DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
Volume 16 Number 4
Volume 16 Number 4
Annotation: A Uniting, but Multifaceted Practice. A Review of Nantke and Schlupkothen (2020)
The volume Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research: Functions, Differentiation, Systematization, edited by Julia Nantke and Frederik Schlupkothen, assembles research papers that are united in their focus on annotation, but display a broad variety of possible understandings of and approaches to annotation.
Annotations are ubiquitous in research in the digital humanities and beyond
and have been declared a “scholarly primitive” by Unsworth. By this, he
refers to basic functions common to scholarly activity across disciplines,
over time, and independent of theoretical orientation [Unsworth 2000].
Julia Nantke and Frederik Schlupkothen have set out to further deepen our
understanding of annotation and foster interdisciplinary exchange on what
annotation is and can be. To that end, they organized an interdisciplinary
conference held at the University of Wuppertal, Germany, in February 2019.
The conference was called Annotations in Scholarly
Editions and Research: Functions, Differentiation,
Systematization and its results were published in a volume by the
same name [Nantke and Schlupkothen 2020].
The introduction to the volume by Nantke/Schlupkothen is in itself worth
mentioning: to give a comprehensive overview of the 16 articles without
reducing them to one aspect only, they provide several visualizations of
the volume’s content using the articles’ keywords. A word cloud shows which
keywords are the most popular, a similarity matrix displays which articles
combine to thematic clusters and an edge bundling visualization gives easy
access to information on which articles share which keywords. The latter unfolds its full usefulness only in the interactive version that
can be found on the publisher’s website (De Gruyter): https://cloud.newsletter.degruyter.com/annotations/. This
review, in contrast, must force the articles back into the linearity of the
medium of text. The guiding principle of the following is to question both
what the authors mean by the multifaceted term “annotation” and whether
they approach it from a primarily theoretical or applied perspective.
First, some articles focus on analysis of annotations that have already been
done by someone else and are now the object of study. Freedman extends the
understanding of annotations to footnotes in academic texts and traces that
type of textual expression back to its origins in the 17th century. For
Bamert, annotations are handwritten marginal notes in books for which he
coins the term pen traces (“Stiftspuren”). That term allows one to
include non-verbal forms like underlinings and stresses the materiality of
such annotations. Through the example of pen traces made by Thomas Mann
found in books in his estate, Bamert shows that four types of knowledge
need to be included in the analysis of such annotations. Most evident is
the importance of knowledge of the text and the reader: readers might
underline or comment on passages where they learn something from the text
that they did not know before. However, the notes by Thomas Mann also
document his critical stance towards the author of the text, who seems to
willingly modify his interpretations to conform with National Socialist
ideology. Therefore, Bamert argues, the knowledge of the author as well as
of the historical context need to be involved in the interpretation of such
While in these examples, the annotations analyzed have been done previous to
the research, most articles in the volume deal with annotations that are
produced at some point in the research process. One focus, as indicated in
the title, is on annotations in the context of digital editions. In a
digital edition, many different types of annotations can arise.
Schlupkothen/Schmidt suggest a systematic distinction between commentaries
(“Kommentare”) and explanatory notes (“Erläuterungen”), two terms that have
often been used synonymously. While commentaries refer to the form of the
text and editorial decisions related to it, explanatory notes offer
additional information regarding the text’s content and thus ensure
understandability. Fanta presents the edition of the estate of the author
Robert Musil, which holds special challenges for the editors: the high
number of documents are interrelated in many ways that echo Musil’s writing
process. Such process is reflected in a high number of comments, revisions,
and explicit references to other documents by the author himself, making it
possible to trace how different preliminary works lead to later, more
elaborate documents. Fanta shows how the edition attempts to capture all
these relations in TEI/XML. Sciuto shares lessons learned from the digital
edition of the work of the French philosopher d’Holbach. He discusses the
problem of how to target different audiences with one edition and proposes
a two-level annotation system for this purpose. Koolen/Boot approach the
topic from a more technical and infrastructural angle: for many editions,
it would be desirable to allow for annotation by third-party users on the
edition’s website and, where useful, publish them for other users. They
discuss difficulties that result from the HTML presentation of the edition
and propose a solution based on semantic web technology.
