Interdisciplinary collaboration within digital humanities research requires brokering
and boundary-crossing work. This article maps interdisciplinary exchanges between
computer scientists, media scholars and information scientists to explicate how
interdisciplinary brokering affects knowledge and tool production in the digital
humanities. The analysis of qualitative data collected during a 17 month-long digital
humanities research pilot - set to collaboratively test a digital Linked Open Data
(LOD) search tool - provides insights into the exploratory search behaviour of a
total of 122 (digital) humanities scholars, and how these insights informed brokering
work within an interdisciplinary research team. The article argues that
interdisciplinary collaboration first and foremost requires disciplinary recognition
in order to succeed, and demonstrates how practical, empirical research insights - in
this case about user research - mobilize interdisciplinary decision-making processes.
Conclusions indicate in what ways computational tools and collaboration affect
knowledge production, and suggest that understanding the stakes of digital humanities
research with digital audio-visual sources requires an integrated perspective
characterized by both theoretical interdisciplinary discussions and their empirical,
practical application. The article furthermore concludes that digital humanities
brokering and boundary work should not only revolve around tool development, but also
requires self-reflexivity in aligning epistemological chasms between disciplines by
means of collaborative translation practices.
Productive interdisciplinary collaboration is high on research agendas of funding
organisations, especially those organisations looking to stimulate digital humanities
[1]. Stimulating collaboration between computer
scientists and humanities scholars could potentially lead to insights that are of
interest to both disciplines; humanities-oriented reflections on big data analysis
can help understandings of its cultural significance, whilst computational analyses
of cultural data potentially enrich humanities research about large batches of
cultural data. However, as this article shows, interdisciplinary collaboration is
often messy and wrought with misunderstanding [
Van Gorp and Bron 2019], and a great
deal of time and effort is spent on trying to create a common agenda as researchers
work to comply with goals that are of importance to their own disciplinary concerns.
The central argument of this article is that successful interdisciplinary
collaboration requires disciplinary recognition if it is to be a fruitful endeavour.
“Interdisciplinariness” does not warrant immediate celebration. It is important to
acknowledge that doing interdisciplinary work requires translation work:
specifically, an adaptation of research insights to make sense within another
disciplinary perspective, in order to reach conclusions that prove productive to all
researchers and disciplines involved. Overcoming epistemological differences between
disciplines often makes conflict inevitable within interdisciplinary digital
humanities projects [
Poole and Garwood 2018]. This is why interdisciplinary research
should include self-reflexivity in the process of collaboration (see also [
Hagedoorn and Sauer 2018]) and thereby pay attention to the outcomes and also the “practice of
interdisciplinary collaboration” [
Van Gorp and Bron 2019].
This article presents insights into such interdisciplinary digital humanities
practices. It delves into a particular case of interdisciplinary translation work to
explicate the particularities of what we refer to as interdisciplinary brokering
work. The case centres on the collaboration practices of a team of computer
scientists, information scientists and media scholars who, over the course of 17
months, user tested and fine-tuned a digital tool as part of a digital humanities
pilot study. Throughout this study, the tool became the basis for interdisciplinary
knowledge exchange, much like a “boundary object” [
Star and Griesemer 1989].
Furthermore, the team’s brokering and negotiation efforts about insights drawn from
user testing illustrate that, while such insights are a product of interdisciplinary
meaning-making, these insights are also more strongly guided by the project’s
deliverable goals than by concerns about usability.
The tool that became the team’s boundary object, is the Linked Open Data (LOD)
exploratory search browser DIVE+
[2], which is part of the CLARIAH Media Suite
[3] research environment [
Martínez et al. 2017]. DIVE+ is a digital cultural
heritage browser which aims to support scholars during the first, exploratory, phase
of their research by allowing them to create and save “search narratives” as
sequences of search results, connected by scholars in a separate navigation and
bookmarking pane in the search browser (see Figure 2). The CLARIAH Media Suite gives
access to important Dutch national audiovisual archives and is part of the
overarching CLARIAH infrastructure, which is the Dutch national counterpart to the
international CLARIN and DARIAH research infrastructures. CLARIAH “develops,
facilitates, and stimulates the use of Digital Humanities resources and
infrastructures” [
CLARIAH 2022], and offers tools and data for humanities and social
sciences research.
Insights into the team’s interdisciplinary collaboration practices are drawn from
qualitative data that was collected during a 17 month-long digital humanities
research pilot study (2017-2018) that investigated how effectively DIVE+ supported
the digital research practices of humanities scholars. Throughout the research study
the authors collected data about humanities scholars’ digital search practices by
means of focus groups, search tasks and think-aloud protocols, surveys, and
questionnaires of in total 122 participants. The authors then traced how these user
insights shaped both the development of DIVE+ as well the interdisciplinarity
collaboration within the research team.
