DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
Volume 16 Number 1
Volume 16 Number 1
The Ebook Imagination
While popular histories of the ebook start in the 1990s, inventors were working on the form since at least the 1940s. In this article, I offer a media archaeological analysis of digital publishing patents to develop the ebook imagination, or the desires of readers and inventors for the future of reading on screen. Through an analysis of a corpus of 98 patents relating to ebooks, I demonstrate how the ebook imagination focused on the aesthetics of the book over focusing on replicating paper via a screen, which would later lead to the success of Amazon's Kindle in 2007.
During the 1940s, Ángela Ruiz Robles, a teacher from León, Galicia, had a prescient
vision of publishing’s future: Her Enciclopedia Mecánica would increase children’s
access to affordable interactive educational materials. Her 1962 sketch (Figure 1)
featured a device with three slots for lessons presented in scrolls. Students would
insert the scrolls, browse the content and then answer questions on each lesson
through rotating disks immediately below each scroll. Just as with a combination
padlock, correct answers would result in positive haptic feedback. The Spanish Patent
and Trademark Office granted Ruiz Robles two patents [Ruiz Robles 1949] [Ruiz Robles 1962] for the device. El Ferrol Artillery Depot built a prototype based on the 1962
patent and in 1971, the Technical Institute of Applied Mechanical Experts explored
the cost of manufacturing 10,000 units at 50-75 pesetas (around $1 in 1971) per unit
but the initial start-up cost of 100,000 pesetas ($1,410) was prohibitive [Telefonica Fundación 2015]. Both Ruiz Robles and her invention languished in relative obscurity
until around 2007, when the importance of her work was recontextualized by the launch
of the Kindle and an exhibition of her work at Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia in 2008
[García 2012]. [1]
Following this rediscovery, Ruiz Robles was honored by the Spanish Patent Office
[Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas 2011], a Google Doodle [Google 2016], a
festschrift [Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad 2013], a Madrid street name
[Jones 2018], and El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología’s acquisition of her
archives [Telefonica Fundación 2015].
Figure 1.
Ruiz Robles’s mechanical cartridge system. Adapted from [Ruiz Robles 1962]The retroactive recognition of Ruiz Robles’ inventions reveals a 60-year gestation
period for the e-reader to shift from a patentable idea to mass-produced commodity.
Patent filings speculating about the future of reading on-screen accelerated
following the establishment of the terminal-mainframe computational paradigm in the
1960s but, as with the case of Ruiz Robles, inventors were conceptualizing digital
publishing before the emergence of the personal computer. Patents map amateur and
professional ambitions for the book’s future alongside the development of the digital
computer. Previous histories of digital publishing often overlook this evidence base,
creating a distorted narrative focusing on what appear to be a few outlier early
devices rather than a concerted effort by several companies to create a functionable
e-reader. As a corrective, in this article I offer a media archaeological analysis of
digital publishing patents to develop the ebook imagination, or the desires of
readers and inventors for the future of reading on screen.[2] I demonstrate that while patent filings confirm
the theoretical existence of e-readers long before the technology was commercially
viable, unfortunately this early work often fixated on replicating the book as an
object, overlooking vital issues in recreating the reading experience such as
developing high quality screens. These innovations can only be traced through efforts
led by other industries, demonstrating the ebook’s success relied on a convergence of
adjacent technologies rather than an inevitability of early prototypes.
Erkki Huhtamo introduced media archaeology “as a way of studying recurring cyclical
phenomena that (re)appear and disappear and reappear over and over again in media
history, somehow seeming to transcend specific historical contexts” [Huhtamo 1997, 222]. Media archaeology as a methodology celebrates historical cul-de-sacs and
counterfactuals as a way of challenging conventional chronological narratives of
progress. It is therefore an ideal approach to the historical analysis of digital
publishing, where important evidence exists outside of these linear narratives.
Individual patents may appear fanciful in retrospect, but collectively they reveal a
sustained effort to map linear reading onto contemporary time-based media
technologies. Through treating media history as cyclical, Eric Kluitenberg positions
media archaeology “primarily as a critique of progress” [Kluitenberg 2011, 51], a
rebuke to patent scholarship’s dominant emphasis on evolutionary models of
technological development. While previous case studies of patents as evidence for
technological developments reveal hierarchal networks of inventors [Lenoir and Giannella 2011] [O’Reagan and Fleming 2018], a media archaeology-informed approach
instead emphasizes discontinuities within patents. Each generation reconceptualized
the ebook based upon their own technological horizons shaped by their understanding
of screen technologies.
