Previous studies indicate that the capacity of media to influence the salience of
issues in the public realm is strongly dependent on specific attributes that
characterize these issues. In this work, we investigate two internal aspects of issue
types related to the attribute of duration. First, we address whether news stories
belonging to different issue types can be identified and represented using a set of
quantifiable temporal dimensions (i.e. lifespan, intensity, and burstiness). Second,
we conduct a qualitative analysis to investigate whether news stories of different
issue types have different narrative patterns, regardless of their specific topic. We
use a corpus of 50,385 political news articles in Spanish from 2018 as a case study,
and propose a novel system to aggregate the articles into stories. Our results show
that stories belonging to different issue types do have distinguishing behaviours,
especially along the intensity dimension. At the same time, the qualitative analysis
indicates a tendency to associate narrative patterns to issue types. This analysis
shows the potential of using news stories as research units to study framing
News stories shape the public perception of reality. Agenda-setting theory suggests
that readers not only get informed through news media but also get to grasp the
salience of a specific issue on the basis of the amount of information that is
published about it [
McCombs and Shaw 1972] [
Scheufele and Tewksbury 2006] [
Wanta Ghanem 2006].
Whereas mass media could function as gatekeepers that determined which
issues became news, and thus public [
Shoemaker and Reese 2013], this is more
complicated in the current online decentralized information ecology.
The volume of journalistic articles published by print media has been increasing
steadily since the emergence of the World Wide Web [
Gómez-Rodríguez et al. 2014].
The transition from paper to the digital format has removed the
barrier of space limits allowing online media to publish a virtually unlimited amount
of documents. News organizations compete with each other but also with other agents
about the attention of news users. In this attention economy the speed of the news
cycle has tremendously risen. Studying how news circulates in the information ecology
and the dynamics of how broader news stories are constructed and put on the public
agenda is therefore increasingly important [
Broersma 2019]. At the same time, this
limitless space can be used by digital media to silence some topics and emphasize
others [
Holton and Chyi 2012] [
Lee et al. 2017]. In the age of
digital news, the frequent publication of articles about a story has become a source
of power in digital reporting. Thus, it becomes important to regard the
of news and the
timing that newspapers use to inform about a story.
A relevant terminological distinction is the difference between a news article and a
news story. A news article is a unitary mention of a potentially larger sequence of
events. A news story is a unitary sequence of events that can be reconstructed by
aggregating multiple unitary mentions (i.e. news articles). For instance, a news
article on the arrest of a suspect (i.e., a unitary mention) can be embedded as a
component in a news story of a specific crime. Focusing on news stories allows us to
understand how news organizations produce meaning by making sense of various news
events and interpreting them as parts of larger societal developments and
The lifespan of digital news articles, i.e. unitary mentions, has been previously
investigated by observing how long a specific news article remains in a salient
position (e.g. the front page) [
Karlsson and Strömbäck 2010] [
Lee et al. 2014] [
Castillo et al. 2014].
However, in the digital realm, news stories have gained
more prominence, as articles remain accessible and are connected to each other
Bright 2014]. This new environment points at the need for aggregation
strategies that facilitate the study of news reporting [
Trilling and van Hoof 2020].
As Bødker and Brügger (2018) observe, digital newspapers have switched from an
archival logic to constructing stories based on networks of links. Hereby, they put
the focus on the story as an organizing principle, rather than on the journalistic
filtering of the front page. Following Bødker and Brügger (2018), we consider stories
as our minimal units of analysis (cf. [
Widholm 2016]).
Focusing on stories rather than on news articles enables us to investigate the
temporal dimensions of newspapers' online reporting. We build on Soroka (2002), who
developed a typology that focuses on the attributes of the reported issue when
evaluating the effects of agenda-setting. This framework argues that the capacity of
media to influence the salience of a particular issue depends on its attributes,
namely: (1) obtrusiveness; (2) abstractness; (3) dramatism; and (4) duration. Using
the first three attributes (i.e. obtrusiveness; abstractness; and dramatism) Soroka
develops a three-fold issue-typology that distinguishes between sensational,
governmental and prominent issues. Duration is not fully included in his framework,
conceivably, because issues on their own do not have an attribute of duration. Issues
need to be identified as stories in order to have a temporal dimension. In this
article, we investigate how duration contributes to agenda-setting through three
quantitative dimensions, namely: (1) lifespan (number of consecutive days that
articles keep being published), (2) intensity (amount of articles per day), and (3)
burstiness (speed of increase/decrease of the number of articles). Our goal is to
examine whether the three types of news issues defined by Soroka can be
differentiated along these quantitative temporal dimensions.