As the title of this article suggests, brokering plays a key role in grasping the
interdisciplinary collaboration within this pilot. Brokering is not simply a metaphor
for collaboration. Admittedly borrowed from Innovation Studies [
Hargadon and Sutton 1997], brokering draws attention to how, in the contemporary marketplace of ideas,
understanding the negotiation between parties or actors is key to explain why certain
ideas are embraced or discarded. The concept also conjures up recent debates about
how neoliberalism has permeated digital humanities research, and what universities’
and funding agencies’ large-scale investment in the computational turn indicates
about the role of cultural critique and hermeneutics within (digital) humanities
research [
Allington et al. 2016] [
Liu 2012] [
Nowviskie and McGann 2016].
In this case, brokering takes the shape of a brokering community practice [
Wenger 1998] [
Henry and Mackenzie 2012] in which collaborators “[negotiate] their own
activities and identities, [while shaping] the relationships between their
communities of practice” [
Beddoes 2011, 13]. The analysis of this practice focuses
on how insights uncovered during the pilot – i.e. insights into how humanities
scholars actually search in and explore digital archives while using DIVE+ – inform
team collaborations and decision-making processes, both on the level of the tool
(adjusting for instance its interface, and functionality to align with user needs)
and on the level of interdisciplinary research collaboration (e.g., in working to
create academic and a project-related research output). We relate this back to how
brokering practices reflect who ‘wins’ within the marketplace of ideas by focusing on
humanities scholars, who are deemed to have increasingly less agency in digital
humanities due to their insistence on close reading, hermeneutic tradition, and
interpretation [
Allington et al. 2016]. In our case, humanities
scholars were involved as part of the interdisciplinary project team, and as the
tool’s targeted user group.
This article’s second goal is to connect our qualitative user studies’ insights to
interdisciplinary concerns about how knowledge is explored, produced, and
disseminated by means of computational tools and digital humanities research
practices. This objective relates to prior studies about scholarly research processes
and how these may “inform the development of research environments for digital
scholarship in the humanities” [
Gradmann et al. 2015, 143] [
Bron et al. 2012]. It is
particularly valuable to scholars working on the disciplinary boundary of computer
science and the humanities, who grapple with issues of how to translate humanities’
concepts and concerns into computational terms.
In the next section (Section 2) we present the theoretical framework used to analyse
the collected data. The methodological section (Section 3) shows how we related
qualitative data collection and grounded theory to answer overarching questions about
collaboration and brokering practices. Section 4 presents the analysis, with
reflections about interdisciplinary brokering and translation work on two levels: (1)
the project level, where team meetings and debates indicate the necessity of both
theoretical interdisciplinary discussions and their empirical, practical application
when doing digital humanities work and, (2) the tool level, and the role played by
insights drawn from the pilot’s user studies in the team collaboration practices. We
conclude in section 5 with a discussion of how our analysis at the user study level
maps onto larger interdisciplinary concerns.
It is important to note that while the user study provides qualitative insights into
the exploratory search behaviour of 122 users, and that the documented research team
collaboration was analysed in order to better understand how interdisciplinary
research within the digital humanities works, this study does have clear limitations.
We used a mixed-method approach to conduct our qualitative research. This choice was
informed by both methodological and practical concerns: we wanted to triangulate
insights, while simultaneously adapting our methods to specific research settings.
This is why think-aloud protocols were supplemented with questionnaires, research
diaries and focus group sessions. This mixed-method approach relied on the team’s
collective expertise and as a result helped to translate project insights into new
knowledge for dissemination within the different researchers’ respective fields of
Computer Science, Media Studies and Information Science.
2. Theoretical framework
2.1 Collaboration as brokering work
Digital humanities research is characterised as interdisciplinary, and works at
the boundaries of what are considered computational sciences and the humanities.
More often than not, digital humanities are described in terms of how the
computational turn has taken effect in the humanities, thereby mirroring
all-encompassing processes of the datafication of modern society [
Schäfer and Van Es 2017, 15]. In this article, we look at what this computational work means for
the boundaries between disciplines, in terms of interdisciplinary collaboration
practices. Collaboration between different disciplines and different skill-sets is
key in digital humanities projects [
Van Gorp and Bron 2019] [
Klein 2015] [
Hayles 2012] [
Masson 2017]. With collaboration comes the need for translations of
concepts and methods. Furthermore, and especially within disciplines that focus on
negotiations between actors to delineate how technological artefacts are
developed, brokering work itself is recognized as a shaping actor [
Oldenziel et al. 2006], even at the level of project management [
Tabak 2017]
Gradmann et al. 2015].
