Volume 13 Number 3
Dendrography and Art History: a computer-assisted analysis of Cézanne’s Bathers.
Using DIAS and DENDRON, computer applications designed for the study of infectious fungi and cancer cells, we forge a connection in color, composition, and theme between Paolo Veronese’s Les Noces de Cana and Paul Cézanne’s Baigneuse debout, s’essuyant les cheveux. From this connection, we bring to light a “hidden” compositional structure, heretofore unidentified, in Cézanne’s Bathers as a series. Using computer-assisted systems such as DIAS and DENDRON allowed us to detect relatedness in these paintings not necessarily visible to the human eye. With DIAS and DENDRON, we generated dendrograms that clustered paintings related in brightness, saturation, complexity, and color. After studying color, we applied DIAS to the study of Cézanne’s composition. Because Cézanne expressed Neoplatonic ideals regarding paintings in his conversations and letters, we programmed DIAS to compute axial lines and “golden sections” according to the dimensions of the square or rectangular painting under scrutiny. Using DIAS we identified the golden rectangle for Veronese’s Les Noces de Cana, Cézanne’s Baigneuse debout, s’essuyant les cheveux and Ingres’ La Source (another likely model for Baigneuse debout, s’essuyant les cheveux). From the similarities and differences between the three paintings we identified, regarding their use of axial symmetry and the golden section, we have formulated a new approach to “seeing” Cézanne’s composition in his Bather series. Cézanne’s noumenal bodies, formerly perceived as “awkward” and composed with “baffling imbalance,” we can now see as “golden.”
Wölfflin V.2
Art Historian Susan Sidlauskas describes Cézanne’s experience of the Veronese painting as like “a mystic’s fusion with the deity” [Sidlauskus 2004, 12]. Cézanne thought of Veronese’s colors as “great noumenal entities, living ideas, creatures of pure reason…with whom we might correspond” [Doran 2001, 124]. By “great machine,” we take Cézanne to mean that Veronese’s work delivers to the aspiring painter figure studies, compositions, color combinations and more, structures that an artist can imitate.That is what a painting should give us, a harmonious warmth, an abyss in which the eye can sink, a silent germination. A state of grace in colors…To love a painting, first you have to drink it in this way, in long drafts, lose consciousness; descend with the painter into the dark, complicated roots of objects come up again with colors, bloom with them in the sun. You have to know how to see, to feel, especially in front of a great machine such as the one Veronese built [Doran 2001, 133].
Quality of digital reproductions
Generating dendrograms
Analysis of relatedness using dendrography
Part 2. Hidden Patterns
“He takes his secret to the grave,” remarked Bernard to his wife, upon receiving word of Cézanne’s death: “he wrote that he wanted to tell me everything, and I don’t know what he meant by that.” Regretting his failure to visit Aix in 1906 as planned, Bernard knew that Cézanne, only a month before, had suggested that both men would better “explain themselves” whenever they finally met again in person. Even more poignantly, Bernard could recall the cryptic promise Cézanne included in a letter of the previous year: “I owe you the truth in painting [en peinture], and I will tell it to you” [Doran 2001, xxxiv].