We design a methodology that extracts all the salient stories in digital newspapers
over a fixed period of time. Our approach uses
k-means clustering on the set of
articles of each relevant time span of the target period. It then links the clusters
through time by looking at the cosine similarities of their content. The stories are
later manually assigned to one of the three types: sensational, governmental or
prominent, according to a specific decision tree (see Fig. 4). We have used the data
of four Spanish newspapers during the entire period of 2018, scraped from their
archives on the section about
politics, and used weeks as relevant time spans to
aggregate single news articles. What we present here is a case study on journalism,
while the proposed methodology can be applied to other dimensions of variations or
types of text. For instance, recent initiatives on digitization and analysis of
historical newspapers (e.g.,
Impresso) could use our methodology to
explore the historical evolution of issue types. On the other hand, its application
(with minor changes) to literary texts can support computational textual studies in
identifying coherent sequences of events and thus contribute to the advancements in
the area of computational narratology.
The aggregation method we propose works as a proxy to investigate and visualize the
eventual narrative patterns of issue types. Following narratology frameworks [
Bal 1997]
Kafalenos 2006], we adopt the notion of narrative patterns as fixed, recurring
global structures that yield coherence to the stories configuring the arrangements of
the events from the beginning to the end.
This paper makes three main contributions: (1) it tests a semi-automated approach to
aggregate mentions, i.e. news articles, into sequences of events, i.e. stories; (2)
it empirically validates Soroka's framework of issue types; (3) it provides a
qualitative analysis of the narrative patterns in the different types of stories,
focusing on the timings and content of each part of the plot. This renders the
interconnectedness of news stories visible, and shows the temporal structure of
various types of stories and how this impacts meaning-making. Furthermore, the
identification of narrative patterns can support the investigation of variations in
writing styles of the plot of a news story at different moments in time.
In the upcoming section, we introduce Soroka’s theoretical framework and the
quantitative measures we are going to use for this work (Section 2). We then discuss
previous approaches to story extraction and present our methodology and data, as well
as the evaluation of the methodology (Section 3). We then present the quantitative
results (Section 4) and our qualitative analysis on narrative patterns (Section 5).
Finally, we illustrate our conclusions and future directions (Section 6).
The concept of
agenda-setting was first used in 1922 by Walter
Lippmann. However, it was developed into a formal theory by Maxwell McCombs and
Donald Shaw in 1972. They described agenda-setting as the ability of news media to
influence the relative importance of topics on the public agenda. Their research on
the US presidential campaign of 1968 showed that voters tend to share the media’s
perception of what is important [
McCombs and Shaw 1972].
Later work suggests that the impact news media have on certain issues varies
depending on the attributes of these issues [
Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur 1976] [
Downs 1972]
Wanta Ghanem 2006] [
Zucker 2017]. Relying on this literature, Soroka
(2002) identifies four main attributes that can make the media's influence differ:
- Obtrusiveness refers to the direct experience that individuals on a large scale
have with an issue. It has been argued that the less direct experience citizens
have with an issue, the more they have to rely on the media for information and
- Abstractness opposes concreteness, suggesting that the potential for media
effects is diminished when an issue is abstract, since it is more difficult for
the audience to visualize and relate to.
- Dramatism refers to the existence of a dramatic event playing a significant
role in the issue becoming news.
- Duration represents the time a certain issue has been in the news. Some
theories suggest that the longer an issue stays in the media, the lower the
chances of media having an influence on the public debate, because people tend to
have made up their minds or get bored of the issue [Downs 1972] [Zucker 2017].
Soroka proposes to combine the attributes of obtrusiveness, abstractness and
dramatism to study the media’s agenda-setting capacity. The three types of issues he
defines using these attributes are (1) sensational, (2) governmental, and (3)
prominent issues.
Sensational issues have little observable impact on the majority of the population
(i.e. unobtrusive). They are concrete and, very often, they are the result of a
dramatic event that attracted media’s attention. They are mostly put on the public
agenda by media coverage. A murder or a corruption case are examples of such
Governmental issues are perceived as unobtrusive (although they might have a relevant
long term impact). They are usually led by political actors, such as political
institutions and policy-makers. They are mostly abstract issues that are difficult to
comprehend without expertise. They rarely offer any dramatic component. Public debt
or the national budget are examples of these issues.
Prominent issues affect a significant amount of people directly; they are obtrusive
and concrete. These kinds of issues become news as a result of real-world
experiences, and their outcome can result in a perceivable change for many people.
The rise of salaries or pensions are examples of these issues.
Soroka’s typology puts great emphasis on who or what puts news on the public agenda
in the first place. In short, sensational issues are usually put on the public agenda
by the media, governmental issues are led by political actors, and prominent issues
by real-world conditions.
Soroka (2002) describes the possible influence of the attribute duration, however, he
does not use it in the definition of his typology. In this contribution, we
investigate if the attribute of duration is also a distinctive feature between these
three types of news stories. We portray duration through three quantitative
- Lifespan is defined as the number of days in which articles about a news story
keep being published.
- Intensity corresponds to the number of articles published about a news story in
one day.