Masson describes two trends in digital humanities research that relate to the core
objectives of this paper: (1) the critical engagement with digital tools and data,
and (2) the growing tendency to refer to digital humanities research as
transdisciplinary, drawing into focus the work of creating a “shared conceptual
framework” [
Masson 2017, 35] by collaborating disciplines. Transdisciplinarity contrasts
with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinarity in the sense that the former is
transformative, while interdisciplinarity is concerned with linking and
integrating, and multidisciplinarity juxtaposes disciplines [
Klein 2010, 16].
Transdisciplinary research may emerge from interdisciplinary collaboration, when
“fundamental epistemological shifts occur” [
Austin et al. 2008, 557].
Our study engages with both of Masson’s digital humanities trends. The analysis
shows how, in our project, critical tool engagement informs the collaborative
brokering practice of an interdisciplinary research team. Tool user testing not
only informs tool development, but also fundamentally shapes the interdisciplinary
team’s negotiation practices, especially regarding what is deemed important or
within the scope of the research project for each involved researcher and
represented discipline. Ultimately, the analysis shows that while this project was
interdisciplinary, it never transcended disciplinary concerns to realize a shared
conceptual – transdisciplinary – space.
The research project did, however, rely on a shared material space: DIVE+, the
tool that was further developed and tested within the project. Drawing into focus
the brokering practices on both the tool and project levels creates a conceptual
framework that is empirically, practically, observable; shared project objectives
lead to tests and alterations of, and reflections on DIVE+ as a boundary object
Star and Griesemer 1989] or a “working artefact” [
Suchman et al. 2002]).
Boundary objects are defined as objects “both adaptable to different viewpoints
and robust enough to maintain identity across them” [
Star and Griesemer 1989, 387].
We work in line with Rieder and Rohle’s (
2012) argument that interdisciplinary
digital humanities research should “establish areas of collaboration between the
disciplines and to foster the development of practical solutions for interaction”
Rieder and Rohle 2012, 80] at the level of methodology. We analyse documented team meetings, and
methodological and technological choices that flowed from these meetings as
brokering practices to better understand how such an area of collaboration was
formed in action. The team collectively documented meetings in a shared online
file as part of project management efforts. The content of this file underlines
that interdisciplinary collaboration requires a constant eagerness to engage in
brokering practices.
Here, brokering work takes the shape of translation
[4]; of finding words to express
concepts and translating these into a set of interface and data requirements.
Recognizing translations as negotiations between disciplinary perspectives, and
revisiting documentation of interactions between members of different disciplines
through the conceptual lens of brokering, enables us to trace the work that goes
into realizing interdisciplinary collaboration within digital humanities projects,
and the work that goes into fine-tuning a technological artefact.
2.2 The boundary object DIVE+: Exploratory search and narrative creation
Drawing out this brokering work shows how collaborators work across disciplines by
material engagement with the tool DIVE+ as a boundary object. DIVE+ is an open
linked exploratory search browser that facilitates the exploration of diverse
archival and museum collections, and allows researchers to investigate how
different media objects, events, people and concepts can be compared, connected,
and contextualized. Within Library and Information Sciences, the process of
information search and retrieval has been described as consisting of different
phases, including exploration. Kuhlthau proposes a six-stage model of information
searching, that relates search stages to phases of uncertainty, and observes that
“the model reveals a search process in which a person is seeking meaning in the
course of seeking information” [
Kuhlthau 2017, 2233]. Exploration is described as
the third stage, in which a searcher experiences a “dip” of confidence after
having selected a number of interesting sources. Exploration leads to feelings of
uncertainty, as a user encounters sources that do not “fit smoothly with
previously held constructs” [
Kuhlthau 2017]. Exploration and exploratory search are
investigatory activities triggered by a user’s need and willingness to learn and
develop new knowledge [
Marchionini 2006] [
Mirizzi et al. 2010, 39]. White
and Roth furthermore emphasize that exploratory searchers “aim to solve complex
problems” and that exploratory search itself is “open-ended, persistent, and
multi-faceted” (
2009). Exploratory search can therefore be regarded as an
iterative process, likened to solving puzzles [
Sauer and De Rijke 2016] or playing
games [
Wilson 2017].
In defining how to optimally support exploratory search, Marchionini (
describes a system much like DIVE+ that affords user exploration and visualization
of relationships between different entities and data facets (topic, time, space,
data format). DIVE+ aspires to create ‘search narratives’ by presenting for
instance events that are shared across linked data sets. However, as we will
discuss in the analysis section, the mismatch between the search narratives
afforded by DIVE+’s use of LOD and humanities scholars’ understanding of
‘narrative’ demonstrates the precarity of transdisciplinary presumptions.
