Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on contemporary and historical data is still
in the focus of many researchers. Especially historical prints require book
specific trained OCR models to achieve applicable results [Springmann and Lüdeling 2017]
[Reul et al. 2017a]. To reduce the human effort for manually annotating
ground truth (GT) various techniques such as voting and pretraining have shown
to be very efficient [Reul et al. 2018a]
[Reul et al. 2018b]. Calamari is a new open source OCR line recognition
software that both uses state-of-the art Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) implemented
in Tensorflow and giving native support for techniques such as pretraining and
voting. The customizable network architectures constructed of Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNS) and Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) layers are trained by
the so-called Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) algorithm of Graves et
al. (2006). Optional usage of a GPU drastically reduces the computation times
for both training and prediction. We use two different datasets to compare the
performance of Calamari to OCRopy, OCRopus3, and Tesseract 4. Calamari reaches a
Character Error Rate (CER) of 0.11% on the UW3 dataset written in modern English
and 0.18% on the DTA19 dataset written in German Fraktur, which considerably
outperforms the results of the existing softwares.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of contemporary printed fonts is widely
considered as a solved problem for which many commercial and open source
software products exist. However, the task of text recognition on early printed
books is still a challenging task due to a high variability in typeset,
additional characters, or low scan quality. To master OCR on early printed
books, a book or font specific model must be trained to achieve CERs below 2%
Reul et al. 2017a]
Springmann and Lüdeling 2017]. For this purpose, highly performant individual
models must be trained in a short period of time using as less manually
annotated GT files as possible. Currently, there exist several Free Open Source
Software (FOSS) attempts for such programs: OCRopy, OCRopus 3, Kraken, or
Tesseract 4, each with its own advantages or drawbacks.
[1] is a novel software for
training and applying OCR models in order to predict
[2] text lines including
several up-to-date techniques to highly optimize the computation time and the
performance of the models. The usage of Tensorflow allows to design arbitrary
DNNs including CNN and LSTM structures that are proven to yield improved results
compared to shallow network structures [
Breuel 2017]
Wick et al. 2018]. These networks can optionally use CUDA and cuDNN (on
a supported GPU) which results in a highly reduced computation time. Compared to
other FOSS Calamari supports various techniques that minimize the CER including
voting and pretraining (see
Reul et al., 2018a,
Wick et al., 2018). The software is not
designed as a full OCR pipeline which includes tasks such as layout analysis, or
line segmentation, but is the topic of a separate publication (in preparation),
instead it focuses solely on the OCR step that transcribes line images to text.
However, Calamari as Python-Package
[3] can easily be
integrated in existing pipelines to manage the OCR part. Thus, by design without
any changes it can directly replace the OCR-Engine of OCRopy.
Related Work
In the following, we give a short list of the existing open source OCR programs
OCRopy, OCRopus 3, Tesseract 4, and Kraken. All of these systems are designed to
support the full pipeline from plain page to text. Since the intention of
Calamari is solely to handle the OCR of line images, only this functionality of
the other programs will be described and compared.
Currently, there exist several versions of OCRopy which was originally published
by Breuel (2008) (see also
Breuel et al., 2013),
that are still maintained. OCRopy
[4] is the first software
that allowed a user to train custom LSTM based models incorporating the CTC-Loss
function [
Graves et al. 2006]. By default, it uses a slow numpy based
implementation of the computation, which can be exchanged by a faster C-based
clstm one. However, neither the GPU nor Deep CNN-LSTM models can be used. For
training it requires a list of images and their GT and outputs a model, which
then can be used to automatically transcribe the written text of other text
[5] is a
fork of OCRopy, which has a different API, uses clstm as default, and adds
support for bidirectional and top to bottom text. Currently, the usage of
[6] as Deep Learning engine supporting
GPU training is under development.
While OCRopy is still maintained OCRopy 2
[7] seems not to be
developed anymore, probably due to the introduction of OCRopus 3
[8] which changed all major
OCR components to Deep Models using PyTorch. OCRopus 3 supports variable network
architectures including CNNs and LSTMs and allows training and applying of the
models on the GPU. The resulting models yield state-of-the-art results and can
be trained with minimal effort in time.
[9] was initially
released as open source in 2005 and is still under development. The newest
version 4 of Tesseract adds support for deep network architectures such as
LSTM-CNN-Hybrids, however GPU support is not offered. To prototype network
structures Tesseract proposes a Variable-size Graph Specification Language
(VGSL) which is similar to the network prototype language of Calamari.
Calamari comprises several techniques to achieve state-of-the art results on both
contemporary prints and historical prints. Beside different DNN architectures
Appendix A), it supports confidence voting
of different predictions and finetuning with codec adaption. These methods will
be presented in the following.
