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ISSN 1938-4122
DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
2018 12.1
Spanish Language Special Issue
Editors: Ernesto Priani Saiso, Elena Gonzalez-Blanco García
Front Matter
[es] Introducción de los
[en] Editors' Introduction
[en] Editors' Introduction
Ernesto Priani Saiso, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM); Elena Gonzalez-Blanco García, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
[es] La conquista de Jerusalén ¿de Cervantes?
Análisis estilométrico sobre autoría en el teatro del Siglo de Oro
[en] The Conquest of Jerusalem: by Cervantes? Stylometric analysis on authorship in the Golden Age Spanish theater
[en] The Conquest of Jerusalem: by Cervantes? Stylometric analysis on authorship in the Golden Age Spanish theater
José Calvo Tello, Universidad de Würzburg; Juan Cerezo Soler, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
En este artículo aplicamos métodos estilométricos para abordar el
problema de autoría de la comedia La conquista de
Jerusalén, atribuida desde su descubrimiento a Miguel de
Cervantes. Para ello hemos realizado numerosos análisis con diferentes
rangos de palabras, en un total de diecisiete textos teatrales escritos,
todos ellos, por los siete autores que conforman la generación teatral
de 1580 y cuya actividad dramática coincide en el tiempo con la
composición de La conquista. Hemos
utilizado la unidad de distancia textual Delta para agrupar
(cluster) los textos.
In this article we apply stylometric methods to approach the authorship
problem of the comedy La conquista de
Jerusalén, attributed since its discovery to Miguel de
Cervantes. For this purpose we have performed numerous analyses with
different range of most frequent words in a total of seventeen theater
plays, all of them written by the seven authors that define the
generación teatral de 1580 and who wrote plays actively
when La conquista was composed. We have
used the distant measure Delta to cluster the text.
[es] Cartografías de la sociedad
[en] Cartographies of the Network Society
[en] Cartographies of the Network Society
Paulo Antonio Gatica Cote, Universidad de Salamanca
El debate sobre el ciberespacio ha sido generalmente polarizado en torno
a los binomios: real/virtual o natural/artificial. Entre las categorías
empíricas que se han manejado como reales y naturales destaca la noción
de espacio. La generalización de Internet ha provocado que esta polémica
se perpetúe. Así, es posible distinguir una nueva oposición: por un
lado, el ciberespacio entendido como un no lugar, desterritorializado,
democratizador y asignificativo; por otro, como lugar sujeto a
movimientos y repliegues territorializadores e identitarios que vendrían
a poner nuevas fronteras, entre ellas la “brecha
digital”, como consecuencia del predominio de la
globalización en el contexto de la sociedad-red. En este sentido, se
observa cómo, gracias a la velocidad y posibilidad de interconexión casi
universal, los flujos dominantes “modelan” y
semantizan continuamente el espacio a través de la inclusión y exclusión
de aquellos nodos más o menos valiosos para sus intereses. El objetivo
de este artículo es realizar una crítica de (ciber)espacio, que ponga en
cuestión las simplificadoras dialécticas centro y periferia o
territorialización y desterritorialización.
The question about cyberspace has generally been polarized around the
concepts real / virtual and natural / artificial. The notion of space
stands out among the empirical categories that have been handled such as
real and natural. The spread of Internet has perpetuated this
controversy. Thus, it is possible to distinguish a new opposition: on
one hand, cyberspace understood as a deterritorialized, democratic and
meaningless non-place; on the other hand, as a place subject to
territorializing and identity movements that would come to put new
borders, including the “digital divide”, due to the
dominance of globalization in the context of the network society. In
this regard, thanks to the speed and possibility of almost universal
interconnection, the dominant flows “model” the space
through the inclusion and exclusion of those nodes, more or less
valuable for their interests. This paper will focus on analyzing the
(cyber)space, and therefore it will criticize the dialectical
simplifying the dialectics center and periphery or territorialization
and deterritorialization.
[es] Laboratorios ciudadanos y humanidades
[en] Citizen Laboratories and Digital Humanities
[en] Citizen Laboratories and Digital Humanities
Paola Ricaurte Quijano, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Ante la creciente popularidad de los laboratorios como espacios de
innovación, presentamos un marco de referencia sobre los fundamentos que
los caracterizan y exploramos sus posibilidades de incorporación al
ámbito académico, en particular al campo de las humanidades digitales.