2.3 Exploration afforded by Linked Open Data
Facilitating data exploration by means of linked open data (LOD) allows users to
discover connections across linked data sets [
Pattuelli et al. 2017]. Transposing
and matching vocabularies of different data collections grants insights into
individual collections as well as enable the definition of new research questions
about hitherto digitally unconnected materials. Of course, providing new ways to
explore these afforded connections relies on translations grounded in specific
assumptions. First, there is invisible but very real work done at the data level
to translate collections into LOD: adapting explorable entities to facilitate
connections across different collections. Second, the notion that LOD will allow
new discoveries, or the formulation of new research questions (prompted by
surprising visualised connections), is based on the conviction that patterns in
data lead to new knowledge [
Bod 2013] and that knowledge is no longer
entity-centric, but rather, relationship-centric [
Voskarides et al. 2018]
Recent digital humanities research has also focused on discovery by means of
exploratory search. Jähnichen et al. (
2017) focus on visual topic modelling of
large collections of historical digitised materials to enhance exploratory search
processes, while Muiser (
2017) employed user-centred design case studies to
optimize exploration of digital cultural heritage collections. The possibilities
explicitly offered by LOD are furthermore documented by Lampert and Southwick
2013) who argue that LOD will not only change search processes, but also shift
(librarian) skills and the conception of access to digital collections.
This article presents the results of our user study focused on exploratory search
and LOD, while connecting user study insights to overarching observations made
about interdisciplinary collaboration in terms of brokering practices. We are not
only interested in how users can form new research questions and encounter
research ideas as they engage in exploratory search with LOD, but also draw
attention to a parallel between LOD and interdisciplinary collaboration. Exploring
LOD is similar to exploring interdisciplinary research possibilities; both happen
between what Klein refers to as the Boundary Object and the Interactional
Expertise Trading Zones, that include linguistic exchanges generating
“interlanguage and interactional expertise” [
Klein 2015, 140]. Mapping and
transposing vocabularies across digital heritage collections and making these
vocabularies explorable via the DIVE+ browser marks collaborations within both
zones at the same time. DIVE+ becomes a boundary object for these collections (at
the data level), while also performing the function of boundary object for the
collaborating disciplines. The zone of interactional expertise is engaged by
addressing user interactions with the browser. LOD allows new unforeseen
connections between entities and documents. Meanwhile, interdisciplinary
collaborations are expected to link and connect disciplinary ideas. On both
levels, there are of course also challenges and obstacles to the fruition of these
new connections. The present study details these to provide insights at both the
project and interdisciplinary level.
3. Methodology
3.1 Documenting collaboration
Digital humanities research is often project-based [
Tabak 2017]. Project
management therefore plays an important role, also when analysing how
collaboration is structured. The object of the research pilot was to investigate
how DIVE+ supports exploratory search practices of media researchers, especially
when these researchers investigate narrative creation about unexpected media
events, such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks [
Hagedoorn and Sauer 2018]. User
insight would lead to recommendations to further fine-tune the browser.
The project team, consisting of eight researchers from the fields of Computer
Science, Media Studies, and Information Science, met virtually on a bi-weekly
basis to discuss project deliverables, tool development, planned user studies, and
research insight dissemination efforts. Meetings lasted between 30 and 60 minutes,
and were documented in an online shared document. This shared document served as a
research diary, chronicling the research project’s issues, concerns, and
milestones in a bi-weekly rhythm. This document is analysed to discern recurring
themes, ideas, and joint research objectives in order to help understand how the
team gave meaning to DIVE+ as the project’s boundary object.
3.2 User research: documenting user stories to understand exploratory search with
linked data
Research diaries were also part of the mixed-methods approach used to undertake
user research. A total of 122 (digital) humanities scholars took part in these
studies, between May 2017 and January 2018. A number of methods were combined to
triangulate results; individually, users were given exploratory search tasks,
answered surveys and (post-task) questionnaires about their experiences. This was
combined with collaborative tasks, where small groups worked together to create
posters about their search experiences and their ideas about exploratory search.
User studies were conducted by means of interactive workshops hosted at different
universities to include the users’ actual work settings.
The tasks were performed on personal laptops or university computers. During two
sessions, the tasks were accompanied by think-aloud protocols which were recorded
and subsequently transcribed. Search histories were saved and exported by the user
and users filled out a post task questionnaire. In other sessions, tasks were not
accompanied by a think-aloud protocol, but by a questionnaire. This was done to
not disturb other users in the room, as they were completing tasks in a single,
larger, space.
