanities by providing qualitative editions ready to be used as subjects for
computer-assisted analysis. Stylometry, together with digital editions, is
arguably the spearhead of this advance [
Calvo Tello 2016][
Cuéllar 2024][
Cuéllar and Vega García-Luengos 2023b], which undoubtedly
benefits from recent advances in palaeographic text recognition [
Rosa, Cuéllar and Lehmann 2024][
Cuéllar 2023b], metrical
analysis of plays [
Kroll and Sanz-Lázaro 2023][
Kroll and Sanz-Lázaro 2022][
Sanz-Lázaro 2024b], and dramatic analysis [
Ehrlicher et al. 2020].
Even if in a more modest way, several new approaches have arisen in recent years
to facilitate automatic metrical scansion of Spanish verses. The ways they
tackle ambiguity resolution are diverse, but, in most cases, the outcomes are
fairly positive as they tend to fall into the narrow margin of human
inter-annotator agreement. In other words, they perform as well as their human
counterparts. However, this also means that bias among human annotators may
produce a more tolerant gold standard and increase the margin of the
inter-annotator agreement. This seems to happen with the corpus of sonnets ADSO
100 [
Navarro-Colorado et al. 2016] used by precedent studies as a gold
standard [
Marco and Gonzalo 2021]. Therefore, we have some grounds to
believe that the 96% inter-annotator agreement Navarro-Colorado [
Navarro-Colorado 2017] reported may be an underestimation.
Consequently, we considered whether metrical analysis could benefit from another
take on the issue, especially regarding the two primary sources of
inconsistencies: syllabification and verse ambiguities.
The particular issues raised by a play must be adequately addressed to analyse
Golden Age theatre as such pieces are intended for the stage and, consequently,
an adequate interpretation leaves little place for orthographical idealisations.
On the other hand, speech follows phonological rules to solve the interaction
between neighbouring sounds. Indeed, one such situation is when vowels interact
between word boundaries, a prominent Spanish verse adjustment device. Therefore,
phonological rules apply. However, staged Golden Age plays substantially differ
from ordinary speech, as they are intended not to be ordinarily spoken but
declaimed. Consequently, the most extreme assimilation issues typical of rapid
and careless speech in everyday conversation are virtually nonexistent in the
genre. Conversely, plays provide additional information that poetry lacks, which
allows informed guesses on the length of particular verses.
Considering those premises, we have designed a tool for theatre-analysis
purposes, which produces state-of-the-art outcomes when tested against fixed
metres. We aimed to produce a reusable library to scan Spanish verses that is
able to cope with all the shortcomings stated above. That is, the result should
be robust enough to handle orthographic and linguistic irregularities, consider
phonological exceptions, and solve ambiguities in the best way possible. We have
built on previous works, considering that Navarro-Colorado's [
Navarro-Colorado 2017] PoS-tag/syllabification model is
conceptually sound and the nearest to manual analysis. Posterior developments of
the idea [
Rosa et al. 2020b] have succeeded by focusing on those
areas more prone to be the culprit of scansion errors, setting the right track
to follow. The result is three Python libraries for syllabification [
Sanz-Lázaro 2021b], phonological transcription [
Sanz-Lázaro 2021a], and metrical scansion [
Sanz-Lázaro 2023b].
Related work
Studies on automatic metrical scansion of Spanish verse have already yielded
significant payoffs. There were promising results already at the very beginning
of the 2000s when Gervás [
Gervás 2000] conducted a groundbreaking
study on the matter. He primarily used a dictionary approach to syllabification,
resorting to rules only for those words lacking a matching key in the
dictionary. This process provides a list of syllables, the syllable count,
prosodic stresses and rhyme. As with any pioneer method, this one presented
various shortcomings that must be addressed. The first issue arises due to
stress identification, as it only considers orthography. As a result, unstressed
syllables such as, for instance, the determiners
la and
mi are marked as
stressed. Therefore, the first verse of Quevedo's famous sonnet
Amor constante más allá de la muerte, with which
Gervás illustrates its paper, would be parsed as in
Example 1 below.