Partimos de la hipótesis de que las humanidades digitales en
Iberoamérica pueden recuperar algunas de las aportaciones de los
laboratorios ciudadanos para expandir sus alcances a través de la
incorporación de nuevos actores y metodologías; establecer una posición
crítica frente al sistema dominante de producción de conocimiento y de
las humanidades en el escenario geopolítico; y diseñar, hacer visibles y
reconocer modelos y locus alternativos de producción,
circulación y consumo del conocimiento. Por ello, este texto tiene como
propósito caracterizar la cultura del laboratorio y analizar las
posibilidades de su apropiación para promover procesos de producción de
conocimiento abierto en el ámbito universitario y en particular en el
campo de las humanidades digitales iberoamericanas.
Given the growing popularity of laboratories as spaces for innovation, we
present a framework of reference on the fundamentals that characterize
them and explore their possibilities of incorporation into the academy,
particularly in the field of digital humanities. We start from the
hypothesis that the digital humanities in Spanish-speaking Latin America
can recover some of the contributions of citizen laboratories to expand
their reach through the incorporation of new actors and methodologies;
establish a critical position against the dominant systems of knowledge
production in the humanities on our current geopolitical scenarios; and
design, make visible and recognize models and alternative loci of
production, circulation and consumption of knowledge. Therefore, this
article aims to characterize the culture of the laboratory and analyze
the possibilities of its appropriation to promote processes of
production of open knowledge in university environments, and in
particular in the field of Ibero-American digital humanities.
[es] Geografías digitales: Iluminando las relaciones
espaciales en una colección de blogs
[en] Digital Geographies: Illuminating Spatial Relationships in a Collection of Literary Blogs
[en] Digital Geographies: Illuminating Spatial Relationships in a Collection of Literary Blogs
Cecily Raynor, McGill University
En este artículo, estudio la colección de blogs literarios en español que
comprende Elboomeran(g), un gigantesco blog literario de más de diez
años y veinte blogueros. Utilizando tanto la lectura distante como la
cercana, afirmo que el contenido de los blogs revela dos componentes
importantes de la estética transnacional: en primer lugar, a nivel de la
poética, al igual que en el mundo analógico, seguimos observando
tendencias textuales que se alejan de los temas y espacios asociados con
la experiencia nacional, y el mismo reblandecimiento de las fronteras
nacionales que se evidencia en la escritura latinoamericana
contemporánea. En segundo lugar, el terreno en línea nos obliga a
cuestionar la relación entre el espacio y la pertenencia nacional,
porque sirve como ámbito para la actividad lectora posnacional sobre la
base de territorios de la lengua. Ambos aspectos son centrales para
profundizar el estudio de la escritura digital y el modo en que esta
opera en el marco más amplio de las tendencias hacia el
transnacionalismo. En el presente trabajo, considero en qué medida
podemos incluir los espacios virtuales entre las variantes del
extranacionalismo, dado que a nivel nacional se los sigue discutiendo.
In this article, I study the collection of literary blogs in Spanish that
composes Elboomeran(g), a vast literary blog of more than ten years and
twenty bloggers. Employing both distant and close readings, I argue that
the content of the blogs reveals two important components of
transnational aesthetics: first, at the level of poetics, we continue to
observe textual tendencies that move away from the themes and spaces
associated with national experience, and the same softening of national
borders that is evident in contemporary Latin American writing. Second,
the online terrain forces us to question the relationship between space
and national belonging because it serves as an arena for post-national
reader engagement based on language territories. Both aspects are
central to furthering scholarship on digital writing and the way it
operates within the broader framework of trans-nationalism. In the
present work, I consider to what extent we can include virtual spaces as
a variants of extra-nationalism, given that they continue to be
contested on a national level.