The task assignment was followed by a focus group discussion. During the
discussion, users shared their experiences of searching with exploratory search
tools, including DIVE+. These sessions were concluded with a poster session. Users
worked together in small groups of 3-4 people to draw their research process and
trajectory. The main question they all worked with was: How would you visualize
your research journey, and what is the (ideal) role of exploratory search in this
process? During plenary sessions posters were discussed and research findings
displayed (Figure 1).
4. Analysis
The first part of the analysis focuses on the research team’s brokering and
translation work and then thus turns to how this work was informed by user research
insights. These insights formed part of the team’s shared goals, but also became the
space in which different research interests and negotiations came to the fore.
Lastly, the analysis draws on insights about the collaboration and user research to
focus on the necessity of both theoretical interdisciplinary discussions and their
empirical, practical application when doing digital humanities work.
4.1 Collaboration affects knowledge production; interactional expertise, brokering
and translation
The interdisciplinary research team met virtually 27 times on a bi-weekly basis
between March 2017 and July 2018. This team consisted of two computer scientists, one
information scientist, and two media studies scholars. A data scientist and
programmer joined the bi-weekly team meetings on a more ad-hoc basis. Team
discussions focused on project goals: (1) how to execute user testing with the DIVE+
browser in order to better understand how (digital) humanities scholars can use
exploratory search tools as part of their research practices; (2) how to optimize the
DIVE+ browser in terms of its user interface (UI) and its integration into the
overarching CLARIAH Media Suite; and (3) tool and project dissemination efforts at
conferences and in publications.
Meeting minutes were shared within the team, and archived online. These minutes serve
as an overview of the project, project management, and are an artefact onto itself. A
grounded analysis of these minutes shows that discussions were for instance not
primarily about DIVE+’s UI, but also focused on project management (to indicate, of
the 239 coded lines, 50 were labelled ‘project management’, only superseded by 51
times that the UI was topic of discussion).
At a first glance, this interdisciplinary collaboration focused on discussing project
timelines, deliverables and key milestones. Issues with DIVE+ functionality, testing
and its integration into the Media Suite were also discussed at length. Following
Klein, and Star and Griesemer, DIVE+ was the project’s boundary object and its
trading zone of interaction from the outset. Discussions revolved around how to
investigate the ways in which DIVE+ supports exploration, how to translate insights about use into browser and interface changes, and how to disseminate research insights
more broadly (discussed 24 times during the 27 meetings).
Klein discusses the “interactional expertise trading zone” where “interdisciplinary
work includes linguistic exchange that generates interlanguage and interactional
expertise” [
Klein 2015, 140]. In the team meetings, this exchange centred around discussing
the possibilities of LOD, and how users could be asked to reflect on the usefulness
of LOD via the DIVE+ search browser. Specifically, what methods could be used to
understand user engagement with DIVE+, and how users understand the tool and LOD?
The team settled on a mixed-method approach that used exploratory search tasks and
think-aloud protocols (used more commonly in human computer interaction studies), as
well as research diaries and focus groups (that are employed more readily in
qualitative social science and humanities research). The mixed-method approach relied
on the team’s collective expertise. This is not trivial: specific experts are
involved in the project because they are experts in specific user research
methodologies, and are willing to contribute this expertise for the project’s
collective benefit. Conversely, these methods were also chosen because these
specifically helped the involved researchers translate project insights into new
knowledge for dissemination within their respective fields.
Translating the findings from the user studies into requirements for DIVE+
necessitated another step in the collaboration process, in which interdisciplinary
collaboration led to clashes in epistemological outlook and understanding. For
example, the tensions over the meaning and use of the term ‘narrative’ between
researchers based in the humanities and those in computational science exemplify the
type of translation problems that can arise during interdisciplinary collaboration.
Whereas the media studies researchers relied on thick descriptions of what
‘narrative’ means to the users in order to reflect on the role of narrativization in
research practices, their user study work also needed to lead to user interface
recommendations, as well as recommendations for the overarching Media Suite. In other
words, user feedback and reflections had to be translated into material suggestions,
as per the project’s objectives. A clear example of this are the team discussions
about and the understanding of what ‘narrative’ means in the context of users’
research practices within DIVE+, and what this difference in meaning-attribution means
in terms of interface functionality and design. For instance, not all users that
partook in the user studies were comfortable with the notion that they create
narratives while doing research. As one (media) historian notes: “I believe that the
narrative metaphor does not really apply to my research, because I do not produce
sequential data, but rather a meta-structure, which cannot be told as a story” (Respondent B-P17)
. Yet for media researchers who are interested in audio-visual production
processes, such as image researchers, creating narratives is part of their core
research work. Narrative is thus a multi-interpretable container term that cannot
easily be translated in a one-size fits all UI.