The ebook imagination was shaped by long-running, contradictory desires to accurately
replicate the printed book in digital form while improving upon its perceived
limitations. The Kindle and competing platforms focused on mundane remediations of
print. While this was more successful than experimental forms of digital publication,
there has been a growing resentment towards the perceived stasis of ebooks such as
the former CEO of Hachette, Arnaud Nourry’s dismissal of “the ebook [as] a stupid
product [because] there is no creativity, no enhancement, no real digital experience”
[Gill 2018]. Nonetheless, the simplicity of ebooks for consumers belies the complex
infrastructure underpinning a seamless user experience. I have previously termed this
‘ebookness,’ or the development of the ebook as a suite of interconnected services
rather than a straightforward product [Rowberry 2015]. This service-oriented approach
to ebook platforms emerged in a pragmatic response to the challenges of encouraging
readers to buy e-readers. Conversely, the hypothetical design documents that embody
the ebook imagination documents what ebooks could be. Ebookness responded to the
specific demands of the market (cheap content, always-on connectivity, social
reading), while the ebook imagination presented an opportunity to reimagine reading
on-screen. As I demonstrate in this article, designers struggled to move out of the
codex paradigm in conceptualizing these new devices and disappointment around the
Kindle paradigm has inspired designers to continue to consider the future of the
ebook. My case study of early ebook patents reveals the tensions between a
speculative vision of the future that is tied to nostalgia for print. Inventors were
unable to push beyond this dichotomy to create a feasible technology that replicated
the affordances of paper with comparable screen technology.
This article traces the development of the conceptual ebook drawing upon visual
and textual evidence from granted patent applications to show how it was bound by
the screen technology conventions of its day. I searched for patents with the
words ‘electronic book’ in the title or abstract filed prior to 2000 in both the
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Espacenet patent databases.
I cross referenced these search results with United States patents featuring
classification number 345/901 or “electronic book with display.” The results
included applications from countries including Japan, France, Germany, and the
United States. I then followed citations in the ‘prior art’ of each of these
applications to identify further relevant patents that did not appear in the
initial search. While I noted all applications, my focus here is limited to
Anglophone applications due to my language constraints although I consulted
technical drawings from other languages. This returned a corpus of 98 applications
ranging from 1893 to 2000 filed by both individual inventors and large media
technology companies.[3]
The search and cross-reference facilities of the two patent databases
significantly shape my dataset. For example, the formation of United States patent
subclass 345/901 reveals the subjective nature of reconstructing a history of
digital publishing through patent filings. It is a “cross-reference art
collection,” or “subject matter that is not specifically provided for in a
particular subclass” that emerges between classes [United States Patent and Trademark Office 2005, 44]. Cross-reference art collections reveal the instability
of patent classifications, which are constantly updated to account for new
research fields [Kang 2012]. Older patents are often re-classified, as in the
case of 345/901, where the earliest patent in the class is from 1979, but the
parent class, ‘345’ was only introduced in 1993 [Office of Patent Classification 2018]. Discrepancies between national digitization programs further re-enforce the
perceived dominance of Anglo-European inventors. For example, the Indian patent
database, InPASS, features only 23 total patents granted prior to 1990 despite a
richer history of intellectual property protection dating back to the Patents and
Designs Act of 1911. Conversely, the USPTO has a digital copy of all extant
patents starting with Samuel Hopkin’s 1790 patent for manufacturing potash. [4] Despite offering access to facsimiles for all granted
patents, full-text search on the USPTO website is only available for those
published since 1976. Patents filed prior to 1976 must be discovered through
citations or limited metadata, which excludes the inventor’s name and patent
title. These geographical and historical weaknesses ensure a comprehensive history
of ebook patents is beyond reach.
Patents as Evidence
Beyond tracing the desires of ebook inventors before 2000, this article offers
a blueprint for using patents in contemporary publishing research. Scholars
have developed sophisticated overviews of the sociological structures of the
twenty-first-century book trade [Murray 2018] [Ray Murray and Squires 2013] [Striphas 2011], but less is known about the technical infrastructure
underpinning contemporary publishing. We know more about hand presses and
distribution networks of the fifteenth century than Amazon’s warehouse network
or the digital asset management system of large publishers [Kirschenbaum 2020].
These blind spots emerge from the secrecy of large technology companies
responsible for the creation, distribution, and reception of books and their
digital equivalents. Public disclosures via patents reveals what Amazon, Apple
and others intend to develop for the publishing industry. The USPTO archive
also includes a range of patents filed by publishers including Elsevier and
printing technology companies such as Konica Minolta [Hiramoto and Harada 2018] [Holt et al. 1998]. Analysis of publishing adjacent filings can reveal the
corporate research and development driving contemporary publishing otherwise
closed off from scholars and complement other forms of archival and oral
history research into digital publishing [Grad and Hemmendinger 2018]
[Kirschenbaum 2016] [Rubery 2016]. This does come with a major limitation,
however, as patent filings do not necessarily indicate the direction of travel
for a company as many corporations choose to apply for defensive patents just
in case a technology later becomes viable.
The modern international patent emerged in the 1970s after the ratification of
the Patent Cooperation Treaty in 1978 and the shift to electronic support
mechanisms to relieve the increasing burden of processing patents [WIPO 2001].