[es] Retorno a trazos de mil
[en] A Return to the Traces of a Thousand Stories
[en] A Return to the Traces of a Thousand Stories
Suzana Sukovic, HETI (Health Education and Training Institute); Peter Read, Australian National University
El proyecto en línea, con base ahora en
la Western Sydney University, toma las iniciativas educacionales y
digitales de hoy con una nueva dirección. Al dividir la ciudad de Sídney
en seis regiones geográficas, creamos un sitio basado en el conocimiento
de la historia de los aborígenes después de la invasión de los
colonizadores ingleses. El sitio incorpora nuevas formas de etiquetado,
línea de tiempo y cartografía digital, para mostrar múltiples senderos
de la información en formato de texto, video y fotografía. Luego de
siete años de investigación, podemos ofrecer en nuestro sitio web un
balance entre desenterrar conocimientos perdidos y descubrir nuevas
fuentes de información. Hemos incorporado al sitio web múltiples
opciones mientras explorábamos el potencial de la cartografía digital y
la animación para objetivos educacionales y de investigación. Al
consultar cuidadosamente a los grupos profesionales indígenas del ámbito
educacional, creemos que hemos construido una historia digital indígena
de Sídney y al mismo tiempo se la hemos regresado a los aborígenes
quienes se han visto privados de ella desde hace tanto tiempo.Este
articulo está basado en artículos previos en inglés; ambos citados
en la página web del proyecto (READ, P. & SUKOVIC, S. 2010
Piezas de mil historias: repatriación de la Historia de un Sídney
Aborigen, Sociedades civiles cosmopolitas, un periódico
interdisciplinario, edición digital especial etnografías; 2, 40-54;
SUKOVIC,S & READ, P. A historia de un Sídney Aborigen
digitalmente entregando el pasado al presente. Información en línea
2011: ALIA 15.ª Conferencia & exhibición 1-3 febrero 2011.) El
artículo presenta nuestro trabajo a la fecha, a nuestros colegas en
países de habla hispana. Desgraciadamente la página no existe ahora
en su forma original. Es possible accede al sitio sin algunos de los
vínculos (links). La dirección actual es
The online project, now based at the
University of Western Sydney, takes the educational and digital
initiatives of today in a new direction. Dividing the city of Sydney
into six geographic regions, we created a site based on the history of
the Aborigines of Sydney since the invasion by the English colonisers.
The site incorporates new forms of tagging, time line and digital mapping
to present multiple pathways of information in textual, video and
photographic form. After seven years of investigation, we can offer our
website balanced between unearthing lost knowledge and discovering new
sources of information. We have incorporated all these into the site
while exploring the potential for digital mapping and animation for
purposes both of education and research. After carefully consulting
professional Aboriginal educational groups, we believe that we have
created a digital Indigenous history of Sydney, while at the same time
returning to the Aborigines the history of which they have been deprived
for so long.This article is based on our previous papers in
English, both cited on the project website (READ, P. & SUKOVIC,
S. 2010. Pieces of a thousand stories: repatriation of the history
of Aboriginal Sydney. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: an
Interdisciplinary Journal, Special Issue Digital Ethnographies, 2,
40-54; SUKOVIC, S. & READ, P. A History of Aboriginal Sydney ...
digitally delivering the past to the present. Information Online
2011: ALIA 15th Conference & Exhibition, 1-3 February 2011
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre.) The article presents our
work to date to our colleagues in Spanish speaking countries.
Unfortunately, the web site no longer exist in its original form. It
is possible to access the website, without some of the links, at
French Language Special Issue
Editors: Aurélien Berra, Claire Clivaz, Sophie Marcotte and Emmanuelle Morlock
Front Matter
[fr] Introduction
[en] Introduction
[en] Introduction
Aurélien Berra, Université Paris-Nanterre; Claire Clivaz, Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique; Sophie Marcotte, Concordia University; Emmanuelle Morlock, Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Ceci est l'introduction au numéro spécial francophone de Digital Humanities Quarterly.
This is the introduction to Digital Humanities
Quarterly's special French-language issue.