Five further articles consider annotation in a different sense as the
application of analytical categories to an object of study by researchers.
Lang reports on the semi-automatic annotation of alchemical code names
(“Decknamen”) with a thesaurus. Alchemical texts often refer to substances
via their code names which are usually unfamiliar to modern readers and
should therefore by accompanied by additional information. Lück aims at an
analysis of philosophical texts with respect to the examples used and, as a
first step, needs to identify examples in the texts. He exploits the fact
that many examples are explicitly marked as such (with text strings like
e.g. or for instance)
and uses these as a starting point for the heuristic identification of
further candidates. The contribution by Reiter/Willand/Gius is about the
annotation of narrative levels in literature. Noteworthy is that they
approached this task by adapting the format of a Shared Task from
computational linguistics and asked the research community to contribute
annotation guidelines, test them empirically in a competitive setting, and
engage in discussion about them. In a second part of the Shared Task, the
aim is the development of a system for the automatic detection of narrative
levels. The article by Drummond/Wildfeuer stands out by the fact that they
tackle multimodal annotation. They investigate contemporary American TV
series with respect to gender differences in representation of characters.
Annotation categories capture aspects like camera perspective, sound
design, how active the characters are and many more. Overall, female
characters are displayed as in weaker positions.
Another group of articles focuses on annotation as a process and tools for
its support. McCarty shares his thoughts on general note making in the
research process and considers them a cognitive tool not only for writing
down thoughts but for developing them in the first place. He stresses how
the choice for a specific tool – be it digital or analogue – impacts our
thinking and calls for a thorough study of annotation practices and their
embedding in context prior to software development. Lange contributes
empirical data on the annotation of research articles by scholars. To this
end, he analyses public annotations by researchers in the online journal
eLifeScience.com, which allows readers to annotate with the help of the
Hypothes.is plug-in. In comparison to what we know about private note
making, he finds that most annotations were clearly written (or rewritten)
with publication in mind. Horstmann follows up on questions of tool
development by presenting the annotation tool CATMA (Computer Assisted Text
Markup and Analysis). CATMA supports close reading practices like
highlighting and manual annotation as well as quantitative analysis of its
annotations and automatic annotation of some phenomena. This way, Horstmann
argues, the tool can contribute to building bridges between traditional
literary scholars and digital humanists.
Finally, some articles primarily address theoretical aspects of annotation.
Hinzmann revisits the concept of the hermeneutic circle. Despite the term’s
popularity, it is not precisely defined and used for many different
understandings of this concept. Hinzmann suggests a differentiation of
several circular relationships that are involved in annotation and
interpretation: 1) The interplay of part and whole of a text or corpus in
the sense that interpretation of a part is influenced by knowledge of the
whole and vice versa, 2) the interplay of individual annotation categories,
the category system as a whole, and its theoretical foundation, 3) the
interplay of the object’s historicity and systematic categories of modern
research, and 4) the interplay of induction (bottom-up) and deduction
(top-down) in research processes. That suggestion is to be welcomed and
communication in and beyond the digital humanities could profit greatly
from more explicitness as to which understanding of hermeneutic circle is
being referred to. Franken/Koch/Zinsmeister look at the different functions
that annotations can fulfill in a research process. To this end, they
compare typical uses of annotations in computational linguistics and
cultural anthropology. One major difference is that computational
linguistics predominantly works with pre-defined category systems which are
then applied to data while cultural anthropology follows methods of
grounded theory and develops the annotation categories in the annotation
process itself. Rehm offers various reflections on annotation from the
perspective of computational linguistics and artificial intelligence. Among
others, he provides a list of “dimensions” by which annotations can be
systematically described (e. g. research question, annotators, guidelines,
complexity and evaluation).
Overall, the volume gives a very broad and inspiring insight into what can be
considered annotation, what role in the research process annotation can
play, and in what contexts and with which tools annotation as a practice
takes place today. With regard to Unsworth’s [2000] “scholarly primitive,”
the multitude of phenomena and approaches sometimes makes it difficult to
see the primitive that they are all supposed to share.[1] An
abstraction of all understandings of annotation could result in a formula
A adds information B to object C in mode D with purpose E.