Cézanne and Ingres
Golden Windows: Coming into Focus
The Golden Strips
Beyond the Church
Homage to the Classical World
Appendix I. Analyzing a collection of paintings using the customized DIAS/DENDRON-ART (DDA) program
Appendix II
Appendix II. A
Appendix II. B
Appendix II. D
Unrestored (Louvre) Cana | Restored (Venice) Cana | Unrestored and Restored Cana |
Baigneuse | Baigneuse | Baigneuse |
Les Bégonias | Les Bégonias | Les Bégonias |
La Baignade | La Baignade | La Baignade |
Pommes | Pommes | Pommes |
Nature Morte | Nature Morte | Nature Morte |
Esquisse de M. Cézanne | Esquisse de M. Cézanne | Esquisse de M. Cézanne |
La Jas de Bouffan | La Jas de Bouffan |
Appendix III. Further demonstration of clustering Veronese’s Les Noces de Cana and Cézanne’s Baigneuse debout, s’essuyant les cheveux
Appendix IV. How to identify a golden window
Supplementary Table I: List of Works
Name of Artist | Title of Work | Medium | Size | Year | Location | Link to artwork used for analysis |
Paul Cézanne | La Maison abandonnée | Oil on Canvas | 19 5/16 x 23 in | 1878-79 | Private Collection, New York | https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | La Baie de Marseille, avec vue sur le village | Oil on Canvas | 26 3/16 x 32 11/16 in. | 1877-79 | Vollard Archives, Photo No. 604 | https://www.moma.org/collection/works/80302?locale=en |
Paul Cézanne | L'Estaque | Oil on Canvas | 31 1/2 x 39 1/16 in. | 1879-83 | The Museum of Modern Art, New York | https://www.moma.org/meetme/artwork/index |
Paul Cézanne | La Campagne à Pontoise, près du Valhermeil | Oil on Canvas | 36 3/8 x 28 7/8 in. | 1881-82 | Fondation Sirina, Vaduz | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/main |
Paul Cézanne | Marronniers et ferme du Jas de Bouffan | Oil on Canvas | 25 13/16 x 32 in. | 1885 | Private Collection, New York | https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Gardanne (vue verticale) | Oil on Canvas | 31 1/2 x 25 5/16 in. | 1886 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | http://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ep/original/DT1941.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Gardanne (vue horizontale) | Oil on Canvas | 25 X 39 in. | 1885 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia (BF917) | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/ |
Paul Cézanne | Le Grand Pin | Oil on Canvas | 33 1/16 x 36 3/16 in. | 1887-89 | Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis | https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/the-great-pine-1889.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Maison au bord de la Marne (l'Île Machefer) | Oil on Canvas | 28 11/16 x 35 13/16 in. | 1888-94 | White House Collection, Washington, D.C. | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/ |
Paul Cézanne | Le Chemin de halage sur les bords de la | Oil on Canvas | 24 13/16 x 31 1/8 in. | 1888 | Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney | https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/media/collection |
Paul Cézanne | Le Jas de Bouffan | Oil on Canvas | 29 3/8 x 21 1/2 in. | 1890-94 | Private Collection, Japan | https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/jas-de-bouffan-1887.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Au bord de l'eau | Oil on Canvas | 28 11/16 x 36 3/16 in | 1890-92 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. | https://images.nga.gov/en/search/do_quick_search.html?q=%221972.9.1%22 |
Paul Cézanne | Le Pont sur la Marne à Créteil | Oil on Canvas | 28 x 35 3/8 in. | 1894 | Pushkin Museum, Moscow | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/bridge-over-the-marne- |
Paul Cézanne | Sous-bois | Oil on Canvas | 45 11/16 x 31 7/8 in. | 1893-94 | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | https://collections.lacma.org/node/172409 |
Paul Cézanne | Le Nègre Scipion | Oil on Canvas | 42 1/8 x 32 11/16 in. | 1867 | Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis | https://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/the-negro-scipio-1867.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Portrait de Victor Chocquet (buste) | Oil on Canvas | 13 13/16 x 10 11/16 in | 1877 | Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond | https://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Portrait de l'artiste | Oil on Canvas | 10 3/16 x 5 7/8 in. | 1877 | Musée d'Orsay, Paris | https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/self-portrait-3.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Portrait de Louis Guillaume | Oil on Canvas | 22 x 18 1/5 in. | 1879-80 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. | https://images.nga.gov/en/search/do_quick_search.html?q=%221963.10.101 |
Paul Cézanne | Portrait de l'artiste | Oil on Canvas | 18 1/8 x 15 in. | 1882 | Pushkin Museum, Moscow | http://www.arts-museum.ru/data/fonds/europe_and_america |
Paul Cézanne | Madame Cézanne en robe rayée | Oil on Canvas | 22 3/16 x 18 1/5 in. | 1883-85 | Yokohama Museum of Art | https://uploads5.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse d'un portrait de madame Cézanne | Oil on Canvas | 8 x 5 1/2 in. | 1883 | Richard Gray, Chicago | https://uploads5.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse d'un portrait du fils de l'artiste | Oil on Canvas | 7 11/16 x 4 1/2 in. | 1883-85 | Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/main_lg/R534.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Madame Cézanne au chapeau vert | Oil on Canvas | 38 1/2 x 31 1/2 in. | 1891-92 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia (BF141) | https://uploads8.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Le Garçon au gilet rouge | Oil on Canvas | 31 7/8 x 25 5/8 in. | 1888-90 | The Museum of Modern Art, New York | https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79086?locale=en |