On the level of the search browser, the developers of DIVE+ referred to generated
exploration paths as ‘search narratives’, as these ‘retell’ the user’s search
history. This, however, lead to user misunderstandings over how they can become
storytellers without being able to annotate, add, or shuffle the search results
within the exploration path. For the humanities researchers on the interdisciplinary
team, ‘narrative’ was also closely connected to the desire to meaningfully edit or
comment upon search results. The humanities scholars struggled to view
‘auto-generated narratives’ as research stories; without a way to add an
interpretation to the narrative, the humanities users felt a lack of agency over the
research narrative.
To the involved information and computer scientists however, the concept of
‘narrative’ was irrevocably tied to a user’s search history. Ultimately, the research
team’s media scholars suggested to change this notion of a ‘search narrative’ to a
‘search journey’, thereby preventing future misunderstandings between team members
and between the team and the test users. The dispute over a term like ‘narrative’
shows that developing a shared vocabulary means discussing disciplinary differences.
A similar discussion emerged about the idea of how DIVE+ was to be an ‘event-centric’
browser. Initially, the browser included the option to search for events. However, in
large part because of the ambiguity of this concept (when is something an event?),
this idea was eventually abandoned. Discussions over terms such as ‘narrative’ and
‘event’ were followed up with a collective re-interpreting or translating of the term
from the point of view of the users, in order to make alterations to the search
browser and UI that would reflect this user interpretation and to avoid what has been
referred to as the “I-methodology” [
Akrich 1995], where “designers consider
themselves as representative of the users” [
Oudshoorn et al. 2004, 41].
This translation work is part of the brokering that the collaborating researchers
engaged in. Beyond translation, brokering also means convincing the other team
members of how users seemed to interpret their interactions with DIVE+ and with LOD.
In this case, the discussions about the meaning of ‘narrative’ and ‘event’ that users
attributed to these terms gained more agency in the brokering practice: the
epistemological outlook and interpretations of the users involved in tool testing
became key to material or technological changes in the browser. The data that was
collected as part of the user studies becomes part of an interactional expertise
trading zone; it is not only DIVE+ that connects the members of the research team as
a boundary object, but also the data that is collected about DIVE+ and its use (and
possible subsequent analysis of that data to publish about the project!) that gives
the team discussions, and decisions, its momentum. This data is also part of the
negotiation. In order to zoom in further on how this negotiation actually took shape,
we now turn to a close analysis of how our collected user research data shaped the
interdisciplinary collaborative work.
4.2 User/tool interactions: Linked Data and Exploratory Search user insights as part
of interdisciplinary brokering
Using DIVE+, users can explore relations between 1,231.688 entities from 4 digital or
digitized heritage collections
[6] when they use
DIVE+. Links between entities are visualized by showing a snapshot of the retrieved
‘media object’, descriptions of the media object, the people, locations, and concepts
linked to that entity, and how these can be further explored. Users can collect data
by adding an entity of interest to their ‘exploration path’, or by bookmarking the
entity for further investigation. They can subsequently save, load and export their
exploration paths into their overarching CLARIAH personal ‘workspace’ to be able to
peruse these throughout their research process.
Users saw benefits in using DIVE+ to explore collections, and recognized its
potential to support the discovery of new research ideas and topics:
DIVE+’s way of linking information allows you to start with a wide
search term and then click through to other or related aspects of it. It enables
some free association, which can trigger research questions (Respondent A-G2)
[It] makes source selection a bit more random, giving the
researcher a chance to find sources that other methods might not reveal (Respondent X-P12)
The DIVE+ interface allows users to search for keywords, persons, and locations
within 4 collections. Clicking on a search result provides a more detailed
description of an entity, or, for example, allows the user to play the audio-visual
file that contains the search query. This gives, as one user reports, searching with
DIVE+, a sense of “just diving in without knowing what you will end up with” (Respondent B-P12).
The fact that connections between entities are made visible is one of the described
strengths of the browser, as it “lets you see connections and thus shows you the
meaning of AV content” (Respondent A-P18).