Finetuning and Codec Resizing
A general approach to improve the accuracy of a model on a specific dataset
is not to train from scratch but instead to start from an existing robust
model and to finetune for the specific task (see e.g.
Reul et al., 2017b). Usually, the alphabet of
the base model differs from the desired labels which is why the output layer
is usually fully replaced. However, in the task of OCR many letters, digits,
or punctuations are shared across the base model and the target task, and
only a few new letters might be added, e.g. German umlauts when starting
from an English model, or erased, e.g. the character “@” which does not
exist in historical texts. It is rational to keep those weights as is and
add or remove new or unneeded labels instead of training the output layer
from scratch.
In the area of historical printed books an individual model for each book
must be trained to achieve reasonable results for OCR. To reduce the human
effort required for manually transcribing GT lines the OCR model should be
trained using as few lines as possible. However, if using only a few lines
some characters might not be present yet, e.g. capital letters or digits.
Hence, a whitelist is useful to define characters that should not be erased
from the base model. Thus, the resulting model has still a chance to predict
those letters, even if they have never been seen during finetuning.
Another benefit of using a pretrained model is the reduced computation time
to train a model. Since the initial weights are not randomly chosen but set
to meaningful features that are expected to generalize on the new data only
small variations are required to optimize on the new data.
Another technique to obtain more robust results is to vote the outcomes of
different models (see e.g.
Reul et al.,
2018b). Hereby, several models are individually applied to the same
data, each generating one result called a vote. The final output can be
inferred by majority voting. Further refinement is obtained by weighting
each vote: the higher the confidence of the model in general, or the actual
prediction in particular, the higher the weight (
voting). The benefit of voting depends highly on the variance of
the individual voters. If the voters predict very similar results, errors
are less probable of being removed, as if more diverse models are used.
In case of OCR, confidence voting showed the best results so far. This voting
mechanism does not only include the most likely predicted character but also
alternatives with its probabilities into account.
Figure 1 shows a simple example of confidence voting. Three
different voters predict the possible characters with an individual
confidence. If a single voter chooses the character with the highest
confidence, the capital letter “I” is winning in a majority vote.
However, if one adds up each individual confidence values the correct letter
“l” is chosen as the final output.
To obtain different voters based on a dataset several approaches are
meaningful, e.g. using different training data, network architectures, base
models for finetuning. Recently, we showed that variable voters can be
generated by a simple but robust approach called cross-fold-training [
Reul et al. 2018b].
The Calamari OCR-System
Calamari supports easy instructions to use any of the listed methods to train
various models, and to apply them on existing lines. The software is implemented
in Python3 and uses Tensorflow for Deep Learning of the neural net. In doing so,
Calamari supports usage of the GPU including the highly optimized cuDNN kernels
provided by NVIDIA for a rapid training and an automatic transcription of
multiple lines (batches) simultaneously.
Both the lines and the text are preprocessed by Calamari for all conducted
experiments. The line images are converted to grayscale and are rescaled
proportionally to a standard height of 48 pixels. Optionally, the lines are
dewarped using OCRopy's dewarping algorithm. Crucial problems of the
bidirectional LSTM are the predictions of the first and last few pixels of a
line which can be seen as transient behaviour of the internal LSTM state.
Therefore, a padding of 16 white pixels is added to each side of the
The textual preprocessing allows to resolve several visual ambiguities such
as converting Roman unicode digits to Latin letters or joining repeated
white space. Furthermore, Calamari adds support for mixed left-to-right and
right-to-left text. This solves a challenging task: mirrored symbols, e.g.
opening or closing brackets depend on the reading order which can change
within a line.
Calamari can easily be trained on new material if an appropriate model is not
available yet. As input for training, Calamari expects just as OCRopy a list
of line images and the corresponding text files. For efficiency, the full
data is loaded and kept in memory for the complete training task instead of
repeatedly reading only the current training example. The actual
hyperparameters of Calamari are described in
Appendix B.
To apply a trained model on new line images Calamari expects one or more
models for automatic transcription. If several models are used, Calamari
votes the results of each individual model to generate the output sentence.
Sometimes, it might be useful to access additional information of the
prediction. Therefore, Calamari allows to generate information about the
position and its confidence of each individual character, as well as the
full probability distribution of the input.
To compare the performance of Calamari to OCRopy, OCRopus 3, and Tesseract 4 we
use the datasets UW3 and DTA19. All final results of Calamari were achieved by
using early stopping. Hereby we check every 20,000 iterations for a smaller CER
on 20% of the training data (hence 80% are used for actual training), after ten
checks without a better model, we interrupt the training. Similarly, we chose
the best OCRopy or OCRopus 3 model based on the same 20% of training data.