Cerrar podrá mis ojos la postrera
ce rrár po drá mís ójos lá pos tré ra
- + - + + + - + - + -
Even though the classification of this particular verse in one of the four major
hendecasyllabic types – which is Gervás' approach – would not be affected, a
more fine-grained analysis of the verse shows the problem: this short heroic
[1] verse would be classified as a long one. Furthermore,
improper stresses may alter even the primary classification if located on one of
the first four syllables. The second issue is related to the sequential way
Gervás analyses synaloephas. The resolution is straightforward if the number of
supernumerary syllables equals the potential synaloephas. However, if the
numbers do not match, parsing the verse from left to right one potential
synaloepha at a time may place a synaloepha between the wrong pair of vowels.
Moreover, Gervás acknowledges that his programme does not offer a satisfactory
method to solve ambiguities derived from tropes such as synaereses and hiatuses.
In any case, the author reported an 88.73% accuracy against ADSO 100 [
Navarro-Colorado et al. 2016], a corpus of 100 manually annotated
sonnets that has become the gold standard for fixed-metre scansion in the last
years [
Marco et al. 2021].
Navarro-Colorado [
Navarro-Colorado 2015] noted those shortcomings,
which led him to develop a more sophisticated method. In order to improve stress
identification, the words are first PoS-tagged – that is, they are annotated
with information regarding their grammatical category – to decide whether they
are stressed. Roughly described, classes such as, for instance, verbs or nouns
carry prosodic stress in Spanish, while prepositions or conjunctions do not, ,
regardless of the word's intrinsic lexical stress [
Quilis 2013].
The next step is syllabifying and placing prosodic stresses only in those words
with the appropriate PoS-tag. If the syllable count is eleven, a hendecasyllabic
verse is solved. Otherwise, the programme launches an adjusting module. If it
produces multiple potential results, it calls a disambiguation module to
consider all possible alternatives in the corpus. This approach solves Gervas'
stress placement problem and substantially improves ambiguity resolution, which
raises the accuracy to 94.44% [
Marco et al. 2021] against the same
test corpus.
Some years later, Agirrezabal, Alegría, and Hulden [
Agirrezabal, Alegría and Hulden 2017] approached the issue by employing neural
networks, with a reported accuracy of 90.84%. However, the best results have not
been obtained until the current decade. More concretely, Rantanplan [
Rosa et al. 2020b] reaches 96.22% against ADSO 100 [
Marco et al. 2021] following Navarro-Colorado's classic approach,
making this last project the most accurate up to the present date. Furthermore,
it reduces the processing time from 40 min to 3s. Almost simultaneously, another
team at the same university developed a new approach, Jumper [
Marco and Gonzalo 2021], which neither syllabifies the words nor relies
on PoS-tagging. These innovations improve the scansion speed even more with
minimal accuracy loss, reaching an astounding 94.97% in 0.31s analysing
Navarro-Colorado's corpus.
Verse analyisis
As previous methods do, we have divided metrical scansion into two stages: naive
analysis and syllabic adjustment, but we approach the latter in a different
fashion. Firstly, we perform the syllabification and PoS-tagging of the words.
Then, we try to adjust the verse if it does not match the expected syllable
count. Our library introduces two novelties – apart from the phonological
transcription, which is for convenience rather than conceptual – namely, full
exceptions-handling in the syllabification and its approach to ambiguity
resolution (see
Figure 1).
Naive analysis
The first step is a word-wise analysis of the verse by the libEscansión class
PlayLine, whose practical usage is explained
below. It consists of dividing the words into
syllables and determining whether a particular word carries prosodic stress.
The former task is carried out by the library Fonemas [
Sanz-Lázaro 2021a], whilst the latter resorts to Stanza [
Qi et al. 2020] PoS-tagger to determine the grammatical category
and whether it is stressed. This class has two public attributes: a string
containing the verse and a list of its words, each of whose elements is, in
turn, another list with the corresponding word syllables, which are marked
if they carry metric stress.
Even though a phonological transcription is not strictly necessary to analyse
a verse, it is convenient for diverse reasons. Firstly, using IPA notation
with a single Unicode character for each phoneme expedites the
straightforward handling of syllabic division, as we can treat each
character equally without exceptions
[2]. Spanish digraphs (
ch, rr, ll, qu,
gu) or multiple phonemes represented by a single grapheme
x) are no longer required. Second,
the output allows an out-of-the-box rhyme analysis as the relation
phoneme-character is biunivocal, which spares a special treatment for
ambiguous graphemes (
b, v, c, z, g). In this step, the text is
not only transcribed but also preprocessed. Stranded letters are
transliterated to their spelling (e.g.,
B would become
be) as well as non-Spanish diacritics (e.g., Catalan
què would become
other potential sources of errors are also handled here (e.g., typographic
ligatures). Finally, it allows a straightforward treatment of vowel
clusters, as syllabic and non-syllabic vocalic allophones do not share a
common representation.