Connections are deemed valuable when they can be contextualized; researchers see the
tool as useful to gain a quick overview of how entities are related, and what kinds
of materials are accessible and related to particular search queries. At the same
time, they miss context to ground the material as “real connections still have to be
made in an old and traditional way… in the mind of the researcher. (...) It is more
about the metadata than about the actual content” (Respondent B-P2). Users also indicate that
while the browser could potentially spark new research questions, this is hampered by
the lack of transparency about why certain entities are
related: DIVE+’s UI does not inherently explicate the connections it draws across LOD
entities for the user. This also relates to questions that arose in the focus group
discussions after using DIVE+: how are entities labelled as events in the tool, what
is an event? Based on the user feedback, the DIVE+UI was adapted to give users the
possibility to contextualize data by sorting search results by collection. This
affords users a clearer view of what they are exploring.
The user-reported need to ground the data, whether within the context of collection,
historical parameters, or a particular label (as a ‘concept’, for example), mirrors
boyd and Crawford’s insights about Big Data analysis (
2012). Without context, data
loses its meaning: “The ability to represent relationships between people as a graph
does not mean that they convey equivalent information” [
Boyd and Crawford 2012, 670].
The overall responses of the users indicate that DIVE+ could potentially support
exploration, because it offers an alternative way to interact with different data
collections. However, users also felt that the tool lacks direct research benefits
because searching with DIVE+ is time consuming, has a steep learning curve, and its
search functions are counter-intuitive. Users further questioned what kind of
knowledge is afforded by linked data. We will expand on this last observation,
because it directly mirrors our findings about brokering as translation and
consensus-making within interdisciplinary work.
One of the premises of DIVE+ is that, by offering exploration of entities across 4
different collections, researchers may encounter materials in new ways, which will
allow researchers to ask new questions. This idea was supported by user feedback, as
exploratory search is deemed to “[allow] the adaptation of research questions in an
iterative fashion” (Respondent A-P1). However, exploration is limited by the knowledge graph
that these collections, together, create. In other words, search is limited by the
ways in which entities have been made discoverable, and how these have been labelled
(e.g., as persons). The micro-granularity of search that is afforded by linked data
would seem to allow more fine-grained search results. Yet, for the users this meant
that they became more sceptical of what they were finding. Who, after all, is doing
the labelling? In other words, apart from voicing a need for (collection) context to
be able to interpret what they were seeing, users were questioning the transparency
of the search results, and who was defining terms and setting boundaries around these
objects. Within DIVE+ and interdisciplinary research alike, the tensions manifested
within the boundaries of the conversation as much as within its content.
4.2.1 Negotiations: The role of visualization in narrative creation
The visualized exploration path, or search narrative (Figure 2), was deemed helpful
to keep track of what was found before and to trace how users came to certain
materials. Users could see the potential usefulness of this feature, especially to
revisit previously examined materials.
However, as stated previously, referring to the collected search history as a
narrative seemed less intuitive to the users than referring to this feature as a
search journey. The actual narrative, it was deemed, is related to the historical
narrative that the user is trying to form about a set of events in the past. Yet,
users saw possibilities to enhance the exploration path functionalities by
incorporating the possibility to add annotations; adding notes about how the user
sees connections between two suggested linked entities enables the researcher to feel
that they are creating narratives. Key to this understanding of narrative creation is
the sense that annotation gives the user the “powerful tool and an important strategy
not only to tell events, but above all to interpret them and therefore to attribute
meaning, relevance and to understand reality with more awareness and to transform it” (Respondent E-P7)
. Giving researchers the agency to annotate created exploration paths into
narratives more readily integrates the tool into existing research processes. This
could be useful as “during the process of collecting data, the narrative might
change, for media researchers might find information that changes their research
question and primary focus” (Respondent E-P7).
What the above observations indicate about how exploratory search offered by LOD
affects knowledge production, is that knowledge production needs to be grounded in a
clear context. The user studies show that (digital) humanities scholars greatly value
visualizations of historical events in narratives, but still struggle with
contextualizing the linked data presented in DIVE+. Adding user-generated annotations
to the suggested connections between LOD entities will benefit their
contextualization, as it would allow users to reflect on the entity, its source, and
role within a possible research narrative.
The user insights about the exploratory search afforded by DIVE+ and the visual
representations of the search narrative or journey culminated in three tool
recommendations that were devised by the authors, to allow for annotation of search
results (to contextualize findings), to allow the export of search results so that a
user can keep these as ‘notes’ during research, and to add a feature that allows
users to shuffle search results in the search narrative. These features have been
designed and implemented in the newest iteration of DIVE+; user research insights
thus informed particular changes to the browser to ensure the tool aligns better with
research and meaning-making practices of its foreseen users.