- Burstiness indicates the speed with which stories go from incipient to the
climax. It is measured with the Fano Factor, a ratio between the variance and the
mean of counts.
Following Downs (1972), Zucker (2017) and Soroka (2002), we expect sensational issues
to be put on the public agenda by the media. Consequently, we expect this type of
stories to have a short lifespan, a high intensity and a high burstiness. By
comparison, we expect prominent and governmental issues to have a longer lifespan and
a lower intensity. In the following section, we introduce a semi-automated
methodology for the empirical validation of these hypotheses.
In this section, we describe the previous approaches to automated systems for news
stories extraction (Subsection A); we then present our semi-automatic method to
identify news stories (Subsection B), the dataset (Subsection C), the guidelines for
the manual classification (Subsection D), and the evaluation of the results
(Subsection E).
Previous approaches to automated systems for news stories extraction
Identifying news stories within a large corpus of news texts is not a trivial
task. An ideal automatic system should be able to identify the linguistic mentions
of the reported events and of the associated actors in documents published at a
t, and then connect them to other mentions in other
documents published at a later time,
t+1, through a
cross-document coreference relation [
Lee et al. 2012]. Due
to the complexity of the task and the low performance of such automatic systems
Beheshti et al. 2017], previous work has mainly employed topic detection and
tracking techniques through the use of clustering. Clustering is an unsupervised
machine learning technique that automatically organizes a collection of objects
into smaller coherent groups. The end goal is to have clusters whose elements are
as similar as possible between them (intra-cluster similarity) and as dissimilar
as possible from the elements in the other clusters (inter-cluster similarity).
This implies that we cannot determine a priori which criteria are going to define
the different clusters.
Clustering has been mainly employed to divide a set of news according to their
topic (e.g. politics, sports, etc.) [
Huang 2008]. However,
the use of clustering to identify news stories is very challenging. Some
approaches have tried to improve the performance of this task by incorporating
properties of news stories, such as timing features [
Khy et al. 2008]
Yang et al. 1998] [
Trilling and van Hoof 2020], named
entities [
Kumaran and Allan 2004] and burstiness [
He et al. 2007]. In
our case, timing and burstiness are measures we are trying to obtain from our
system and, consequently, they cannot be part of the design. Named entities have
also limited value, since the actors or places appearing in different news stories
can be common between stories.
Later approaches have used Latent Dirichlet Allocation models to deal with news
streams [
Guo et al. 2013] [
Hong et al. 2016] [
Rao et al. 2016].
These techniques, however, focus on
the extraction of topics rather than stories.
Another approach is timeline generation: automatically generated chronological
sequences of events. This is done by using the temporal information attached or
contained in single news documents. The timelines are usually centred on a target
entity, giving rise to so-called entity-centric timelines [
Shahaf and Guestrin 2010]
Baraniak 2019] [
Minard et al. 2015]. Other
work has proposed to go from timelines to storylines by taking into account the
timelines of the actors, i.e. entities, co-participating in event mentions
Laparra et al. 2015] [
Laban and Hearst 2017]. Storylines are thus
represented as intersections (i.e. co-participation) of independent entity-centric
timelines. Vossen, Caselli, and Kontzopoulou (2015) used the basic concepts of the
narratology framework to bridge the relations between events of different
timelines, starting with the most salient event of the storyline, i.e. the climax
A successful model for story tracking is the European Media Monitor [
Gey et al. 2009].
This system runs every 10 minutes, and clusters all
the news articles published during the last 4 hours. In every run, the system
picks the clusters with the biggest number of articles, and compares them to the
clusters that already existed in the last run. If two clusters have at least 10%
of their articles in common, they are merged, becoming a single story. This system
allows for a flexible time span and is language independent.
In this contribution, we use a similar model to the one in Gey, Karlgren, and
Kando (2009). However, given that our data is not real-time, we employ a similar
approach to Vossen, Caselli, and Kontzopoulou (2015) to account for time. For
every pre-defined time window, we identify the most salient
stories by clustering the corresponding news articles. Once this is completed, we
approximate Vossen, Caselli, and Kontzopoulou (2015)’s proposal of bridging relations across time windows by means of
similarity scores between pairs of story clusters (see Subsection B) to
reconstruct the full story timeline.
A system for news stories extraction
Our pipeline for story extraction consists of (1) clustering the news articles of
every week (i.e. the time window) and (2) connecting the clusters across relevant
time spans, i.e. weeks, using each of the valid clusters as the climax of a story.
The method is language independent, as clustering does not require any
language-specific resource, such as lexicons or parsing models.
Given a set of news articles from a fixed span (one year), we divide the corpus
into smaller units (weeks). For each week,
clustering is applied.
[2] The purpose of the clustering process is
to detect the most salient stories of each week, spotting both short and long-span
stories. We assign the number of clusters in a semi-automated way by manually
reviewing the results of each week.