By 2000, the USPTO offered public access to patents published since 1790 via
its website. The resulting HTML version of a patent is rigidly structured to
enable efficient searching and browsing of documents for relevant information
including inventors, classifications, and claims. Researchers have explored the
potential for quantitative analysis of the rich data contained in patent
databases [Iversen 2000] [Lenoir and Giannella 2011] [O’Reagan and Fleming 2018]. For example, Manuel Trajtenberg proposed assessing the flow of knowledge
as indicated by citations “as first-hand evidence of the path-breaking nature
of the original patent” [Trajtenberg 1990, 184]. There are caveats to this
approach. Patents granted before 1976 are only available as facsimiles with no
metadata, requiring manual consultation of citations. Where citations are
easily traversable, they might not be the result of influence: examiners can
introduce citations in the equivalent of a peer reviewer suggesting additional
sources. Citation networks are therefore of limited value compared to richer
visualization techniques such as mapping co-inventors or affiliations [O’Reagan and Fleming 2018]. Tim Lenoir and Eric Giannella argue that there is still
value in analyzing citation networks with caution as “the ‘noise’ can offer an
opportunity for using patents as a vehicle for studying the coevolution of
social and technical phenomena embodied in technological platforms” [Lenoir and Giannella 2011, 361]. My initial search of citation networks within the corpus
suggested the geographical and technological discontinuities were too strong
for such analysis to meaningfully trace a linear development of ebooks. Since
there is no direct chain of influence, an archaeological approach examining the
fractures and discontinuities is more useful.
Mario Biagiolo argues that the patent’s power emerges from its form: “the idea
of the invention did not emerge through a process of abstraction but through
one of inscription — not by thinking it up but by writing it down” [Biagioli 2011, 31]. Inventors were free to imagine a technology if it was accompanied
with a sufficiently convincing narrative for how it could be implemented,
facilitating speculative applications. Viewing patents as discourse separate
from socio-economic constraints encourages analysis through a
media-archaeological framework. Erkki Huhtamo developed the concept of
“unrealized ‘dream machines,’ or discursive inventions (inventions that exist
only as discourses)” that “can be just as revealing as realized artifacts”
[Huhtamo 1997, 223]. The shift from depositing physical prototypes to
textualization enabled experimentation, but the system still favored physical
objects. Despite the rigid linguistic conventions of the patent, the move to
textualization encouraged more radical theoretical designs. At the same time,
Hans Radder notes “Patentable inventions need to be material. [...] An
important implication is that conceptual or theoretical inventions cannot be
patented” [Radder 2013]. The current patent system was established by the
arrival of the personal computer, offering limited protections for software.
Algorithms and software fell into a grey area where it was unclear if they
could be patented without a material form. G. Con Diaz documents the
work-around: the computer was viewed as “an embodiment of the program, and it
received patent protection in lieu of the program itself” [Diaz 2015, 8]. The
issue affected the trajectory of early digital publishing patents since any
innovation in process or software was accompanied by an implementation in
hardware. If software was the intended focus, inventors would create
speculative hardware to fulfill the criteria.
The development of electronic book patents does not follow a strict linear path
through citations but instead reflects a disjointed history of experiments and
failure. Major technology companies including Apple, Hewlett Packard and Xerox
worked on e-readers during the 1990s, but other than Apple’s doomed Newton
hardware series, no commercially viable product came of this experimentation
[Henckel and Hospers 1995] [Lebby et al. 1996] [Saund n.d.] [Shwarts and Dunham 1996]. The relative boom at the turn of the millennium was driven
instead by either start-ups (Softbook and NuvoMedia) or companies with a longer
history of digital reference publishing (Franklin Electronic Publishers).
Amazon’s Lab126 hardware engineers led by Gregg Zehr exploited the fragmented
history of ebook patents to claim substantial innovation in a series of four
utility patents documenting the Kindle 1 filed in March 2006 [Zehr et al. 2011] [Zehr and Whitehorn 2010] [Zehr and Whitehorn 2016]. Zehr and his collaborators were keen to
position the Kindle as an innovative mobile computer rather than limiting its
appeal as an e-reader, leading to citations of mobile phones, personal digital
assistants, and innovative display technology. The longer history of the ebook
can only be found through a deeper search of the USPTO and Espacenet archives.
The First Ebook?
Identifying the first ebook is a tricky proposition, relying on an individual’s
interpretation of the meaning of ‘electronic’ and ‘book,’ reflecting Michael R.