5. Conclusion
The objective of this article was to show how insights into the exploratory search
behaviour of (digital) humanities scholars with the DIVE+ browser informed the
brokering work of the interdisciplinary research team. The article also argues that
successful interdisciplinary collaboration requires disciplinary recognition if it is
to be considered a fruitful endeavour. The presented user study insights are a
springboard for answers to related questions about knowledge production - and
recognition - in the digital humanities. The insights help clarify how the research
team project management efforts and collective user study analysis worked to
negotiate meaning, methods and outcomes on both the level of the tools’ user
interface and on the level of interdisciplinary collaboration.
The user insights culminated in team discussions about how to further refine the
concept of narrative in DIVE+. These discussions articulate the important role of
critical interdisciplinary dialogue in digital humanities research throughout tool
development and application. The recommendations primarily focused on refining DIVE+
to give the user a better sense of data context, as well as suggestions to improve
user interaction and experience with the tool’s exploration path (visualizing the
search narrative, or, as the scholars agreed to term it, the search journey of the
user). Figure 3 and 4 show what these incremental changes look like in the current
version of the tool.
While these alterations were the result of user recommendations, they also reflect
the outcome of the research team’s brokering - negotiation and translation - work.
On the level of the tool DIVE+, the user studies therefore show that (digital)
humanities scholars greatly value visualizations of events in narratives, but
struggle with contextualizing the linked data presented in DIVE+. Granting users more
agency in the creation of narratives, by allowing them to annotate related entities
in the interface’s exploration path, is expected to support this contextualization
process. On the level of collaboration between disciplines, the case shows that
interdisciplinarity necessitates the ability to work together in a transdisciplinary
manner. This means that interdisciplinary collaboration requires the forming of a
shared conceptual or even community practice in which brokering takes the shape of
not only discussing and negotiating about project management and deliverables, but
also requires an almost literal translation of epistemological considerations, in
this case about the meaning of a term such as ‘narrative’ or ‘event’.
Overall, this then demands that researchers act in a self-reflexive manner throughout
collaborations: sharing explicit awareness of how their disciplinary background
shapes methodological considerations, their understanding of what is considered to be
knowledge, and how the practice of collaborating shifts or does not shift these
understandings. Masson’s observation that transdisciplinary work demands a “shared
conceptual framework” [
Masson 2017, 35] seems fitting here, with the additional observation
that creating this framework demands active and open ‘exploration’ within the
interdisciplinary team. In the interactional expertise trading zone, researchers from
different disciplines need to broker their views, methods, and terminology, to reach
consensus and move forward. The interdisciplinary dialogue around the boundary object
DIVE+ gave meaning to this collaboration; without continuous brokering work, this
project would not have led to fruitful insights about the user interface of DIVE+,
about users’ perceptions of meaning-creation that are afforded by linked data, or
about the collaboration itself.
Yet, solely focusing on DIVE+ as a boundary object overlooks the important role
played by the process of developing interactional expertise, of engaging in boundary
work required to realize project deliverables that include an optimized exploratory
search browser as a boundary object. The object seems to, also in project
deliverables, take on a larger role: the tool is at the centre of conference
presentations and publications, whereas the joint discussions and the collaborative
work in producing the object are seemingly left aside. Tool development and project
deliverables trump reflections about process. Admittedly, this seems inherent to work
on any kind of research project. This is also why we feel it is important to connect
a focus on (technical) deliverables to how the interdisciplinary team executed their
project. While this focus on deliverables and tool recommendation realization seems
to align with earlier mentioned ideas about digital humanities as a ‘neoliberal
field’ that is focused on computation and the development of tools for tools’ sake,
the project also illustrates that interpretation and reflections on interpretation
matter within projects such as these. In the end, “it’s not what the software does,
it’s what the user does” [
MacLeod 2009]. Analysing the work that goes into boundary
work provides an opportunity to pick apart the fabric of much-valued
interdisciplinary collaboration, to help pinpoint how researchers from different
disciplines can understand one another.
We would like to conclude with the observation that there is an interesting parallel
between the technological affordances of LOD and interdisciplinary digital humanities
research. Clearly, semantics play a decisive role in both: linked data allows for
semantic linking of entities, and transdisciplinary collaboration is about brokering
and translating terms and meanings in such a manner that the entire group understands
something in a similar way. Drawing out how this interdisciplinary brokering takes
shape in practice requires working towards a sociology of digital humanities; mapping
interdisciplinary exchanges in practice. This, in turn, will also bolster an
understanding of how semantic connections and linked data can further enrich
knowledge creation and collaboration.
This research was supported by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in the context of Berber Hagedoorn as Sound and Vision Researcher in Residence in 2016-2017 and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) under project number CI-14-25 as part of the MediaNow project. This research was also made possible by the CLARIAH-CORE project financed by NWO, with the Research Pilot Narrativizing Disruption.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions, and Hanne Stegeman for her research assistance during data categorization.
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