The value of the number of clusters per week (k) is
assigned using the Elbow method. This method computes the clustering for k
in the range from 1 to 30 (the range has been empirically
chosen through a set of preliminary experiments) and stores the sum of squared
errors (SSE) for every set of clusters. The optimal number of clusters is the one
after which the SSE starts decreasing slower. This number can be easily detected
by plotting the SSE in the y-axis and the number of k in
the x-axis, which creates an elbow shape in the desired value.
In a collection of news articles, it is to be expected that not all articles are
going to be part of a story. These isolated articles are gathered by the algorithm
in one or two general clusters with very low SSE. These general clusters are
detected and deleted using Silhouette analysis [
Rouseeuw 1987]. This method
plots all the documents in a cluster according to the silhouette coefficient. This
coefficient compares the average distance from all data points in the same cluster
and the average distance from all data points to the closest cluster. The
resulting plot shows which clusters have gathered the articles that do not belong
to any story. In Figure 1, clusters 8 and 10 are general clusters and will be
removed from our data for further analysis.
In some cases, the same story is split into more than one cluster. To deal with
this issue, we manually merge these clusters by comparing the keywords of their
centroids. The centroids are the articles closest to the centre of the cluster and
consequently the most representative of its content. In this step, some data
cleaning is performed: clusters of international news are excluded (see Subsection
C for details), clusters with non-political topics are excluded (e.g. the lottery,
Christmas celebrations), and clusters with less than 15 articles are deleted. The
process of manual revision takes around 5 minutes per week.
The clusters thus extracted are assumed to be the climax of different stories:
they have been detected in weeks in which they are salient enough to form a
cluster of over 15 articles. Nonetheless, stories are not limited to one week.
Hereafter, for each climax (i.e. each extracted cluster), we link articles of the
colliding weeks to the climax using cosine similarity. Henceforth, we will refer
to the remaining clusters as climaxes (w).
It is often the case that the same story is detected as a climax in more than one
week. In these cases, it is reasonable to expect that, after tracing the articles
of the colliding weeks, an important proportion of the articles included in these
stories are going to be part of both clusters. If more than 33% of the articles
contained by a new story are already part of a previous story, and vice versa, the
system merges them. The threshold of 0.33 is chosen based on empirical validation
on our data.
This last step runs for the 52 weeks contained in the study, resulting in stories
with very different lifespans and intensities that are the basis of our analysis.
The method allows for one article to be part of more than one story. Nonetheless,
this happens rarely.
To extract the lifespan and intensity of the news stories, it is important to
collect an exhaustive dataset of news that gathers all the articles published by
one or more media outlets on certain topics during a fixed period. Available news
corpora are usually from several media, time periods, and rarely care about
exhaustivity. For this reason, we created our own corpus by scraping all articles
in 2018 from four major Spanish newspaper outlets: El Pais,
El Mundo, ABC, and El Periódico. We narrowed the focus to news about politics,
collecting for El Mundo and ABC news
from the section España, and for El Pais
and El Periódico from the section Política. Political news about Spain are included in these categories,
with the main difference that El Pais and El Periódico also include news about international politics in it.
International news articles are removed during the cleaning of clusters (see
Subsection B). An overview of the resulting corpus is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Overall, the corpus contains 50,385 news articles: 15,245 from
El Pais, 7,401 from
El Mundo, 20,448 from
ABC, and 7,291 from
El Periódico. For
each news article, the following data are collected: the date of publication, the
title, the text, the URL, and the keywords (as specified by each news outlet). In
total, an average of 950 articles per week were published.
ABC is the biggest publisher, with an average of 385 articles per week.
El Pais follows with an average of 293.
El Periódico and
El Mundo published
on average 137 and 139 articles a week, respectively.
Guidelines for typology labelling
The manual annotation of the news stories was performed following a decision tree
based on four questions. The annotation was conducted by one of the authors who is
a Spanish native speaker and has extensive knowledge on Spanish politics. Figure 4
graphically illustrates the decision tree used for the manual annotation of the
stories into issue types.
The first question of the tree distinguishes the actor(s) who put(s) the news in
the public agenda (Q1:’“Who put the news on the public agenda in
the first place?”’). If the answer to this question is “Media”, “Political Actors” or “Real-World Conditions/Citizens”, then the story is classified as
sensational, governmental or prominent, respectively. In case the answer cannot be
clearly identified, the annotator has to move to the second branch of the tree,
which checks for the impact of the story in the public by assessing the
obtrusiveness of the story (Q2:’“Is a large part of the
population going to perceive the consequences of the outcome of this
story?”’). A negative answer restricts the choice either to sensational or
governmental issues. The exact labelling is triggered by a further question using
the dramatism attribute (Q3:’“Is it a dramatic issue?”’). A
positive answer leads to a sensational story, otherwise the story is labelled as
governmental. In case of a positive answer to Q2 the annotator is posed with
another question focused on the concreteness of the story (Q4: ‘“Is it a concrete issue?”’). In case of a positive answer, the story is
labelled as prominent, otherwise it is considered as a governmental one.