William’s claim that “there is no such thing as ‘first’ in any activity
associated with human invention. If you add enough adjectives to a description
you can always claim your own favorite” [Williams 2002, 3]. Rather than attempt
to identify the first e-reader, my aim here is instead to demonstrate the
longer history of the conceptual ebook and explore why earlier attempts were
unsuccessful. Nonetheless, locating the terminology’s origins is useful. The
term ‘electronic book’ dates back at least to the late 1970s and transformed
from general nomenclature for reading on screen to linking specifically to
e-readers and consumables designed for that hardware by the 2000s.[5] Following my previous definition of
“ebookness,” I restrict my definition of the electronic book to the latter,
where specialist portable hardware (commonly known as e-readers) determines
access to text rather than more general models of text retrieval including
desktop systems such as the Memex. In the 1978 premiere of The Hitchhiker’s
Guide to the Galaxy radio play series, Ford Prefect, companion to the
protagonist Arthur Dent, introduces the eponymous book in the first episode of
the radio play as “a sort of electronic book. It’ll tell you everything you
want to know. That’s its job” [Adams 1978]. The Hitchhiker’s Guide is
encyclopedic and therefore easier to conceptualize digitally than fiction or
narrative non-fiction. Reference guides remained the dominant form of ebook
rather than for entertainment or leisure until the late 1990s. The first
instance of ‘electronic books’ in print appears in Harvey Poppel’s speculative
short story for Harvard Business Review set in the 1990s where “by the
mid-1980s most American families owned or lease some form of home electronic
information center” with a provision for ebooks [Poppel 1978, 14]. While Poppel
focuses on consumable goods rather than hardware, the article was concurrent
with David Rubincam’s patent submission for an ‘electronic book,’ filed in 1977
[Rubincam 1979].
It is no coincidence that three sources independently coined the term
“electronic book” in the late 1970s since, as Paul Ceruzzi notes, by 1977, the
personal computer had matured with “a strong and healthy industry of
publications, software companies, and support groups to bring the novice on
board” [Ceruzzi 2003, 241]. During this time, the ebook imagination flourished
while the technology remained commercially unviable. For example, in 1978 the
Read Only Memory (ROM) storage for a single book cost around $300 per unit to
manufacture. An experimental device produced by the US military, computer
scientists from the University of Colorado, and Texas Instruments avoided these
limitations by creating a separate ROM with an indexed dictionary containing
“between 2,000 and 4,000 words account[ing] for 90% of most texts” [Poppel 1978, 14]. An algorithm generates a numbered list of words present in a book
which are used in lieu of the word in text. The project team concluded that
effective compression alone would not compensate for infrastructure that was
too immature at time of the project report in 1989 to develop beyond the
initial research [Wisher and Kincaid 1989, 15]. Likewise, the lithium-ion
battery was developed in the early 1990s but did not appear in e-readers until
NuvoMedia co-founders Martin Ebenhard and Marc Tarpenning released the
second-generation Rocket eBook in 1999 [Fletcher 2011, 60–61].
Infrastructure and storage would remain insurmountable costs until the
mid-2000s, so inventors instead filed speculative patents. Nonetheless, the
broader reshaping of computing from terminals to home computers encouraged
speculation about the benefits of the “personal” computer, tying together
previous strands of innovation on reading mechanically and on-screen. The
ebook imagination extends beyond the development of the technology, constantly
existing at the intersection of the inventor’s contemporary understanding of
mechanical reading and the book, which is evident in how inventors portray
their theoretical devices through the figures in their patent applications.
Experiments in Print-Digital Hybridity
Early inventors conceptualized print and mechanical reading as a hybrid form
that would improve upon its constituent parts. Rubincam’s landmark patent
established the experimental nature of early ebook design, where tropes of
print met contemporary digital form. E-readers promised to replicate the
tangible materiality of the printed page rather than attempting to simulate the
page itself. This focus emphasized the form of the book over its accessibility
as a technology, leading to several technological cul-de-sacs. Figure 2
visualizes the appearance of bookish features – cover, spines, and verso-recto
spreads – as well as use of keyboards in the corpus of 96 patents’ technical
drawings. Only 39 patents include at least one of these features, since many
patents extend back to the microfilm and projection era, and several of the
more recent patents provide only flow charts and schematics. The Euler diagram
shows the extent of inventors’ interest in the book as opposed to hardware
tropes. The relative lack of patents including keyboards or other mechanical
references to digital culture demonstrates an interest in privileging the form
of the book. Where patents include bookish elements, this mostly relies on page
metaphors rather than engaging with the bound nature of the book.
To illustrate how this shaped patent design, we can examine the differences
between Michael Lebby, Thomas Blair, and Gary Witting’s patent for an
“electronic book” for Motorola (Figure 3) and John Harkins and Stephen
Morriss’s Personal Electronic Aid for Maintenance (PEAM) patent assigned to
Texas Instruments (Figure 4). Lebby et al embraced metaphors of bookishness
including page turn mechanisms and updatable title pages bound “with a leather
or leather-like material so as to simulate a leather bound book” [Lebby et al. 1996, 2]. There are still external signs of computation, such as the ports on
the spine which are never developed further in the patent specification. To
protect their claims, Lebby’s team included representations of their device
with multiple pages and a flattened bifolio display. The patent lacks detail of
how the more complex version would work, with the authors noting “turning of a
last page of the plurality of display page triggers the subsequent pages to
begin on the first page of the plurality of display pages” [Lebby et al. 1996, 4]. The patent documents one of the most complete remediations of the book, but
it lacks detail on implementation, especially given the immaturity of the
technology required to create multiple responsive paper-like screens at the
time. Conversely, the Texas Instruments patent, “Apparatus for delivering
procedural type instructions,” mimics the document through replicating the
attaché case, a consequence of the project’s origins within the US military.