Paul Cézanne | Le Garçon au gilet rouge | Oil on Canvas | 31 5/16 x 25 3/16 in. | 1888-90 | Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection, Zürich | https://uploads5.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/boy-in-a-red-vest-1889.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Le Garçon au gilet rouge | Oil on Canvas | 36 3/16 x 28 11/16 in. | 1888-90 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. | https://images.nga.gov/en/search/do_quick_search.html?q=%221995.47.5%2 |
Paul Cézanne | Madame Cézanne dans la serre | Oil on Canvas | 36 3/16 x 28 11/16 in. | 1891-92 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | http://images.metmuseum.org/CRDImages/ep/original/DP317780.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Cézanne coiffé d'un chapeau mou | Oil on Canvas | 23 5/8 x 19 5/16 in. | 1894 | Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Jeune fille à la poupée | Oil on Canvas | 36 3/16 x 28 11/16 in. | 1895 | Private Collection, New York | https://uploads5.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/young-girl-with-a-doll.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Le Festin – L'Orgie; Le Banquet de | Oil on Canvas | 51 3/16 x 31 7/8 in. | 1867 | Private Collection, France | https://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/the-feast-the-banquet-of |
Paul Cézanne | Le Pêcheur à la ligne | Oil on Canvas | 10 5/8 x 14 3/16 in. | 1868-70 | ? | Unable to locate color version |
Paul Cézanne | Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe | Oil on Canvas | 23 5/8 x 31 7/8 in. | 1870 | Private Collection, New York | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/luncheon-on-the-grass- |
Paul Cézanne | Au bord de l'étang | Oil on Canvas | 17 1/2 x 21 1/16 in. | 1876-77 | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/download/50439 |
Paul Cézanne | Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe | Oil on Canvas | 13 3/8 x 15 3/8 in. | 1878-80 | ? | Unable to locate color version |
Paul Cézanne | La Lutte d'amour | Oil on Canvas | 14 7/8 x 18 5/16 in. | 1880 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. | https://images.nga.gov/en/search/do_quick_search.html?q=%221972.9.2%22 |
Paul Cézanne | Les Moissonneurs | Oil on Canvas | 10 3/16 x 16 1/8 in. | 1880 | Private Collection, Switzerland | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/main_lg/454.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Léda au cygne | Oil on Canvas | 23 x 28 7/8 in. | 1880 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia (BF36) | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/leda-and-the-swan.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Le Vase rococo | Oil on Canvas | 28 11/16 x 23 5/8 in. | 1875-77 | National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. | https://images.nga.gov/en/search/do_quick_search.htm |
Paul Cézanne | Deux poires | Oil on Canvas | 6 1/2 x 9 3/8 in. | 1875 | Christie's, New York | https://www.ecosia.org/images?addon=chrome&addonversion= |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq pommes | Oil on Canvas | 5 x 10 in. | 1877-78 | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Thaw, New York | https://www.ecosia.org/images?addon=chrome&addonversion |
Paul Cézanne | Pommes | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 10 1/2 in. | 1878 | The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge | https://uploads3.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/apples-1878.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Pommes et linge | Oil on Canvas | 9 13/16 x 17 5/16 in. | 1879-80 | Private Collection, Japan | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue/entry.php?id=335 |
Paul Cézanne | Bol et boîte à lait | Oil on Canvas | 7 7/8 x 7 1/16 in. | 1879 | Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo | https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/still-life-bowl-and-milk- |
Paul Cézanne | Verre et pommes | Oil on Canvas | 12 3/8 x 15 11/16 in. | 1879-80 | Collection Rudolf Staechelin, Basel | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Les Bégonias | Oil on Canvas | 18 1/8 x 21 1/4 in. | 1879-80 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/catalogue_images/ |
Paul Cézanne | Deux fruits | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 9 1/8 in. | 1885 | Private Collection, Japan | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Grenade et poires dans une assiette | Oil on Canvas | 10 5/8 x 14 3/16 in. | 1885 | Private Collection, New York | https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Nature morte | Oil on Canvas | 13 13/16 x 18 1/8 in. | 1890 | The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg | https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/still-life-with-apples-1.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Fruits et cruchon | Oil on Canvas | 13 x 16 1/8 in. | 1893-94 | Museum of Fine Arts, Boston | http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/fruit-and-a-jug-on-a-table-33253 |
Paul Cézanne | La Corbeille de pommes | Oil on Canvas | 25 5/8 x 31 1/2 in. | 1893 | The Art Institute of Chicago | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Nature morte | Oil on Canvas | 17 5/16 x 24 in. | 1895 | Sammlung Esther Grether, Basel | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | La Baigneuse debout, s'essuyant les cheveux | Oil on Canvas | 11 3/8 x 5 1/8 in. | 1869 | Private Collection | https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | La Baignade | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. | 1875-77 | Private Collection, New York | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur aux bras écartés | Oil on Canvas | 13 x 9 3/8 in. | 1877-78 | Jasper Johns, Sharon, Conn. | https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/ |