The performance of the semi-automated system for news stories extraction has been
evaluated with a subset of 2,666 manually annotated news articles. The gold
standard was created by one of the authors by inspecting the main issue in each
article and assigning each of them to a story. The measures used to evaluate are
Purity and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI).
Purity is a measure of the extent to which clusters are well formed, i.e. contain
a single class. To compute Purity, each of the clusters is assigned to its most
frequent class, according to the gold standard. Then, the accuracy of this
assignment is measured. The Mutual Information score is a complementary measure
that assesses the quality of the clustering. In particular, MI provides a measure
of the reduction in the entropy of clusters that we compare to the gold labels.
This measure is sensitive to the number of clusters. NMI is the normalization of
this value between 0 and 1, where 1 means a perfect classification.
The evaluation scores resulted in a Purity of 0.896 and NMI of 0.625. To gain a
better understanding of the limitations and reliability of our approach we
conducted a manual exploration of the aggregated stories. In particular, we used a
contingency matrix to see the distribution of errors among the gold and
automatically generated clusters of stories. Figure 5 visually illustrates the
contingency matrix-based analysis of the errors against the manually aggregated
Overall the proposed system works quite well, with very few errors. However, major
classification issues concern the story labelled as Cluster 4. This cluster
corresponds to the story about the referendum for the independence of Catalonia.
This was the largest story of 2018 in Spain, as the referendum that took place at
the end of 2017 had a lot of political consequences in 2018. This story represents
a challenge for our methodology, as it spanned over the entire year, with articles
appearing almost every day. This results in a very large story with multiple
climaxes. As the cluster gets bigger (by iteratively adding new articles from
succeeding weeks), it becomes more difficult for the clusters emerging from new
climaxes to share 33% of the articles with the existing bigger cluster (see end of
Section 3.B). As a result, this story is represented with multiple clusters
instead of just one. We considered applying a more fine-grained clustering to
distinguish more specific sub-stories from the more general story Catalan independence referendum. However, this harms the
identification of smaller stories about other topics, making them disappear. A
single story being the main story throughout the year is not a common situation.
But it can happen in cases of big events like Brexit in the UK in 2018 or Covid-19
in 2020. To obviate these problems and also to be able to better generalize our
observations, we decided to exclude this large story from our analysis.
When excluding this cluster, we observe an improvement of the NMI (from 0.625 to
0.754). Finally, in Figure 6, we observe that all the differences between the gold
data and the output of our semi-automated system are articles that the system
ignored (articles in 0 were assigned by the annotator but not by the system). This
means that there are no articles assigned to the wrong cluster; the system only
missed articles. We therefore conclude that the results are reliable enough to
carry on our analysis.
Our system, described in Section 3.B, when applied to the corpus described in Section
3.C, results in 80 news stories, from which 40 are labelled as sensational stories,
32 as governmental stories, and 9 as prominent stories.
We then calculate the quantitative measures of lifespan, intensity and burstiness for
each of these stories. The results have been averaged between all the stories of the
same type. Two stories have been removed as they are found to not be representative
of the classes.
[5] The quantitative measures show that the issue
types differentiate only to some extent.
Sensational |
Governmental |
Prominent |
lifespan |
11.33 |
20.76 |
14.00 |
intensity |
8.07 |
6.95 |
5.92 |
burstiness |
6.13 |
6.38 |
4.50 |
Table 1.
Averaged quantitative measures for issue type
Stories classified as belonging to sensational issues, i.e. sensational stories, have
the highest intensity (8 articles per day on average), the shortest lifespan (11 days
on average), and an average burstiness (6.13). These measures show that sensational
stories tend to appear out of the blue and have a short lifespan.
Governmental stories, i.e. news stories belonging to the governmental issue type,
last for long periods (21 days on average) but have a lower intensity (7 articles per
day on average). This suggests that governmental stories are planned events which’s
reporting and development requires a long period of time.
Stories belonging to the prominent issue type last for 14 days on average, have a low
intensity (6 articles per day) and the lowest burstiness (4.50).
We found that only the difference in intensity between types of stories is
significant, both between sensational and governmental stories (0.001849 ≤ 0.05), and
between sensational and prominent stories (0.001998 ≤ 0.05).
[6] We can conclude that intensity
is the main measurable difference between the different types of stories. It shows
that stories that are put on the public agenda by news media themselves, i.e.
sensational stories about dramatic events that are triggered by active reporting, get
a lot of media attention in a relatively short period of time. Usually, news
organizations put a lot of emphasis on such articles, for example by putting them in
prominent positions on their website, to attract an audience. News stories that are
triggered by political actors or developments in society, such as political events or
more structural issues like the environment, are covered with less news articles per
day but remain longer on the news agenda.