The syllabification proper is carried out by the independent library
Silabeador, called by the transcriber. First, the programme looks for
non-transliterated Latin words and tries to transliterate them according to
the Spanish orthographic rules. Contrary to other foreign words, Latin words
are not phonologically adapted and tend to respect not only stress positions
contradicting Spanish rules but also the original syllabic division, which
may also differ from Spanish due to the disparate sets of diphthongs of both
languages. Then, the programme marks forced syllabic divisions where an
exception should occur according to an external file. This file consists of
two columns with
regular expression substitutions; the first
field contains a matching pattern, and the second corresponds to its
substitution, including an underscore where a syllabic division must be
forced. These phonological exceptions include ubiquitous words whose
Castillian pronunciatiation differs from the orthographic hyphenation. To
name some extremely common in any kind of speech, this rule matches the
hiatuses of verbs in
-iar, -uar, -uir
Quilis 2019],
-eir, and
Ríos 1999], adjectives in -uoso [
Quilis 2019],
some particular nouns [
Navarro 1957], and other words
Canellada and Madsen 1987]. Adjectives in
-mente are also exceptional since they carry
secondary stress [
Quilis 2013], which Spanish phonology
otherwise lacks. They are marked too in the morpheme, and the
syllabification module receives the lexeme alone; finally, both parts are
rejoined after their separate treatment.
There are ambiguous words, such as
suave or
Domínguez 2012], in which the diphthong is often broken in
Spanish Golden Age verses. They might be typographically marked with a
diaeresis (
ï or
ü) by the editor of the source, in which case they are parsed
as usual, but this may not be the case. Therefore, these ambiguous clusters
are marked as a diaresis, although their sinaeresis will be given priority
The resulting text is divided in its syllabic nuclei, arranging the
diphthongs except for those explicitly separated in the previous step.
Non-syllabic vowels – the non-nuclear sounds in a vocalic glide – are marked
as such by substituting them for the character representing the
corresponding allophone. The outcome is a list of syllabic nuclei and free
consonants. Finally, those free consonants are assigned to the proper
syllable on coda or onset according to Spanish phonological rules [
Quilis 2019]. The output is a list of phonological transcribed
syllables and the prosodic stress on the due ones.
Stress assignment
Word stress does not correspond to metric stress exactly
[3] as some
word classes are considered unstressed regardless of their pronunciation in
isolation [
Quilis 2013]. The class
VerseMetre of
libEscansión determines which words carry metric stress. It takes a verse as
an argument, cleans it, and divides its words into syllables using the
library Fonemas. It also uses Stanza [
Qi et al. 2020] to PoS-tag
each word. After this, it decides whether a particular word carries stress
according to its PoS-tag, but also considering the relation to neighbouring
words when forming a compound as it may deprive from their prosodic stress
to otherwise stressed words (e.g.
Tomás /san.to toˈmas/ but
el santo
padre /el ˈsan.to ˈpa.dɾe/ or
cuarenta /kwaˈɾen.ta/ but
cuarenta y
dos /kwa.ɾen.tai̯ˈdos/), in a similar fashion as it occurs,
for example, with English numerals.
PoS-tagging may produce consistent errors or not be detailed enough. It can
be bypassed in such situations by marking the words according to lists of
stressed or unstressed occurrences. Undetected errors, however, are still
possible. The greatest difficulty is detecting when an unstressed word
should not carry prosodic stress as it involves several open word classes,
whilst unstressed words belong to close ones. Therefore, a relatively high
proportion of wrongly tagged words has no impact on the outcome as long as
the tag represents an equivalent class in terms of stress.
Syllabic adjustment
The syllabic adjustment resorts to libEscansión class VerseMetre, a
child of PlayLine. This class takes a sorted list of possible
numbers of syllables apart from the verse as an argument. For a play, a
reasonable value for the list would be at least [8, 11, 7, 6] as
most verses are octosyllabic, but hendecasyllables or these mixed with
heptasyllables, hexasyllables for sung verses, and even more exotic combinations
may appear. On the other hand, regular sonnets would encounter no problem with a
list with one element [11].