Tesseract 4 itself chooses its best model on the provided test data set. For
Calamari and OCRopus 3 we use a batch size of 5, the OCRopy and Tesseract 4 do
not support batching.
For evaluating Calamari, we use two datasets with several millions of
characters in the training set and three historical printed books.
The smaller University of Washington Database III
[10] (UW3) consists of
extracted lines images from different English scientific and technical
journal reports which are printed in a modern Antiqua font. In total, more
than 70,000 lines for training and almost 10,000 lines for evaluation are
available. Breuel (2017) uses a different version of this dataset (UW3α)
with 95,190 text lines for training and 1,253 text lines for evaluation.
Unfortunately, this split is not publicly available.
The other large dataset German Text Archive of the 19th
[11] (DTA19) extracted
from the German Text Archive (see Wiegand et al., 2018) consists of 39
German Fraktur novels (mostly) printed during the 19th century (1797-1898).
Eight novels consisting of 50,968 text lines are used for evaluation the
remaining books with 192,974 lines for training. Thus, the evaluation
measures the capability of the models to generalize for unseen fonts.
The three historical printed books
[12] of the years 1476,
1478, and 1499 are written in broken script (Fraktur in a wider sense) and
only consist of 3,100, 2,695, and 1,578 lines respectively. We use only 50
lines for training to simulate a human annotator that has to manually
transcribe GT data, yet wants to achieve the best possible results.
An example line for each dataset is shown in
2 and an overview of the datasets and their statistics are shown
Table 1. The codec size lists the number of
characters in the alphabet. The average line width is computed after
preprocessing (see
Sec. 4.1) which forces a
line height of 48 pixels.
Evaluation Measure
To measure the performance of each OCR system we use the CER which is defined
as the edit distance (ed) of two sequences s1 and s2 normalized by the maximum length:
This measure is 0 if all characters and 1 if no character
Table 2 lists all results for the different
datasets, software and used network architectures. First, it is notable that
OCRopy yields the worst results both on the UW3 and the DTA19 dataset due to
the shallow network structure of only one hidden LSTM-layer.
This network is not capable of learning and generalizing the variations of
fonts in the datasets. Introduction of Convolution- and Pooling-Layers
highly increases the accuracy of all software and on both datasets. Hereby,
the same network structure C, Mp(2x2), C, Mp(2x2),
LSTM(200) yields different results on the various
frameworks: 0.155% on Calamari, 0.397% on Tesseract 4 and 0.502% on OCRopus3
for the UW3 dataset. This difference must be caused by a different training
setup or varying hyperparameters, e.g. using an Adam-Solver or a
Momentum-Solver, differences in the learning-rate, or usage of dropout.
However, the evaluation of hyperparameters is out of the scope of this
paper. Note, that the overall setup is the same: All frameworks use the same
dataset split for training, choosing the best trained model and
The CER on UW3α published by Breuel (2017) that is evaluated on a different
evaluation split are in the same order of magnitude as the computed CER on
the UW3 split used in this paper. Our trained model on OCRopus3 is
comparable to the Tesseract 4 model.
On both models the best performance is achieved by Calamari and further
improved by the voting mechanism. On the UW3 dataset it achieves impressive
error rates of 0.11% without a language model such as a dictionary. Calamari
with voting yields 0.18% CER on German Fraktur. This task is far more
difficult because this dataset has a larger alphabet with very similar
characters (e.g. a, à, á, â, or ä) or different fonts especially for capital
letters. Yet, most errors are due to corrupt lines or GT inconsistencies
(e.g. upper and lower quotation marks).
The evaluation on the UW3 dataset shows that 97% of all lines are recognized
without any error, however the worst 0.1% lines contribute to 20% of the
remaining error. Those lines are either wrongly segmented, rotated or highly
Figure 3 shows three of the worst
recognized examples. The first impurely segmented line contains the upper
part of the following line. Therefore, the postprocessing step failed by
bending the middle of the line and the line could not recognized
The second example has a degraded font, that is also larger than the other
lines. For example, “waters” is misclassified as “wators” because
the middle horizontal line in the “e” is missing. This error could
surely be fixed by a dictionary.
The last line is falsely cropped at the beginning, thus it is impossible to
recognize “Energy Vol. 9”. Any other character is correctly
Table 3 lists the 20 most common errors of
Calamari with and without voting on the UW3 dataset. The GT and PRED columns
list the GT expectation and the automatic transcription. The third column
counts the number of errors in the test data set (≈0.47 million characters
in total) and the last column the relative percentage to all errors made by
the respective model. The last row adds the relative percentage of all
errors that are not among the 20 most common. Note, that even though the
missing " occurred four times in the voted model the relative percentage is
doubled, because the double quote is interpreted as two single quotes.