In this section, we analyse the narrative patterns that emerge from different types
of news stories. Newspapers construct stories by turning daily events into narratives
Fulton 2005]. This is achieved by putting in place a series of strategies and
linguistic devices. Narratologists have investigated these strategies to identify the
presence and recurrence of narrative structures [
Propp 1968] [
Phelan and Rabinowitz 1994] [
Bal 1997].
Narrative structures are what differentiate the fable (the chronological order of the
events) from the plot, which underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is
presented [
Bal 1997] [
Kukkonen 2014]. Adopting a post-structuralist perspective, we
time as one of the main features that define the
structure of a narrative [
Genette 1983] [
Abbott 2008].
In all kinds of narratives, the organic temporality of the fable is “subverted by the
technical and aesthetic demands of the plot” [
Fulton 2005, 240]. When it comes to
digital news, the technical settings demand a rapid publication of any relevant
novelty about an ongoing story. In this context, the technological and commercial
circumstances of production (the narration) “affect the temporal structure of the
narrative” [
Huisman 2005, 24]. In digital newspapers, the story emerges as a
concatenation of single news articles, which compose the daily, if not hourly,
development of an event. In this environment, the narrative of a story gets to be
expressed by the consecutive publication of articles.
Previous work in narratology has attempted to define a general grammar that can
describe the construction of narratives. These grammatical systems agree on the
general existence of an exposition, predicament, and resolution phase in most
narrative texts [
Freytag 1900]. News stories are a special kind of narrative that
puts its focus on climax events on a routine basis [
Tuchman 1973] [
Vossen et al. 2015],
mostly lacking an exposition or a resolution phase. Besides
the climax, the predicament often includes a rising action and a falling action. The
rising action starts with an inciting event that brings the attention of the public
to the story. The climax is the moment in which the story reaches its peak of
tension. In a story about a parliamentary discussion, the climax can be, for
instance, the voting day for the approval of a law. A single story can have more than
one climax (or sub-climax). After the climax, comes a falling action, which commonly
focuses on possible outcomes or consequences of the story.
To analyse the narrative structure (i.e. the plot) of the different types of stories,
we will use the proxies of lifespan and intensity, but now applied to the different
parts of the plot: the climax, the rising action, and the falling action.
Sensational stories
Sensational stories are, in general, ephemeral and intense. This can be easily
observed in Figure 7, where the smoothed conditional mean of the intensity of each
sensational story is illustrated, with the climax in x=0.
The rising action of sensational stories is the shortest of the three types. On
average, there are 3 days from the first day of reporting to the climax of a
sensational story.
The most common narrative pattern for sensational stories is the following: a
rising action of 0 to 1 days and a falling action of 3 to 5 days (median). There
are 13 out of 40 stories following this structure.
In Figure 8, we have labelled the 13 stories by topic and adjusted the size of the
shapes by average intensity. The topics that more often recur with this narrative
pattern are weather incidents, social injustice, and corruption. These are topics
that trigger indignation, but they directly affect very few people. They generally
span for one single day.
We further observe that stories about weather incidents get to its climax the same
day that they emerge, having 0 days of rising action.
[7] This is not always the case
in stories about corruption and social injustice.
Three stories are clear instances of social injustice, all concerning court
decisions about political freedoms. Two of them are decisions from the European
Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that contradict previous decisions of a Spanish
and a third one is the final resolution from a Spanish court, which will later be
appealed to ECHR.
These three stories follow a similar content structure. They start with an article
that explains the court decision, with very similar headlines in all newspapers.
Then, some newspapers report about the reactions of the government and the
political actors in favour or against the decision. In the case of the two
European court decisions (in which the tribunal ruled in favour of political
freedom), the reactions are published the same day. In the one coming from a
Spanish court (which was accused of ruling against freedom of speech), the
reactions are not reported until the day after, making the second day of the story
its climax. This shows either less previous attention to the case, or a more
unexpected decision compared to the other two court cases, which had already been
in the news in the past. The days of the falling action mainly consist of articles
about the precedents and the consequences, and opinion pieces.
We observe a similar pattern in stories about corruption. On the first day of
reporting, multiple articles about the event itself are published. These are
followed by reactions from other political actors, and some articles about the
context. Finally, in the last days, the articles about the consequences and the
opinion pieces are the most common. It can be noticed that two of the stories get
to their climax on the second day of reporting. In the first case, the corruption
case forces the resignation of the politician involved, making this second event
the main climax of the story.
This story spans two days, and there are two days of climax. However, in the
second story of this kind,
reporting starts the day before the court decision. This is an interesting case,
as one newspaper published several articles about the background of the corruption
case the day before the final sentence. This unusual behaviour seems to indicate a
willingness to emphasize this particular story by this media outlet.