The syllables are then parsed considering word boundaries by the private method
__adjust_metre(), which takes a list of words and a sorted list
of potential metres. Firstly, it tests whether the syllabic count plus the
rhyme-stress correction (in other words, adding a syllable if the rhyming word
is oxytonic or subtracting one if it is proparoxytonic) matches the first
element of the list, which would be a trivial solution. Otherwise, it tries to
adjust the metre.
The function has subroutines to search for potential synaloephas, hiatuses, and
epentheses and apply them when necessary. If the verse length equals the number
of orthographic syllables minus the number of potential synaloephas, it applies
the synaloephas to the list of words. If this is not the case, it tries to do
the same, but removing potential epentheses this time. In the opposite
situation, if the orthographic syllables count is lower than the expected
number, the function tries to apply hiatuses in suitable positions.
Finally, the function checks whether the corrected length matches the expected
one more time. If this is the case, it returns the list of words flattened to a
list of syllables. Otherwise, it calls itself recursively passing the list of
expected lengths after removing its first element. Consequently, in the next
recursion level, the method repeats the same process but regarding the second
element of the original list as the expected length.
Syllabic splitting and joining are done with equivalent procedures. Placing
synaloephas and synaereses or hiatuses and diaereses follows the same steps.
First, a function locates all potential instances of the trope in question and
produces a list of potential positions. Second, another function assesses and
ranks those instances according to a system of preferences. Finally, another
function applies the figure according to each position's rank until it matches
the expected verse length. The three functions are invoked sequentially by a
recursive function. With the sorted list of potential adjustments, the function
applies the first one and invokes itself for the new list of words.
Let us illustrate it with the synaloephas and synaereses as the process involves
additional steps. Finding potential syllabic mergers involves finding pairs of
vowels in syllabic boundaries, providing they are compatible according to the
perceptibility scale [
Navarro 1957]. That means finding those
combinations in which the perceptibility decreases in both directions of the
w |
j |
e̯ |
o̯ |
a̯ |
a̯ |
o̯ |
e̯ |
i̯ |
u̯ |
x |
x |
x |
x |
- |
- |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
- |
- |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
- |
- |
x |
x |
x |
- |
- |
x |
x |
- |
- |
Table 1.
Perceptibility scale
That validates the transcription Example 2a and Example 2b, as its long vocalic
is built around a nucleus o with higher perceptibility than the
non-syllabic semiconsonant at its side in Example 2a or semivowel in Example 2b.
Conversely, Example 2c and Example 2d contradict the Spanish phonology, as
o is the vowel of highest perceptibility in this example and,
therefore, cannot follow a less perceptible u. In the best case,
three words can join in a five-vowel synaloepha, such as envidio a Eustaquio (/j̯o̯ae̯u̯/).
uno u otro
Example 2a. /ˈu.no ˈwo.tɾo/
Example 2b. /ˈu.nou̯ ˈo.tɾo/
Example 2c. /ˈu ˈnou̯o̯.tɾo/
Example 2d. /ˈu ˈno̯wo.tɾo/
With the list of potential synaloephas, each element is evaluated and given
points according to the prosodic circumstances colluding [
Canellada and Madsen 1987] and their relative position according to the
perceptibility scale and the Spanish preference for crescent diphthongs [
Alarcos 1964]. Potential synaloephas between hemistichs have a
penalisation – exceptional cases such as the conjunctions
y and
o need to be addressed
individually. Additionally, a correction to potentially aspirated
is added. The latter responds to the poets' custom of making it aspirated (/h/)
when in need of breaking a synaloepha, despite having become mute in the regular
speech a long time ago and being kept in the orthography on pure etymological
grounds [
Lapesa 2008]. Once the inter-word boundaries are parsed,
the same is done with the in-word syllables, not without adding an offset to
prioritise synaloephas over synaereses. The list of positions is sorted
according to their scores.
Finally, another function rearranges the list of syllables by joining words where
required. This step involves not only moving phonemes and joining syllables but
also marking non-syllabic vowels as such in the newly created clusters.
Diaereses are solved in a similar fashion. Firstly, the programme composes a list
of potential divisions. Then, it assigns priorities and applies them recursively
until meeting the expected count, or it tries with the next length value of the
list if no suitable arrangement can be found.