Paul Cézanne | Les Baigneurs au repos | Oil on Canvas | 31 1/8 x 38 3/16 in. | 1876-77 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia (BF906) | https://uploads3.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/bathers-at-rest-1877.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Quatre Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 13 13/16 x 15 5/8 in. | 1880 | Private Collection | https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/four-bathers-1878.jpg |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses devant une tente | Oil on Canvas | 24 13/16 x 33 1/16 in. | 1883-85 | Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Le Baigneur au Rocher | Oil on Canvas | 66 x 44 1/2 in. (part | 1867-1869 | Chrysler Art Museum Norfolk, VA | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 13 x 15 11/16 in. | 1870 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Homme Etendu et Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 10 1/2 x 13 3/4 in. | 1868-1870 | Private Collection | Private Collection. |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur et Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 7 7/8 x 15 3/4 in. | 1870-1871 | Travis Hanson, Fine Art, New York | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuse au bord de la mer | Oil on Canvas | 9 1/4 x 8 5/8 in. | 1875 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuse assise | Oil on Canvas | 7 5/8 x 4 3/4 in. | 1875 | Columbus Museum of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | La Baignade | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. | 1875-1877 | Private Collection, New York | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur aux bras écartés | Oil on Canvas | 9 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. | 1876 | Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur aux bras écartés | Oil on Canvas | 9 x 6 in. | 1876-1877 | Private Collection, France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 9 3/8 x 9 13/16 in. | 1876 | Musee d'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur aux bras écartés | Oil on Canvas | 9 3/8 in. x 6 5/16 in. | 1875-1876 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 15 x 18 1/8 in. | 1875 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneuses sous des arbre | Oil on Canvas | 23 5/8 x 28 11/16 in. | 1875 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Trois Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 8 11/16 in. | 1874-1875 | Musee d'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs au repose I | Oil on Canvas | 15 x 18 in. | 1875-1876 | Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs au repose II | Oil on Canvas | 15 x 18 1/8 in. | 1875-1876 | Location Unknown | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur debout | Oil on Canvas | 11 13/16 in. x 6 11/16 in. | 1876 | Sotheby's New York | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur assis au bord de l'eau | Oil on Canvas | 11 3/8 x 8 5/16 in. | 1876 | Obersteg Collection, Basel | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Trois Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 9 3/8 x 12 1/2 in. | 1876-1877 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Trois Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 9 13/16 x 13 1/5 in. | 1876-1877 | Elliott Wolk, Scarsdale | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Trois Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 20 1/2 x 21 3/8 in. | 1876-1877 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Trois Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 12 x 13 in. | 1875 | Private Collections | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Quatre Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 10 5/8 x 13 5/8 in. | 1876-1877 | Barnes Foundation, Philadephia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions/entry.php?id=52 |
Paul Cézanne | Quatre Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 15 x 18 1/8 in. | 1877-1878 | Pola Museum of Art, Kanagawa | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 15 1/2 x 16 1/2 in. | 1877-1878 | Barnes Foundation, Philadephia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 17 7/8 x 21 5/8 in. | 1877-1878 | Musee Picasso, Paris | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 15 x 16 1/8 in. | 1877-1878 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuse | Oil on Canvas | 8 5/8 x 5 1/2 in | 1877-1878 | Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur vu de dos | Oil on Canvas | 9 3/8 in. x 7 1/2 in. | 1877-1878 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur aux bras écartés | Oil on Canvas | 28 3/4 x 23 5/8 in. | 1877-1878 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 13 5/8 x 15 in. | 1879-1880 | The Detroit Institute of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 23 5/8 x 28 3/4 in. | 1880-1882 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur | Oil on Canvas | 12 5/8 x 8 5/8 in. | 1877-1878 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Le Bain | Oil on Canvas | 13 13/16 in. x 8 11/16 in. | 1880-1882 | Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur debout vu de dos | Oil on Canvas | 13 in. x 8 11/16 in. | 1879-1882 | The Art Institute of Chicago | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneur debout vu de dos | Oil on Canvas | 10 13/16 in. x 6 13/16 