As expected the most common errors in both models are confusions of similar
characters such as “.” and “,”, “v” and “y”, or “I”
and “l”, but also missing or inserted spaces. Most significantly, the
voting mechanism reduces the error of missing spaces (25 vs 9 occurrences),
but also the number of confusions of “e” and “c” dropped (7 to
A common postprocessing step on OCR is to apply a dictionary on the
recognized words. It is to be expected that errors on letters are highly
reduced but punctuation errors are not decreased. Even in this case the
voting mechanism is very useful since is reduces also whitespace and
punctuation errors. However, note that in the field of OCR on historical
pages a dictionary might not be present or even not desired if differences
in spelling are of interest. In this field of research, the voting mechanism
of Calamari is very useful to reduce the CER.
Recognition Speed
Another crucial measure besides its accuracy for a good OCR system is its
speed. The runtimes of all softwares for training and prediction excluding
preprocessing of a single line is listed in
4. The processing time of a single line highly depends on the
network architecture, the line width, and the used hardware. All the time
experiments were measured on a NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti GPU if the software
supports GPU usage and an Intel Xeon E5-2690 CPU. Preprocessing requires ca.
50 ms per line with a single process and drops to 6 ms when processing eight
lines in parallel.
Obviously, both OCRopus 3 and Calamari are faster than Tesseract or OCRopy by
a factor of almost 100 since they support batched GPU training and
prediction. Incorporation of a GPU therefore allows to recognize more than
100 lines per second.
The time for voting scales linearly with the number of models used as voters.
Thus, the prediction time per line in the voting experiments is
approximately five times higher than the results shown in
Table 4. The time required for the aggregating
the voting can be neglected.
Using the models trained on the UW3 or the DTA19 dataset to directly
transcribe the books 1476, 1488, and 1499 yields discardable results with up
to 50% CER. Thus, it is mandatory to train individual models requiring
manually labelled GT data. In the following, we use 50 lines of the three
historical printed datasets for training different models with and without
using the pretrained models of UW3 and DTA19 from section 5.3. This amount
of lines is very low, but shows that even a small amount of GT can
drastically decrease the CER even though the trained model might not have
seen all possible characters of the alphabet yet (e.g. capital letters). The
CERs are shown in
Table 5, whereby both the
average of the five folds and their voting results are shown.
The 1476 and 1478 datasets behave similar. Both sets yield about 10% error
when using an individual model and a lower CER when voting five different
models. Using the pretrained UW3 and DTA19 models instead of training from
scratch both the individual model CER and the voted CER drop significantly.
Hereby, using DTA19 as pretrained model results in better models because the
font and the German alphabet of DTA19 is closer to the historical prints
than the modern English fonts of UW3.
Interestingly, pretraining on UW3 yields worse results on the 1499 dataset
compared to the models without pretraining, but the voted results are
similar. However, the model using DTA19 as initial values clearly predicts
better values than the default model.
Reul et al. (2018a) showed that using the same pretrained model to train
different voters yields worse voted results than using different pretraining
models. Thus, it is to be expected that the overall results get further
improved if one mixes the pretrained models of UW3 and DTA19. Of course,
increasing the number of available lines of GT for training the respective
book significantly improves the accuracies of the models, however this
results in a higher amount of human effort to annotate GT.
The main focus of this paper was the presentation of Calamari as new line based
OCR engine to replace OCRopy or Tesseract due to its low CER and fast
computation times.
The conducted experiments clearly demonstrate the capabilities of Calamari on
both contemporary and historical OCR tasks. Not only does Calamari yield
outstanding performances compared to other OpenSource OCR software but also
requires a minimum of time for training and prediction due to the usage of
Tensorflow as Deep Learning framework including cuDNN. As already shown by
Breuel (2017) and Wick et al. (2018), Deep Hybrid Convolutional-LSTM
architectures increase the accuracies both on contemporary and historical
prints. Our results have revealed significant differences of Tesseract 4,
OCRopus 3 and Calamari due to variations of the network architectures and
different sets of hyperparameters. It is to be expected that an optimization of
these hyperparameters might further improve the accuracies of the OCR models.