Mixed verse scansion
Using a sorted list of expected verse lengths confers great flexibility to
libEscansión. For example, our approach to parsing plays consists of creating an
instance of VerseMetre, providing an initial list with typical
lengths such as [8, 11, 7, 6, 5, 4]. The verses usually are
octosyllabic, so we put 8 in the first position. However, if a
hendecasyllabic appears, the new instance of VerseMetre for the
next verse will be given a list with 11 on top. We also know that
poetic forms composed of hendecasyllabic and heptasyllabic verses are common.
Therefore, we relegate 8 to the third position. Furthermore, as we
work with parsed plays, we can use additional data to infer the length. For
example, if the speaker is a musician or plainly MUSIC, it would
probably be a popular form in hexasyllabic verses rather than a more
prescriptive one; thus, we could parse that particular verse directly with
6 on top.
For example, the first estrambote verse of Quevedo’s
“Pintando la vida de un señor mal ocupado” has
seven syllables instead of eleven (Ca.ba.lle.ros
chan.flo.nes). We pass [11, 7, 8, 6] to the
disambiguation module when analysing sonnets. After confirming that there are no
possible divisions to obtain eleven syllables, the module calls itself removing
the first element of the list of lengths and passing [7, 8, 6] to
the next recursion level. As 7 is indeed possible, it returns this
In addition to attributes for syllables and rhythm, the class
VerseMetre provides others for full and partial rhymes,
syllabic nuclei, and ambiguity. The last one takes an integer value and can be
used for a second pass to improve mixed-verse results.
We have tested the syllabification accuracy against the 106,362 words corpus
Rosa and Pérez 2020]. Using an
configuration as the corpus does, that is, without non-orthographic hiatuses
and the group
tl as an indivisible onset (
trans-a-tlán-tico instead of
trans-at-lán-ti-co), the syllabification module
achieves 99.92% accuracy. This improves Agirrezabals's [
Agirrezabal, Alegría and Hulden 2017] 98.06% and Navarro-Colorado's [
Navarro-Colorado 2015] 98.35%. However, at first sight, it lies
behind 99.99% of Rantanplan [
Rosa et al. 2020a]. That is,
disregarding errors like improper diphthongs in the corpus, such as
a-mam-baien-se instead of
a-mam-ba-ien-se. All in all, 86 words differ
from the corpus. From those, after a visual inspection, 37 differences are
wrongly syllabified in the corpus, 41 have alternative yet acceptable
differing syllabifications, and our programme wrongly syllabifies eight
Table 2.
Word |
1 |
alz-hei-mer |
2 |
alz-héi-mer |
3 |
em-men-thal |
4 |
in-ter-vi-ú |
5 |
o-ui-ja |
6 |
pen-thou-se |
7 |
s-pas-pag-het-ti |
8 |
s-pin-ning |
Table 2.
Syllabification errors
The words penthouse and ouija do not obey the
Spanish rules and are syllabified by approximating the original phonology,
which would require to treat them as an exception. Since this would not be
productive, we have opted to accept this kind of error. When considering
only these eight proper errors, the accuracy rises to 99.99%.
Metrical scansion
To test the accuracy
[4], we downloaded the corpus ADSO
100 [
Navarro-Colorado 2017] using the tool Averell [
Díaz et al. 2021] to compare our results with previous studies,
which is the gold standard they used. ADSO 100 is the only manually
annotated corpus of its size with a reported inter-annotator agreement. It
comprises 1,404 verses.
[5]. Our hardware was an Intel® Core™
i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 16 GB of DDR4 RAM and a GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
with 6GB. The PoS-tagging module ran on the GPU. For the syllabification,
the options for Castilian prosody have been enabled, as well as epentheses.
The analysis takes 87 seconds (±1.5 s) in all cases (running Stanza on the
GPU), disregarding the approximately 7 seconds Stanza takes to load.
In short, libEscansión scores 97.01% accuracy against the corpus when running
with its standard settings (
Castilian syllabification), an
improvement over previous scansion engines (
3). The American syllabification renders slightly worse results,
with 96.51%. However, as noted above, this corpus considers interjections
such as
oh and
ay as unstressed, whilst our library does not. This behaviour
can be reproduced with an ad hoc three-line hack in the code, in which case
the accuracy would reach 98.65% for the standard setting and 98.15% for the
American syllabification. We have considered inconsistencies in the corpus
notation for the test as some proparoxytonic verses of the corpus are marked
by omitting one of the last two unstressed syllables.