The prototype ignored the trappings of the codex to emphasize non-linear
traversal of documents. The attaché case has connotations of collections of
papers to be sorted but the actual device is more conventional in design.
Figure 3.
Motorola's Book-computer hybrid featuring a cover and several
auxiliary ports. Adapted from [Lebby et al. 1996]Figure 4.
Texas Instrument’s Attache case model of the ebook. Adapted from
[Harkins and Morriss 1985]While the ebook imagination explored the aesthetics of books, actual
implementation trends towards generic mobile computing design tropes.
My visual analysis of a range of e-readers launched between 1990 and
2013 shows ebook hardware became more homogenous in design to reflect a
convergence towards the touch screen in the wake of the iPhone’s success in
2007 [Rowberry 2015, 292–294]. This reflects a larger shift within the ebook
imagination where the conceptual e-reader became less bookish over time as the
design paradigm for portable computers, smartphones and tablets became more
established. Nonetheless, despite the emphasis on these new forms of computers,
the ebook imagination never managed to emerge fully before the mid-2000s as
inventors prioritized the overall form of the device over the most important
e-reader technology: its paper-like screen.
Overlooking Screens
Why did several companies invest in e-readers only to not release a commercial
product? Partially, this was due to a lack of institutional memory and
knowledge of competitors’ failed attempts. The genre of patents is partially
responsible as inventors are expected to demonstrate novelty rather than track
down predecessors and the focus on tangible objects encourages experiments with
form rather than function. Nonetheless, part of the early ebook imagination’s
failure rests on an inability to move beyond form when designing e-readers.
Creating book-like e-readers allowed designers to experiment with form, but the
direct presentation of reading material was a greater concern and challenge:
How can digital technology replicate, or even improve upon, paper? Paper is a
sophisticated, low-cost technology, while remaining easy-to-use and durable. At
the turn of the twentieth century, microfilm offered one pathway towards a
post-print reading machine.[6] The work of modernist Bob Brown and
his Readies is well recited within histories of digital publishing despite the
presence of earlier microfilm-based reading machines [Brown and Saper 2014] [North 2002] [Pressman 2011]
. The New York Stock Exchange’s ticker tapes,
which constantly scrolled to offer updates on stock prices, inspired Brown to
conceptualize a reading machine using microfilm. The medium appealed to Brown
as he saw a parallel between developments in time-based media and speed
reading. Brown opened his manifesto by acknowledging that “The written word
hasn’t kept up with the age. The movies have outmanoeuvered it. We have the
talkies, but as yet no Readies” [Brown and Saper 2014, 1]. His bold vision
argued “writing must become more optical, more eye-teasing, more eye-tasty, to
give the word its due and tune-in on the age. Books are antiquated word
containers.” Brown proposed instead “reading will need to be done by a machine;
microscopic type of a movable tape running beneath a slot equipped with a
magnifying glass” [Brown and Saper 2014, 3]. Brown considered a patent but
never filed for one, preferring to leave his device as part of an adjacent
literary ebook imagination, also featuring The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
[Saper 2016, 160]. If Brown had decided to file a patent for the Readies, his
success was far from guaranteed. Developments with microphotography and
microfilm led to a flurry of other patent filings during the early twentieth
century, starting with Chenoweth and Rogers’ “Memorandum Holder” patent, which
used scrolling microscopic print attached to a pair of glasses to allow users
to view their notes at will [Chenoweth and Rogers 1897].
While the preceding inventions were never launched commercially, time-based
media was the inspiration for several patents that were adapted for market
[Raba 1967] [Stoyanoff 1957] [Taylor 1950]. Like Brown’s Readies, inventors
such as L.J. Stoyanoff of Perceptual Development Lab, understood the power of
microfilm for speed reading. The Lab launched an implementation of the
technology described in his patent, “A Device for Reading Training,” in 1957,
called the ‘PerceptoScope’ [Acland 2012, 80]. The machine facilitated
speedreading through “a pair of films in overlapping relationship for unison
projection, a text film and a fixation film” [Stoyanoff 1957]. While
acknowledging that competing devices were available, Stoyanoff suggested the
PerceptoScope was less expensive. Just like the Readies, the PerceptoScope
relied on the user’s familiarity with time-based media and restricted reading
to a strictly linear process. As a result, even at a lower cost, the device
filled a niche in reading rather than offering the full affordances of the
codex. Bootstrapping reading on-screen to time-based technologies was fleeting
and largely disappeared once screen technologies were better equipped to
maintain a static image.
Other inventors wanted to offer a more accurate remediation of the book.