in. | 1879-1882 | Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Quatre Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 13 13/16 in. x 15 5/8 in. | 1880 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs et Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 in. x 8 5/16 in. | 1880 | Ohara Museum, Kurashiki | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Cinq Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 25 5/8 x 25 5/8 in | 1885 | Kunst Musuem, Basel | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Le Grand Baigneur | Oil on Canvas | 50 x 38 1/8 in. | 1885 | The Museum of Modern Art, New York | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Six Baigneuses also known as Les Ondines | Oil on Canvas | 13 x 17 3/8 in | 1887 | Private Collection, Geneva | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 23 5/8 x 31 7/8 in. | 1890 | Musee d'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 20 11/16 in. x 25 5/16 in. | 1890-1892 | Saint Louis Art Museum | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Quatre Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 28 3/8 x 36 1/4 in. | 1888-1890 | Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 11 in. x 17 5/16 in. | 1890 | Musee D'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 11 1/4 x 20 in. | 1890-1895 | Stiftung Langmatt Sidney and Jenny Brown | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 15 3/8 x20 7/8 in | 1890 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs en plein air | Oil on Canvas | 21 1/4 x 25 5/8 in. | 1890-1891 | The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 8 5/8 x 13 in. | 1892 | Musee de Beaux-Arts, Lyon | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs et Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 8 7/8 x 13 15/16 in | 1890 | The Art Institute of Chicago | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Groupe de Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 18 1/2 x 30 1/4 in. | 1895 | Ordrupgaard Collection, Copenhagen | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 in. | 1890-1895 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Groupe de Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 11 1/2 x 15 1/2 in. | 1892-1894 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Le Bain | Oil on Canvas | 10 1/4 x 15 3/4 in. | 1892-1894 | Pushkin Museum, Moscow | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Groupe de Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 8 1/2 x 12 1/8 in. | 1895 | Philadelphia Museum of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Les Grandes Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 53 1/2 x 75 1/4 in. | 1894-1905 | National Gallery, London | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Les Grandes Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 52 3/8 x 81 1/2 in. | 1895-1906 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Les Grandes Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 82 x 98 in. | 1906 | Philadelphia Museum of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 11 x 14 1/4 in. | 1900-1904 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 20 1/8 x 24 1/4 in | 1899-1904 | The Art Institute of Chicago | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Groupe de Sept Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 14 5/8 x 17 3/4 in. | 1900 | Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Basel | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 10 5/8 x 18 1/4 in. | 1898-1900 | The Baltimore Museum of Art | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 8 5/8 x 13 in. | 1899-1900 | Musee d'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 10 5/8 x 8 5/8 in | 1900 | Location Unknown | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 16 5/8 x 21 5/8 in. | 1900-1904 | Musee d'Orsay, Paris France | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 11 7/8 x 17 3/8 in. | 1900 | Location Uknown | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse deBaigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 7 7/8 x 13 in. | 1900-1902 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 11 1/2 x 9 1/4 in. | 1902-1906 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse de Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 12 5/8 x 15 3/4 in. | 1902-1906 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse de Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 25 5/8 x 31 7/8 in. | 1900-1906 | Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, Parma | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 13 3/4 x 8 5/8 in. | 1900 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Esquisse de Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 9 x 6 5/8 in. | 1900 | Becon Collection, Greenwich | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneurs | Oil on Canvas | 9 x 10 1/2 in. | 1902-1904 | Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Etude de Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 8 3/8 x 12 3/4 in. | 1900-1906 | Museum Rosengart, Lucerne | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paul Cézanne | Baigneuses | Oil on Canvas | 29 x 36 3/8 in. | 1902-1906 | Private Collection | http://www.cezannecatalogue.com/exhibitions |
Paolo Veronese | Les Noces de Cana (before conservation) | Oil on Canvas | 22 ft.3 in. x 32 ft | 1563 | Louvre (unrestored) | https://www.wikiart.org/en/paol o-veronese/the-marriage-at-cana- |
Paolo Veronese | Les Noces de Cana (digital facsimile) | Digital Reproduction | 22 ft. 3 in. x 32 ft. | 2006 | Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice | https://www.cineclubdecaen.com/peinture/peintres/veronese/nocesdecana.jpg |