Method |
Accuracy |
Gervás |
70.88 |
Agirrezabal |
90.84 |
Navarro-Colorado |
94.45 |
Jumper |
94.97 |
Rantanplan |
96.23 |
libEscansión (ours) |
97.01 |
Table 3.
Scores on Navarro-Colorado’s 100 sonnets corpus as reported by Marco
et al. [
Marco et al. 2021]. Best scores in bold.
Apart from the disagreements due to interjections, there are 19 disparate
verses left for other reasons and another with disagreements beyond the
interjections (
Table 4, row 18). There are ten
disagreements due to spelling deviations (rows 1–5) and annotator mistakes
(rows 6–12). In the first case, the manual annotation reflects the
pronunciation despite the lack of accents, such as in words like
Príamo and the more subtle diacritics of
aún and
dó. Consequently, humans have an advantage over machines as
the former can recognise the proper pronunciation despite the spelling. The
second case ranges from non-marked stresses in content words, disregarding
the primary stress of an adverb in
or an adjective, or the opposite, stressing an unstressed syllable like in
an honorary title preceding a noun or the locution
Two disagreements (rows 18–19) deserve a special mention. The first is due to
a PoS-tagging mistake, as para has been
tagged as a preposition due to the lack of a vocative comma, which
illustrates what we said above. Even though other potential errors of a
similar kind have been intercepted, ambiguities resembling row 18 cannot be
bypassed since the PoS-tagger has operated as expected, and it is unviable
to predict any potential typo or edition mistake. The second mistake (row
19) is rather interesting. The syllabificator breaks the diphthong, but
VerseMetre, after pondering all the options, joins the
vowels again as it prioritises placing the caesura between words when
keeping editorial diareses is not explictly forced.
Verse |
1 |
falte a Priamo tierra y falte fuego. |
2 |
Si rico, ¿do tus bienes vinculados? |
3 |
aun no pudo, de lástima, dar muerte, |
4 |
aun le quedaba brío y lozanía. |
5 |
del muerto Lilio es; que aun no
perdona |
6 |
quien promete buen fin a mi viaje, |
7 |
trocó mi mal en bien, mi pena en
gloria. |
8 |
este que, siendo solamente cero, |
9 |
del señor Amadís, como tú hiciste |
10 |
ya que no se conserva, se previene |
11 |
¡Oh santo bodegón! ¡Oh picardía! |
12 |
Llámasme, gran Señor; nunca
respondo. |
13 |
confiada en la vista
vencedora, |
14 |
Maestro era de esgrima
Campuzano, |
15 |
Yo vi unos ojos bellos, que
hirieron |
16 |
Quien no, huya y no
escuche mi lamento, |
17 |
Lo caduco esta urna
peregrina, |
18 |
Para cochero. El coche está en
palacio. |
19 |
amenazando una total rüina |
Table 4.
Differing annotations. In 13-17, corpus in bold, LibScansión in
If we leave the remaining inter-annotator disagreements, be they errors or
different yet valid takes on the verse, libEscansión reaches a 99.50%
Requirements, installation and use
libEscansión was intended to be an internal part of a more complex mechanism. As
the aim was to parse hundreds of thousands of verses from various sources
automatically [
Sanz-Lázaro 2023c], the verse was the last step
after digging into œuvre, play, and act. Therefore, it was conceived as a Python
library to be called by the programmes in charge of working at a higher level
Sanz-Lázaro 2023a]. Nonetheless, it can be used as a
standalone tool even if lacking knowledge of Python or programming, as long as a
Python 3.9 or later distribution is installed on the computer. It has been
released under the Free Software GNU LGPL licence, making it available for
embedding in other software without requiring an equivalent licence as long as
the library's code remains unmodified; otherwise, Free Software licencing would
be required.