Microform viewers were often too bulky to be useful as portable book
surrogates. Bradley Fiske, a US Navy officer and serial inventor of devices for
military and civilian use, worked on a portable microphotograph reader
throughout the 1920s and 30s [Panko 2019]. Fiske envisioned readers using a
series of retractable lenses to view text at a smaller scale with one hand
while adjusting the position of the microprint with the other. His first patent
[Fiske 1923], filed in 1920, describes a device “intended principally as a
substitute for books, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, or any other vehicle by
which printed words are read at the present time [….] to secure economy of
paper.” The emphasis on the economy of paper diverged from Bob Brown and
Vannevar Bush’s privileging of speed-reading and non-linear traversals
respectively to instead replicate the page in a reduced format: a core feature
of successful e-readers. Fiske iterated on the design over the 1920s [Fiske 1923] [Fiske 1926] [Fiske 1930], which worked to reduce both the complexity and
size of his reading machine. He was renowned for his devices and Bob Brown
corresponded with him when considering the development of the Readies for
advice on the patent process [Saper 2016, 160]. Matts Lindström describes
Fiske’s print reduction mechanisms as an early form of ‘micromedia,’ or
“various technologies of reproduction and representation on the smallest
possible scale, beyond the very limits of human perception” [Lindström 2013, 185]. Micromedia only re-emerged with commercial e-reader hardware, but on an
even smaller scale than Fiske envisaged. The introduction of optical media such
as the CD-ROM enabled inscription at the nano-level, only visible through a
microscope and able to contain much more information than previous micromedia
[Kirschenbaum 2012, 2]. The various experiments in portable microfilm readers
never overcame the limitations of the medium, and it was only with the
combination of nanomedia and more appropriate optical technology that the ebook
could succeed. Microfilm, ticker tapes and other facsimile-oriented platforms
demonstrated the possibility of a post-print codex mechanical book but it would
require a paradigm shift in visual reproduction technology to fully explore
these possibilities. Luckily, the rising popularity of the television during
the first half of the twentieth century led to investment in various forms of
display screen technologies that would provide an ideal platform for developing
the ebook imagination.
Figure 5.
Text as rendered by (left-to-right) LED, CRT[7],
LCD, and electronic paper.During the twentieth century, three screen technologies dominated visions of
reading on-screen: CRT (1858), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display, 1888) and LED
(Light Emitting Diodes, 1907). Figure 6 shows a visual comparison of the three
technologies alongside electronic paper, the screen technology used by most
major contemporary e-readers. Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost state “in a CRT,
patterns of electrons are fired at glass that is coated
on the inside with phosphors. These glow to create the visible picture. The
screen image is not drawn all at once, but in individual scan lines” [Montfort and Bogost 2009, 27]. A color CRT screen displays colors through clustering
red, green, and blue phosphors as shown in Figure 6. The technology was
integral to the uptake of televisions and early computing but was limited for
mobile consumption due to its bulky nature. The “fast trace” powering CRTs made
reading on-screen for an extended period difficult as the screen could refresh
up to 60 times per second to avoid so-called “image burn-in.” Inventors only
specified CRT as the primary display medium when the patent application was
based around the terrestrial television network through extending teletext
[Marti et al. 1979]. These sub-optimal conditions would be offset by the large
audience who already had televisions at their disposal. The application of
so-called “liquid crystals” such as cholesteryl benzoate that can exist in “an
intermediate state between a crystalline solid and a normal liquid” to screens
in the 1960s offered a solution to CRT’s limitations [Castellano 2005, 1]. LCD
screens encapsulate liquid crystals that are manipulated by two polarized films
to produce images. The liquid crystals do not emit light, which instead must be
provided through a reflexive surface or light source behind the screen. LCD
screens were more appropriate for electronic books as they were cheap and
portable, with lower requirements for illumination. LED displays relied instead
on arrays of individual lights. Alphanumeric LED displays most commonly appear
as segmented matrices (as shown in Figure 6) where strips of LEDs combine to
form text and numbers for electronic calculators and digital watches since the
late 1960s [Krames 2012]. This success encouraged Russell Andrews and
colleagues from the Stewart-Warner Corporation to file a patent for an
LED-based “Traveling Message Display” and William Brooks filed a similar patent
for “Variable Message Displays” [Krames 2012]. The technology had limited scope
for longer-form reading as the pixel density was too low to scale to represent
a whole page and its influence waned as other displays became cheaper.
Since the patent system encourages making broad claims, unless the display was
part of the claims, inventors would avoid specifying exact screen
configurations. For example, Theodor Heutschi’s “Electronic Device, Preferably
an Electronic Book,” filed in 1999, states: “The display preferably provided as
an LCD-display” [Heutschi 2002]. Even when aspects of the screen were central
to the patent’s claims, the inventors remained vague with specifications. Lebby
et al.’s patent for Motorola provides minimal detail on implementation: “the
plurality of displays is made by any suitable method or technology” [Lebby et al. 1996, 3]. It was not until the arrival of electronic paper that ebook
inventors became interested in screen displays beyond such generalities.
Innovations in screen technology happened outwith patent filings connected to
electronic books, as inventors were more interested in the device’s form. These
core technologies were instead developed by third parties for adjacent uses.