[fr] Le texte numérique : enjeux herméneutiques
[en] Digital text: hermeneutic issues
[en] Digital text: hermeneutic issues
Jean Guy Meunier, Université du Québec à Montréal
La numérisation des textes est omniprésente dans les humanités numériques. Elle
semble se présenter uniquement comme une modification du support matériel : du
texte sur papier au texte numérique. Mais elle fait plus que cela. La
numérisation touche aussi le texte en tant qu’objet sémiotique. Or, les
multiples opérations de cette technologie mettent en œuvre des décisions
interprétatives qui ne sont pas sans affecter le texte sémiotique, c’est-à-dire
celui qui se donne à lire et à analyser. En ce sens, la numérisation des textes
n’est pas neutre. Elle est un moment important d’une herméneutique matérielle.
The digitization of texts is omnipresent in the digital humanities. It seems to
present itself only as a modification of the material medium: from text on
paper to digital text. But it does more than that. Digitization also affects
the text as a semiotic object. The multiple operations of this technology
implement interpretative decisions that are not without their effects on the
semiotic text; that is to say, the text that offers itself for reading and
analysis. In this sense, the digitization of texts is not neutral. It is an
important moment of material hermeneutics.
[fr] Reconstruire ce qui manque – ou le déconstruire ?
Approches numériques des sources historiques
[en] Rebuilding what is missing – or deconstructing it? Digital approaches to historical sources
[en] Rebuilding what is missing – or deconstructing it? Digital approaches to historical sources
Anne Baillot, Le Mans Université
La réflexion présentée dans cet article s’articule autour de deux axes : d’une
part, rassembler des outils théoriques pour aborder la question de la
construction et de l’interprétation de sources historiques et, d’autre part,
d’en éprouver la validité à partir d’une expérience de recherche spécifique
numérique. La première partie est ainsi consacrée à la conceptualisation des
notions de trace et d’archive, avant d’en venir en deuxième partie à la mise en
pratique de telles réflexions dans le domaine numérique en partant de l’édition
numérique Lettres et textes — Le Berlin intellectuel
autour de 1800 et de la plateforme associée qui contient le
catalogue des manuscrits d’August Boeckh. La conclusion revient pour finir sur
la place de la réflexion sur l’architecture des données dans la perspective
théorique ouverte par les concepts de trace et d’archive présentés dans la
première partie.
This paper presents first a theoretical framework on the concepts of trace and
archive, and in a second step an operationalization of a digital approach to
historical material based on these concepts. The second part is illustrated by
the practical experience of developing the digital scholarly edition Letters and Texts. Intellectual Berlin around 1800.
The conclusion addresses the question of data architecture based on the
confrontation of the theoretical framework and the practical experience.
[fr] Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en
humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de
[en] Potentialities and difficulties of a digital humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of research
[en] Potentialities and difficulties of a digital humanities (DH) project: confrontation with tools and reorientations of research
Christelle Cocco, Université de Lausanne; Grégory Dessart, Université de Lausanne; Olga Serbaeva, Universités de Lausanne et de Zürich; Pierre-Yves Brandt, Université de Lausanne; Dominique Vinck, Université de Lausanne; Frédéric Darbellay, Université de Genève
Cet article reprend les potentialités et les difficultés rencontrées lors de
l’élaboration d’outils numériques dans le cadre d’un projet interdisciplinaire
investiguant des dessins de dieux chez l’enfant et l’adolescent. Il se
concentre sur les réorientations du projet qui en ont découlé par rapport aux
attentes de départ. En particulier, nous décrirons comment des solutions ont
été trouvées pour profiter des potentialités des outils numériques et quels
choix ont dû être effectués concernant ces outils, en fonction de quatre types
de défis : l’introduction et l’adaptation d’outils numériques aux questions de
recherche des sciences humaines et sociales, le développement simultané des
outils et des questions de recherche, les limitations techniques dues à la
nouveauté du sujet du point de vue numérique, et la collaboration entre les
sciences humaines et les spécialistes du numérique.