As libEscansión relies on several libraries, these must also be installed (see
Example 3).
pip install silabeador fonemas stanza==1.7.0 libEscansion
In order to carry the PoS-tagging properly, language models for Spanish should be
available. In our case, we have used Stanza for the task, which provides
functions to download them. In short, after importing the library within the
Python environment should be executed (see
import stanza
processors={"ner": "ancora",
"tokenize": "ancora",
"pos": "ancora",
"lemma": "ancora",
"depparse": "ancora",
"sentiment": "tass2020"})
To deploy libEscansión, the library must first be imported into the Python
environment. Then, an instance of the class
VerseMetre can be
created, passing the verse to scan as a parameter. For convenience, the class
VerseMetre can be imported independently. The resulting object
possesses a number of attributes to represent verse features. Even though IPA
notation has been preserved to a great extent – and thus, Unicode support is
required for optimal visualisation – the main concern was automating tasks. To
simplify text processing, stressed syllables have upper-case letters as their
nuclear vowel instead of the IPA stress symbol. A typical workflow is
represented in
Figure 2.
The library libEscansión has been designed with Spanish Golden Age theatrical
verses in mind. Consequently, it has been modelled according to the usual metres
in such pieces. The aforementioned manually annotated corpus of sonnets was the
only one providing inter-annotator agreement, but it fulfilled the project's
purposes. That means that no tests have been carried out with other types of
verse, such as Alexandrines, regardless of their popularity and usage prior to
and after the period, and further tests are required to measure libEscansion's
accuracy beyond the Spanish Golden Age theatre versifying customs.
Furthermore, the tool was implemented as a means to build a data frame rather
than a standalone tool. Therefore, speed has not been considered, and the
processing time reflects it. Even though the hardware substantially differs from
that used by Marco et al. [
Marco et al. 2021] to carry out their
tests, the processing time is still two orders of magnitude higher than the
fastest method's score.
A weak spot is a dependency on a reliable PoS-tagger to mark prosodic stresses,
which, in turn, depends on a language model. Consequently, erroneous tags have
to be intercepted to bypass the PoS-tagging. This is not always possible, as
some errors are unpredictable, and creating an exception for others would
provoke side effects.
Conclusions and further work
We have presented a new library for analysing Spanish verses that surpasses other
automatic scansion tools for Spanish fixed-metre verses. The contribution of
this work is twofold, as it involves different linguistic choices and a novel
approach to ambiguity resolution. On the one hand, we have opted for Castilian
syllabification rather than the more diphthong-prone American (and
orthographical) varieties. According to the results, this may be a sensible
choice as it outperforms the latter under identical conditions. On the other
hand, we have presented a perceptibility-based recursive prioritisation system,
which, combined with the Peninsular syllabification, raises the score of
libEscansión well above its peers.
Additionally, working with Unicode-based phonological transcriptions removes
layers of abstraction and the necessity of mapping correspondences to go back
and forth from written to spoken text. This dramatically simplifies the handling
of vocalic clusters since it explicitly discriminates between syllabic and
non-syllabic vowels.
The high degree of modularisation of the tools, with separate libraries for
syllabification, phonological transcription and scansion, extends the range of
uses beyond metrical analysis, as the lower layers can be used independently for
different purposes. Syllabification and phonological transcription undoubtedly
have uses beyond the narrow spectrum of historical theatre, in fields such as
linguistics and language teaching.
With regard to poetry, which is the main focus of this work, there are many
examples of the library being used in a real-life scenario. It has been
developed primarily to provide a corpus for remote reading analyses, taking into
account metric features. The corpus annotated with a previous version of
libEscansión is available under a Creative Commons BY licence as an SQL database
Kroll and Sanz-Lázaro 2024], which is also hosted online and available
for external queries through a graphical interface [
Sound and Meaning 2022].
There is plenty of room for further improvement. However, comprehensive testing
requires manually annotated corpora. Hopefully, in the near future, manually
annotated corpora of polymetric pieces and other poetic forms besides the sonnet
used here will be prepared. This would allow for further testing, which would
undoubtedly reveal shortcomings and help improve libEscansión.
Although libEscansión was conceived as an auxiliary tool, it has transcended its
original purpose. However, its interface limits it to a specialised niche with
some technical knowledge. A graphical interface could help a broad public to
access the capabilities of libEscansión without coding. As for users familiar
with programming, thanks to the Free Software licence, libEscansión can be
integrated into new developments – including third-party frontends – and its
code can be adapted for new purposes.
This work is part of the project
Sound and Meaning in Spanish Golden Age
Literature, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P 32563).
This work was supported by the project
The Interpretation of Childbirth in
Early Modern Spain, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P
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