However, a very high amount of the remaining errors on UW3 and DTA19 are GT
inconsistencies or impure lines, which are nearly impossible to predict
Voting and pretraining are two important mechanisms to increase the performance
of newly trained models, especially if only few data is available. Voting has
shown improved results on all conducted experiments, however on the cost of a
higher prediction and training time, since several different models are
independently used. Pretraining is most useful if the original model is similar
to the new data and reduced both the CER and the training time. Especially, when
training new individual models as required for OCR on historical prints
pretraining should be used to receive the best possible results if only a few
manually annotated lines are available. In general, the best OCR results are to
be expected if the targeted fonts of a pretrained model are similar to the
material at hand. This of course correlates with the period of publication of
the various books lies in the same epoch.
Although Calamari supports many features such as voting, or pretraining, plans
for extensions exist. A first major work is data augmentation during training
which is expected to significantly drop the CER especially if only a few lines
are present. The augmentations basically are different types of noise,
degradation, or generated background. Obviously, synthetic data based on
existing fonts can also be incorporated for data augmentation.
Tesseract's language to define network topologies (VGSL) has a very simple and
compact syntax. The current syntax of Calamari should also support this language
to define networks.
Finally, since Calamari is designed very modular, it shall be extended to support
other sequence-to-sequence tasks, such as monophonic Optical Music Recognition
(e.g. Gregorian chants) or Speech-To-Text. All these tasks fundamentally share
the tasks of processing two dimensional sequential data and output a sequence of
classes. Only the data preprocessing e.g. of audio files and postprocessing is
different. Calamari is designed to easily exchange these steps but keeping a
generic structure for training, evaluation, and application.
Network Architecture Building Blocks
The task of the DNN and its decoder is to process the image of a segmented text
line and to output simple text. This sequence to sequence task is trained by the
CTC algorithm published by Graves et al. (2006) that allows to predict shorter
but arbitrary label sequences out of an input sequence that is the line image
regarded as sequence. Hereby, the network outputs a probability distribution for
each possible character in the alphabet for each horizontal pixel position of
the line. Thus, an image with size
with a given alphabet size of
will result in a matrix of shape
being a probability distribution for all x.
Since the network needs to see several slices in width to be certain about a
single character, most of the time it does not yet know what to predict. Hence,
the CTC-algorithm adds a blank label to the alphabet that is ignored by the
decoder but allows the network to make empty or uncertain predictions with a
high probability. In fact, the used greedy decoder that chooses the character
with the highest probability at each position x mostly
predicts blank labels, and only with one or two pixel widths the actual
character is recognized. Afterwards, the final decoding result is received by
unifying neighbouring predictions of the same characters and removing all blank
labels. For example the sentence AA--BB--CA--A-¿ of
length w is reduced to ABCAA.
The network is trained by the CTC-Loss-Function that basically computes the
probability of the GT label sequence given the probability output of the
network. This probability is computed by summing up all possible paths through
the probability matrix P that yield the GT using an efficient forward backward
algorithm. Fortunately, this computation can be derived to receive the gradient
that is required for the learning algorithm.
The supported network architectures of Calamari are CNN-LSTM-Hybrids that act on
a full line in one step. CNNs are widely used in image processing because they
are designed to detect meaningful features (e.g. curves, circles, lines, or
corners) that can be located anywhere in an image. These features are processed
afterwards by a (bidirectional) LSTM based recurrent network to compute the
probability matrix P. Max-Pooling is a common technique
in CNNs to reduce the computation effort and keep only the most important
features. In general image processing settings pooling is applied both in
vertical and horizontal direction. This means that the processed lines get
shortened. Thus, it is important that the final layer of the CNN in the full
network has an image width, that is long enough to produce the full label
sequence. For example, if the GT has a length of 40 characters, a minimum of 80
predictions are required to allow for a blank prediction between any pair of
adjacent characters. Thus, if two
pooling layers are used in the CNN the width of the image lines
should be at least
Training hyperparameters
The default network consists of two pairs of convolution and pooling layers with
a ReLU-Activation function, a following bidirectional LSTM layer, and an output
layer which predicts probabilities for the alphabet. Both convolution layers
have a kernel size of
with zero padding of one pixel. The first layer has 64 filters, the
second layer 128 filters. The pooling layers implement Max-Pooling with a kernel
size and stride of
. Each LSTM layer (forwards and backwards) has 200 hidden states that
are concatenated to serve as input for the final output layer. During training
we apply dropout [
Srivastava et al. 2014] with a rate of 0.5 to the
concatenated LSTM output to prevent overfitting. The loss is computed by the
CTC-Algorithm given the output layer’s predictions and the GT label
Calamari uses Adam [
Kingma and Ba 2014] as standard solver with a learning
rate of 0.001. To tackle the exploding gradient problem of the LSTMs we
implement gradient clipping on the global norm of all gradients as recommended
by Pascanu et al. (2013).
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