Governmental stories
Governmental stories are often political discussions or legal debates, which have
set timings, often known in advance by journalists. The planned nature of
governmental stories gives space for a longer build-up to the story, which results
in a longer rising action. In Figure 9, it can be observed that governmental
stories tend to have more than one peak (we will also call these sub-climax). For
this typology, the curve of the smoothed conditional mean in the main climax is
less pronounced and multiple peaks can be observed along the span of the stories
(thin lines), mainly in the rising action, but also in the falling action. The
rising action of governmental stories takes on average 6.5 days, a difference
statistically significant with respect to sensational stories. The average falling
action, on the other hand, is similar to sensational stories, lasting around 4
At first glance, there are no clear narrative patterns for stories belonging to
this issue type. In Figure 10, it can be observed that stories with 3 to 6 days of
rising action and 0 to 2 days of falling action are common. These stories have
generally one single peak (one climax). However, the big majority of the stories
in this typology do not fit in the main pattern represented in Fig. 10. We do
observe a common feature between the non-represented stories: most of them have 2
to 4 different peaks (1 climax and 1 to 3 sub-climax). In Figure 10, these stories
are identified in dark red. We observe two kinds of narrative patterns in
governmental stories, (1) short-spanning stories with one climax, and (2) multiple
sub-climax stories.
The first kind of stories are generally planned events, with a relatively low
media interest, such as the birthday of the King, a vote on the internal statutes
of a party, or the visit of the President to Cuba. In the days previous to the
climax, these stories start growing by publishing articles about the context,
previous similar events and the details on how the central event is going to take
place. Also, some opinions of known political actors and some speculation about
unknown facts. On the central day of the event, detailed descriptions about how it
went are published. In most of the cases, the effects or possible consequences of
the central event are published the same day, leaving 0 to 1 days of falling
action. If there are opinion pieces, which is not always the case, they are part
of the rising action.
The stories with multiple climaxes are discussions from legislative bodies,
ideological struggles between parties, and law approval debates at regional,
municipal, or state level. The multiple peaks in this kind of stories are often
due to disagreements on the issue by different actors. These stories start like
the first kind: they are planned, and the press knows when the involved characters
are going to talk about the issue. However, after the first peak, in which a
personality has shown its position/decision, new peaks come from other actors
disagreeing and asking for an alternative decision.
An example of this pattern can be found in the story about the renovation of the
General Council of the Judiciary. One first peak emerges when the new members of
the council are announced.
Though, a larger peak is created when the person who was appointed to be the
president of the council announces he will not take the position.
Another example of this pattern emerges when the government announces that
children in Catalan schools will be able to study in Spanish.
The announcement of the government generates the main climax of the story. Some
days after, a smaller sub-climax emerges when a court declares a previous measure
to facilitate the schooling in Spanish in Catalonia unconstitutional.
Finally, a third smaller sub-climax closes the story with the announcement that
the Government will take some time to rethink their policies on the regularisation
of Spanish in Catalan schools.
Prominent stories
Since there are only 9 stories of the type prominent, it is risky to extract many
conclusions from them. Figure 11 illustrates the smoothed conditional mean of the
intensity of stories belonging to this type, excluding one case: the story of
pensions, which is further illustrated in Fig. 12.
It is safe to observe that 6 out of 9 of the prominent stories have a falling
action of 1 to 3 days. The rising action, on the other hand, is more varied. These
stories are mostly social demands expressed as demonstrations and protests, and
the development of policies related to these demands. These observations suggest
that media attention to prominent issues is infrequent and fades short after its
We have excluded the story about pensions from Fig. 11 because the plot of this
story is very different from the other prominent stories. This story is unique in
the whole corpus: it has the longest rising action (38 days) and the longest
falling action (24 days). It has 8 different peaks, and the highest one has 34
articles published on a single day. The pensions system is a recurrent topic in
Spanish politics, as it is public and universal, and the biggest expense of the
national budget.
In 2018, the yearly uprising of pensions was 0.25%, while prices had risen around
3%. This caused indignation, and the first demonstrations took place in the middle
of January. However, Pensions does not emerge as a news
story until the 8th of February, the day in which the Prime Minister announced
some measures to incentivize private retirement funds. From then on, there were
demonstrations every week in many cities, with a large one on the 22th of
February. After this date, the opposition parties started discussing the topic and
the media coverage focused on the politicians, even though the demonstrations kept
taking place. On the 14th of March, there was a Parliament session focusing
exclusively on the topic of pensions. This day is the highest peak of the story.
The Parliament session did not have a clear outcome, and even bigger
demonstrations took place after that. By that point, the topic of pensions had
become the main point in the political agenda, becoming the trading issue for
parties negotiating the national budget (which is a governmental topic).