This article presents the potentialities and difficulties encountered during
the development of digital tools as part of an interdisciplinary project
investigating drawings of gods by children and adolescents. It focuses on the
resulting reorientations of the project compared to initial expectations. In
particular, we will describe how solutions were found to take advantage of the
potential of digital tools, and what choices had to be made regarding these
tools, according to four types of challenges: the introduction and adaptation
of digital tools to questions in the humanities and social sciences, the
simultaneous development of tools and research questions, the technical
limitations resulting from the novelty of the subject from a technological
point of view, and the collaboration between the humanities and digital
[fr] Que mille lectures s’épanouissent… Modélisation du
personnage et expérience de « crowdreading »
[en] Let a thousand readings flourish . . . A crowdreading experience
[en] Let a thousand readings flourish . . . A crowdreading experience
Ioana Galleron, University of Grenoble; Fatiha Idmhand, Université de Poitiers; Cécile Meynard, University of Angers
Au cours des dernières années, le distant reading s’est imposé comme l’une des
méthodologies les plus intéressantes pour les études littéraires assistées par
ordinateur. Toutefois, une autre voie, aussi prometteuse, est actuellement
moins explorée : celle de la lecture partagée, que l’on pourrait également
nommer crowdreading, et qui consiste à soumettre un même texte à de multiples
lecteurs, afin d’observer les convergences et les divergences entre leurs
compréhensions et interprétations du texte. Cet article présente les résultats
d’une première expérience de crowdreading, visant à comprendre de quelles
façons les lecteurs construisent l’image des personnages littéraires, et dans
quelles mesures ils en perçoivent les différentes dimensions qui ont été
dégagées par des théoriciens de la littérature comme Ph. Hamon ou V. Jouve.
In the last decades, “ distant reading ” became one of the most promising
methodologies in the domain of computer-assisted literary analysis. This paper
looks at an alternative path for gathering new insights about the literary
texts, that of the “ shared reading ”, or “ crowd reading ”,
consisting in multiple readings of the same text, performed by various readers
and analysed so as to uncover new theoretical insights about the literary
phenomenon, based on the observation of similarities and divergences amongst
readers in text interpretation and text understanding. More precisely, this
paper presents an experience of crowd reading applied to the modeling of
literary characters, in view of a semi-automated analysis of these literary
[fr] Analyser les emboîtements d’échelles
spatio-temporelles d’un territoire forestier : du système d’information géographique
à la méthode SyMoGIH (Avesnois, France)
[en] Analyzing the interlocking spatio-temporal scales of a forest: from geographic information systems to the SyMoGIH method (Avesnois, France)
[en] Analyzing the interlocking spatio-temporal scales of a forest: from geographic information systems to the SyMoGIH method (Avesnois, France)
Marie Delcourte-Debarre, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis
Appréhender l’évolution d’un territoire forestier, c’est croiser le temps et
l’espace. C’est donner une dimension temporelle à un objet semi-naturel ou
construit par l’homme et considérer que cet objet peut être spatialement en
mouvement. Dans le cadre de la démarche de recherche appliquée dans lequel
s’inscrit ce travail (politique de reboisement), il a été nécessaire de
recourir à des outils particuliers et de rendre lisibles et utilisables les
données anciennes.
La méthode SyMoGIH (Système modulaire de gestion de l'information historique)
offre la possibilité de construire le discours à différentes échelles
d’analyses (territoire, éco-paysage, lieu), tout en intégrant les disparités
spatiales et temporelles qui composent chaque élément géographique de
l’Avesnois. Par cette méthode, le discours historique est spatialisé tout en
étant borné temporellement.
Understanding the evolution of a forest territory requires taking both time and
space into account. This means providing a temporal dimension to a semi-natural
object and considering that it can spatially move. In the work frame of this
applied research thesis work (Afforestation policy), it has been necessary to
use specific tools and to convert ancient data to a readable useful format.
The SyMoGIH method (Système Modulaire de Gestion de l'Information Historique /
Modular System for Historical Data Management) offers the possibility to work
at different scale level (territory, landscape, place) using space and time
data for each geographical elements of the Avesnois National Park. With this
method, the historical analysis is spatially located at every period of time.