The misplaced emphasis of inventors, ignoring the screen, led to the stagnation
of the ebook imagination in transition to commercial products. This
experimentation, and early commercial failures, coalesced to demonstrate the
importance of screen technologies for the future of the ebook. When the Kindle
and Sony PRS-500 launched with electronic paper screens in the mid-2000s, the
devices exploited technology developed entirely outside of the ebook
imagination. Visions of full-color, high-definition, constantly-refreshing
bendable screens have remained in the realm of science fiction and largely out
of the patent literature. This inspiration can be seen in Phillips and E Ink’s
collaboration to create what they termed “Radio Paper” in 2003. Radio paper
would couple “the development of organic and plastic transistors” to create
screens “flexible enough to fold and roll up […] with wireless Internet
access,” by 2005 [Costello 2001]. The ambitious goal is still beyond
commercially available technology a decade and a half later, but it remains an
active goal with substantial research and development investment from the
now-defunct Amazon subsidiary LiquaVista, who received 240 patents for
technology featuring “electrowetting” before being shut down in 2018.
Electronic paper was superior to other technologies but took longer to become
commercially viable. Early implementations of electrophoretic displays, the
most common form of electronic paper, date back to the 1970s, when
contemporaneous developments in Matsushita Electric Industrial Company and
Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) arrived at the same conclusion [Ota et al. 1973] [Sheridon and Berkovitz 1977]. Electronic paper was designed for
static visual display rather than time-based media such as CRT, which is
sub-optimal for reading since a static image does not need to be refreshed,
requiring a constant light and power source. A ‘bistable display’ electronic
paper screen instead maintains a consistent image indefinitely without drawing
further battery power. Electronic paper was developed simultaneously by the two
companies for different ends. Matsushita saw the potential for advertising
where screens need to be adjusted sporadically but otherwise remain stable for
long passages of time. Conversely, Sheridan led the development of Xerox PARC’s
Gyricon technology as the display for its eponymous computer prototype. The
technology remained dormant until the mid-1990s when Xerox PARC restarted its
‘electric paper’ through a subsidiary, Gryricon LLC, run by Nick Sheridan,
between 2000 and 2005. [8] The company focused on digital
signage rather than electronic books. E Ink, a spinoff from MIT, was the first
to explore electronic paper’s potential for digital publishing. Philips, the
Dutch electronics company attained an exclusive license to E Ink’s technology
until the mid-2000s, but once the promise of ‘radio paper’ failed to
materialize, other companies including Sony and Amazon licensed the technology
to develop their own e-readers.
Unlike other parts of the ebook imagination integrated into ebookness, the
vision of a paper-like display technology remains in flux. Dedicated e-readers
were largely replaced by smartphones and tablet computers. Since
electrophoretic displays are optimized to not refresh, e-readers struggle to
compete with other mobile computers’ versatility. Despite the lack of major
breakthroughs a decade after the Kindle’s launch, research and development labs
still continue to prototype more sophisticated ebook display technology.
Electrowetting is currently the most viable solution. The technology was
unveiled by Philips in a 2003 letter to Nature by a team that would later spin
off to Liquavista, which was acquired by Samsung before an eventual takeover by
Amazon. Robert Hayes and B.J. Feenstra hyped the technology by suggesting “our
display principle utilizes the voltage-controlled movement of a colored oil
film adjacent to a white substrate” [Hayes and Feenstra 2003]. The use of fluid
allowed for faster refresh times and more complex color arrangements where
electrophoretic technology is largely stuck with sixteen shades of grey.
Replicating the strongest benefits of both paper and screens remains out of
reach within current technological paradigms. Nonetheless, despite the general
move to a more pragmatic model of ebookness, the ebook imagination remains
strong for next-generation electronic paper as the ideals of “Radio Paper”
remain unfulfilled. The near simultaneous announcement of “bendable” screen
phones from Samsung and Huawei in February 2019 demonstrates how elements of
this idealized form of electronic paper dating back to Xerox PARC remain
pervasive despite the diminished use of dedicated e-reader [Strumpf and Germano 2019]. Inventors such as Pei-Yu Chiou and his colleagues at University
California-Los Angeles continue to patent electrowetting techniques and related
technologies that, alongside bendable screens, have the potential to create
something more akin to ‘Radio Paper’ that might convert ebook sceptics [Chiou et al. 2021]. The ebook imagination has outlived the mainstream acceptance and
subsequent ambivalence around dedicated e-readers, demonstrating the continued
yearning for a more sophisticated form of reading on screen.
Sony and Amazon’s appropriation of electronic paper was pivotal to the transition
of the ebook imagination from the conceptual ebook based on time-based media or
facsimile to a more nuanced response to the affordances of the printed codex. The
display technology provided the most accurate simulation of print while requiring
minimal battery power. The decision encouraged the rapid adoption of ebooks, but
the reliance on a technology originally designed for digital advertising created a
divide between the ebook imagination and commercial hardware. An evolutionary
approach to histories of ebooks prioritizes a series of commercial hardware
releases at the expense of a longer, more diverse history of experimentation . The
dominance of Amazon, Apple, and Kobo has created a homogenized version of the
ebook with a standardized hardware interface. The ebook imagination as evidenced
in patent filings reveals how diverse inventors attempted to create an alternative
using the most prominent technologies of the day. Ruiz Robles saw the educational
use of interactive mechanical devices, while Brown and Stoyanoff wanted to explore
the connection between time-based media and speed-reading. These functions have
been incorporated more broadly into ebook reading software such as the Kindle’s
Word Runner function, albeit eluding dedicated hardware due to the constraints of
electronic paper.