This formula provides a grid for a structured discussion of different types
of annotations, depending on how the variables are filled. As for A, the
role of the annotator is either fulfilled by the researcher (as in most
papers in the volume) or by some other scholar or author that is the object
of study (academic writers in Freedman, Thomas Mann in Bamert). Fanta
combines both types as the edition involves annotations by Robert Musil,
but also their representation in the edition. For automatic annotation, the
computer can be considered another type of annotator, even though its
application is, of course, driven by a researcher. For the type of
information (B) encoded in annotations, possibilities are essentially
unlimited and as free as research itself, as the volume impressively
illustrates. Of course, some categories can be more easily mapped to an
annotation scheme or are even standardized, while others are more difficult
to pin down at text surface (see Franken/Koch/Zinsmeister). Note that while
the text is the most common object of annotation (C) in the book and
beyond, annotation can be applied to other research objects as well, like
movies in Drummond/Wildfeuer. Also, the annotation of “text” holds its
ambiguities, e.g. whether the text is considered in its materiality or not.
The mode of annotation (D), in a technical sense, can be divided in
analogue and digital approaches, the former constituting the vast majority
for annotations created today (with the exception of personal note-taking,
as in McCarty). A further differentiation can be made among the digital
approaches by looking at annotation formats like XML (Fanta and others),
HTML (Koolen/Boot) and TCF (Lück) and tools like CATMA (Horstmann) or ELAN
(Drummond/Wildfeuer). Finally, annotations can be described by their
purpose (E) which is also dependent on the addressee of the annotations.
Purposes of annotations in the volume range from personal notes the author
addresses to themself (Bamert, McCarty), analytical categories that are
subsequently analyzed (Lang, Hinzmann, Reiter/Willand/Gius, and others),
and annotations that are directed at a third-party reader like other
researchers (Lange) or the reader of an edition (Schlupkothen/Schmidt,
Sciuto). Some annotations are primarily addressed to the computer that maps
the annotations to specific forms of visualization (typically) on the
In highly interdisciplinary contexts like the digital humanities,
communication can be challenging. On an abstract level, we will oftentimes
agree that we all “do annotation” and thus regard it a scholarly primitive.
However, concrete practices differ substantially and what a computational
linguist and a historian have in mind when they say “annotation” might have
less in common than both of them expect. A description model like the
simple formula proposed here enables systematic discussions about concepts
of annotation. Grounded in a solid understanding of commonalities and
differences, multiple approaches to annotation can benefit greatly from
confrontation with each other. In this way, annotation as a shared practice
can foster interdisciplinary exchange. The volume by Julia Nantke and
Frederik Schlupkothen is an impressive example of how the focus on an
abstract practice like annotation allows various research endeavors to find
parallels in their work.
[1] The discussion
about what scholarly primitives are is still in progress and the
answer is highly dependent on the purpose of their compilation
[Palmer, Teffeau, and Pirmann 2009] [Blanke 2013].
Works Cited
Blanke 2013 Blanke, T. and M. Hedges. “Scholarly Primitives:
Building Institutional Infrastructure for Humanities e-Science”, Future Generation Computer Systems 29.2 (2013):
654-661. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2011.06.006.
Nantke and Schlupkothen 2020 Nantke, J. and F. Schlupkothen. Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research:
Functions, Differentiation, Systematization. De Gruyter,
Berlin/New York (2020). https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110689112.
Palmer, Teffeau, and Pirmann 2009 Palmer, C., Teffeau, L., and C. Pirmann.
Scholarly Information Practices in the Online
Environment: Themes from the Literature and Implications for Library
Service Development. Report commissioned by OCLC Research (2009).
Unsworth 2000 Unsworth, J. Scholarly Primitives: What Methods Do Humanities
Researchers Have in Common, and How Might Our Tools Reflect This?, in Symposium on Humanities Computing: Formal Methods,
Experimental Practice. King’s College, London (2000).