[fr] Criminocorpus. Un projet numérique pour l'histoire
de la justice
[en] Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of Justice
[en] Criminocorpus. A digital project for History of Justice
Marc Renneville, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS); Jean-Lucien Sanchez, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS); Sophie Victorien, CLAMOR. Center for Digital Humanities and History of Justice (CNRS)
Conçu en 2003, mis en ligne en 2005, Criminocorpus est un projet déjà
« ancien » pour le domaine des humanités numériques. Il a
marqué le paysage numérique français par sa logique thématique centré sur
l’histoire de la justice, des crimes et des peines. Le projet a connu
différents stades de développement et différentes modalités de soutiens. Espace
d’expérimentations numériques open source et
libre d’accès, il s’est peu à peu enrichi de nouvelles fonctionnalités, d’un
blog externe et d’une revue constituée par migration partielle des données. En
2016, la notion de portail a été abandonnée pour recentrer le projet sur sa
transformation en un musée numérique d’histoire de la justice, des crimes et
des peines. Nous proposons de retracer ici les différentes étapes du projet ce
qui permettra d’expliciter les options prises sur sa définition, sa politique
éditoriale et son développement technique.
This article presents the Criminocorpus project in its diachronic dimension.
Conceived in 2003, opened in 2005, Criminocorpus appears already
“old” to the field of digital humanities. It scored the
French digital landscape with its thematic centered on the history of justice,
crimes and punishment. It also presents a peculiarity related to its
organizational and technological change. We propose to explain here the main
stages of this development and ongoing projects.
[fr] Les Sganarelle de Molière : un nom, des
syntaxes ?
[en] Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several syntaxes?
[en] Molière's Sganarelles: one name, several syntaxes?
Élodie Bénard, Université Paris-Sorbonne; Francesca Frontini, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier
Les études quantitatives consacrées à la syntaxe dans le théâtre de Molière
sont rares. Cet article propose une analyse syntaxique du discours des
personnages de Molière qui repose sur l’extraction de séquences de catégories
grammaticales (ou parties du discours) et leur tri et filtrage grâce à
l’analyse des correspondances. Il s’agit ici d’étudier l’évolution du
personnage de Sganarelle, qui apparaît dans plusieurs pièces de Molière, en
vers et en prose, et qui représente souvent le « bourgeois de
Paris », dont les valeurs vont à l’encontre de celles que
partagent les mondains. L’analyse des résultats est menée du point de vue de ce
que D. Biber et S. Conrad appellent la register perspective, afin
d’identifier les séquences syntaxiques qui caractérisent les différents
Sganarelle en fonction de la situation de communication dans laquelle s’inscrit
leur discours. Les résultats montrent les différentes façons dont Molière
exploite le personnage à mesure que s’affirme le nouveau comique qu’il met en
œuvre, un comique fondé sur le jeu avec les valeurs de la société mondaine.
Quantitative studies in the syntax of Molière are not very frequent. The
present paper proposes a syntactic analysis of Molière’s characters that relies
on the extraction of part of speech sequences and their filtering using
correspondence analysis. In particular, the methodology is applied to the study
of the evolution of the character of Sganarelle, appearing in several of
Molière’s plays in prose and verse, and often reflecting the prototype of the
“bourgeois de Paris”, who isn’t attuned to the new
society of the young reign of Louis XIV, the “mondains”. The
analysis of the results is carried out with a register perspective, with the
aim of identifying syntactic patterns that characterize the different
Sganarelles with respect to the type of context in which they find themselves
in the different plays. The results show how the evolution of the character can
be traced from his first appearance to his later uses by Molière.
[fr] Entre musique et lettres : vers une méthodologie
numérique pour l’analyse de la mise en musique des poésies de Charles
[en] Between words and music: towards a digital methodology for analysing song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire
[en] Between words and music: towards a digital methodology for analysing song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire
Caroline Ardrey, The University of Birmingham; Mylène Dubiau, Université de Toulouse — Jean Jaurès; Helen Abbott, The University of Birmingham
Un projet de recherche numérique lancé en 2015 vise à répertorier et à analyser
toutes les mises en musique des poèmes de Charles Baudelaire, afin d’élargir
les connaissances des œuvres musicales dérivées des Fleurs
du Mal et des Poèmes en prose, ainsi
que d’établir un nouveau système d’analyse numérique des mises en musique basé
sur le principe de « parité » entre texte poétique et texte musical.