While previous scholarship on the development of ebooks focused on shifts in
publishers’ workflows and the emergence of e-readers, I have demonstrated a
longer, often cyclical, history of reading on-screen that extends beyond the
digital computer to earlier innovations in screen-based media. Patent filings
recording the ebook imagination could not predict the Kindle’s successful
combination of electronic paper, lithium-ion batteries, and 3G cellular
technology. Their greatest strength remains documenting an iterative process of
developing the mechanical book from microfilm to the emergence of portable
computers in the 1980s. The evidence of ‘failed’ inventions that never made it to
market contradicts the dominant narrative within histories of the ebook that laud
the Sony Data Discman or Kindle as necessary interventions in publishing’s natural
evolution. The patents discussed in this article instead show a longer history of
experimentation that mirrors the medial affordances and limitations of their
historical context. Reclaiming these lost histories emphasizes the role of
marginalized figures including, but not limited to, non-Anglophone women such as
Ángela Ruiz Robles who designed her mechanical encyclopedia for educational
purposes rather than the market-driven vision of Amazon and its competitors.
Moving towards a cyclical rather than linear understanding of digital publishing’s
historical development allows scholars to recontextualize the ebook’s supposed
plateau since the late 2010s. Despite the maturation of e-reader hardware since
the launch of the Kindle in 2007, ebooks are often seen as inferior to print
publications, partially due to a perceived unfulfilled potential. This is the gap
between ebookness (the current state of the technology) and the ebook imagination
that is still driven by futuristic depictions of digital reading as found in
science fiction and patent filings. As long as hardware does not match the
expectations of these depictions, the malaise will continue. It is more profitable
to reverse this thinking and return to the cyclical nature of innovation and
previous failures to determine the overall feasibility of the technologies and the
constraints that have held inventors back. A more grounded approach to this
history and the current state of ebooks shows the pragmatic approach is better
than the fantastical.
In this article, I have also proposed a new approach to the study of the history
of digital publishing. Werner and Kirschenbaum conclude that the “largest
challenges [for researching digital publishing] may not be technological but
legalistic” [Kirschenbaum and Werner 2014, 453]. Examining patents for imagined
but not actualized e-readers demonstrates the upside of the legalistic
underpinning of digital culture. Future historians of the early twenty-first
century book trade will benefit from exploring the USPTO’s rich database further.
For example, there are over 10,000 Amazon patents, revealing shifts in corporate
priorities. The scarcity of evidence for the history of digital publishing prior
to 2000, both physical and virtual, requires alternative approaches to remaining
evidence rather than reverting to positivist corporate histories. Through casting
a wider net, more stories such as Ángela Ruiz Robles may demonstrate alternative
pathways to the current model of digital publishing. A more inclusive perspective
on the history, and future, of digital publishing is vital to moving beyond the
current impasse of antagonism between print and digital consumption. As I have
outlined here, the rich history of the ebook imagination is often limited in
technical specifications and with its clear own limitations, but it offers
alternative visions to the corporatized platforms currently dominating the book
This research was made possible by the generous funding from the Carnegie Trust’s Research Incentive Grant and the 2018 Bibliographic Society of America McCorison Fellowship for the History and Bibliography of Printing in Canada and the United States. I am also grateful for thoughtful suggestions from Alan Galey, Claire Squires, Jim Mussell, John Maxwell, and the two anonymous reviewers for Digital Humanities Quarterly
[1] Histories of Ángela Ruíz Robles’s recovery as an ebook pioneer
remain in Spanish [Sea 2015] [Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 2008]
[2] Borrowed from
[Kirschenbaum 2012, 250]
[3] Since the metadata requirements for patents were
updated repeatedly during the twentieth century, it’s not possible to
accurately break down the solo inventors from the corporate employees.
Two fires at the United States Patent Office during the 1800s destroyed an
unknown number of patents filed prior to the introduction of the current number
sequence in 1836.
[5] These
sources were discovered via the Oxford English Dictionary entries for
‘electronic book’ and ‘e-book.’
[6] See [Panko 2019] and [Saper 2018] for a
summary of microform publishing.
[7] CC-BY Selçuk Oral.
Wikicommons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1213863
[8] Details of internal research and development at
Xerox PARC around ‘second generation electric paper’ can be found in Box 18
of the Mark D. Weiser Papers, M1069, Dept. of Special Collections, Stanford
University Libraries, Stanford, Calif.. Xerox PARC patents from this time
include [Mackinlay and Stone 1998].
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