In the story about pensions, we observe that the constant efforts of the social
movement brought a prominent issue into the space that is usually taken by
governmental issues. This suggests that prominent stories can in fact become very
salient, but they require a sustained mobilization.
In this work we have defined news stories as unitary sequences
of events that can be reconstructed by aggregating multiple unitary mentions, i.e.
news articles. Our work focused on the development of a semi-automatic method that
can be used to facilitate the application of empirical analysis in media studies
using large quantities of data.
We have shown that clustering methods can be effectively applied to identify news
stories, and that news stories are a meaningful unit of analysis. Our approach still
requires some manual intervention and background knowledge from the researcher.
Rather than a limitation, we consider this a virtuous way to combine quantitative and
qualitative analysis to large corpora or collections of datasets. It has proven
efficient when applied to an automatically scraped corpus of 50,385 news articles in
Spanish, with a purity score of 0.896. A further advantage is represented by its
language independent nature: there is no language specific module to pre-process the
data, and the story identification is completely unsupervised. Some drawbacks,
however, remain unsolved, like the difficulty to deal with very large stories (see
Section 4.A). An additional aspect that will be further investigated is the
validation of the proposed decision tree for story type classification by means of an
extensive inter-annotator agreement study.
As a case study, we attempted an empirical validation of Soroka’s issue-typology, and
especially of the temporal dimension, an aspect that was ignored in the original
framework. Time has been quantitatively proxied by three attributes of news stories:
lifespan, intensity, and burstiness. We hypothesized for sensational stories to have
a short lifespan, a high intensity and a high burstiness and we expected prominent
and governmental issues to have a longer lifespan and a lower intensity. The results
of the quantitative study using the three temporal attributes showed that, when it
comes to time, stories belonging to different issue types differentiate only to some
extent. In particular, only
intensity appears as a significant
differentiation attribute, especially for sensational stories. This can be explained
by both news values and commercial motivations. Sensational stories such as natural
disasters and murders are unexpected, and thus get much attention when they break.
Moreover, these stories are able to attract many readers and thus create traffic to
news websites. To do justice to their perceived importance and to maximize the effect
of such stories, news organizations publish in a relatively short amount of time many
articles about them [
Harcup and O'Neill 2017].
We complemented the quantitative study with a more qualitative analysis inspired by
narratology frameworks. In particular, we applied the notion of plot structure to
analyse whether there are further distinguishing elements across the types of
stories. We thus attempted to measure and visualize the narrative patterns of the
types of stories, and in particular, the rising actions, climax, and falling actions.
We observed that the days of the rising action are significantly lower in sensational
stories compared to governmental stories, while falling actions are similar. A very
common trait in governmental stories is having multiple peaks, which correspond to
different stages of the political debate. It is interesting to point out that
prominent stories have been the least covered stories over the year we analysed. They
also had very short falling actions, with the exception of one story.
The observed narrative patterns within different issues can be used in the future to
identify unusual plots in news reporting, which could indicate an intention of
emphasis from a newspaper on a story.
The methodology we have illustrated can be used in the future by other scholars in
the Humanities interested in conducting computational textual studies of documents
that present an evolution of coherent sequences of events in time. In literary
studies, our method can help in identifying and aggregating subplots in novels. The
code is open and accessible. Required changes are minimal, and in particular they
concern the input data and the adaptation of the empirical thresholds for the
identification of the elements belonging to a cluster and the merging of the stories
over time. At the same time, our methodology can be used to investigate the evolution
of issue types in a diachronic perspective, providing an additional level of analysis
for digitized collections of historical newspapers.
By offering an approach to studying the circulation of news and news stories in the
online information ecology, we make a clear contribution to Journalism Studies. In
addition, we consider our work useful for other areas in Digital Humanities,
especially where the application of computational text analysis methods is involved.
Being semi-automatic, our proposed methodology leaves the human in control while the
machine is a support to deal with large amounts of data. Once a news story is
identified, more fine-grained levels of analysis can be applied. We have applied core
concepts from narratology to non-literary texts, opening a new direction in
computational narratology. As already stated, having access to plot structures can
help investigating variations in writing styles: not only there can be differences
across issue types, but it would be interesting to investigate whether there are
differences across the components of a plot structure (i.e., rising action, climax,
and falling action). In addition to this, having access to stories rather than single
unitary mentions can facilitate the investigation of framing and whether this mirrors
existing dynamics of power in the society [
Haynes 1989] [
Entman 1993] [
Van Dijk 1995].
Further research with this methodology could focus on the linguistic content of these
stories, by investigating possible phenomena like language change for different types
of news stories, as well as for different moments of the plot. Following previous
work on the agenda-setting framework [
Boczkowski and Michelstein 2010] [
Castillo et al. 2014],
the influence of social media
interactions on news stories' timing features could be studied, as well as their
impact on public opinion. Differences between the plots created by different
newspapers about the same story could also be assessed.
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