L’article offre d’abord un bref compte rendu de la démarche du Baudelaire Song Project en mettant l’emphase sur la
manière dont les lectures « à distance » peuvent préparer le
terrain pour des analyses numériques détaillées au niveau du corpus. Il
explique comment mettre en œuvre cette nouvelle méthodologie qui utilise Sonic Visualiser pour étudier les décisions
interprétatives des compositeurs lorsqu’ils mettent un texte poétique en
musique. La deuxième partie de l’article consiste à appliquer cette nouvelle
méthodologie à l’analyse de deux mises en musique du poème « La Mort des amants », l’une composée par Claude Debussy en 1887,
l’autre interprétée par le chanteur populaire Babx sur son album Cristal automatique #1 sorti en 2015. L’article
présente les résultats de l’étude des deux chansons, puis se termine sur
l’énoncé d’éventuelles possibilités pour l’application et le développement de
cette méthodologie numérique dans l’étude des mises en musique des textes
This article is based upon the work of The Baudelaire Song Project, a digital
research project, launched in 2015, which aims to catalogue and to analyse all
the song settings of the poems of Charles Baudelaire. The Project seeks both to
increase awareness of the many musical works based on the verse poems collected
in Les Fleurs du Mal and the prose poems in Petits Poèmes en prose, and, crucially, to establish a
new digital methodology for analysing song settings of poetry, which accords
equal weight to text and to music. The article begins with a brief outline of
the Project, placing the emphasis on the way in which “distant readings” of
song settings can pave the way for more detailed digital analyses at corpus
level. It details how the methodology can be applied in order to study the
interpretative decisions made by composers and songwriters when they set a
poetic text to music, making use of Sonic Visualiser. The second part of the
study shows the methodology in action, applying it to two song settings of
Baudelaire’s poem, “La Mort des amants”, the first
composed by Claude Debussy in 1887, and the second performed by the popular
contemporary singer Babx, which appears on his 2015 album, Cristal automatique. The article will present the results of this
analysis, before concluding by considering ways to develop the methodology
further and identifying future possibilities for using digital techniques for
studying song settings of literary texts.
[fr] Pour une analyse automatique du jugement critique :
les citations modalisées dans le discours littéraire du XIXe siècle
[en] Toward an automatic analysis of critical judgment: modified quotes in the literary discourse of the nineteenth century
[en] Toward an automatic analysis of critical judgment: modified quotes in the literary discourse of the nineteenth century
Marine Riguet, Labex OBVIL (Paris-Sorbonne); Motasem Alrahabi, Paris-Sorbonne Abou Dhabi
Au xixe siècle, sous
l’influence du positivisme et des sciences émergentes, la critique littéraire
française cherche à affirmer l’autonomie de son discours. Dans cette entreprise
de légitimation, le recours aux citations textuelles vient notamment servir les
stratégies d’un jugement critique en quête d’objectivité et de scientificité. À
partir d’un grand corpus de textes littéraires, cet article s’attache ainsi à
annoter automatiquement les expressions modales employées autour du discours
rapporté. Nous présenterons pour ce faire deux applications grâce auxquelles
ont pu être identifiés et analysés certains traits caractéristiques du discours
de critique littéraire : EXCOM-2, un système d’annotation de catégories
sémantiques et discursives ; et E-Quotes, son interface web pour la fouille des
In the nineteenth century, under the influence of positivism and emerging
sciences, French literary critics sought to assert the autonomy of their
discourse. In this work of legitimation, the use of textual citations supported
the strategies of a critical judgment in search of objectivity and
scientificity. Based on a large corpus of literary texts, this article attempts
to automatically annotate the modal expressions used around reported speech. To
this end, we will present two applications through which certain characteristic
features of the literary critical discourse have been identified and analyzed:
EXCOM-2, an annotation system of semantic and discursive categories; and
E-Quotes, its web interface for searching citations.
[fr] Élaboration d’un modèle appuyé sur le modèle RDF
dans le cadre de la réalisation d’une Bibliothèque virtuelle
Chris Marker à la Cinémathèque française
[en] Developing an RDF data model for describing the Chris Marker digital archives at the Cinémathèque française
[en] Developing an RDF data model for describing the Chris Marker digital archives at the Cinémathèque française
Camille Monnier, French Ministry of Culture
Cet article nous fait entrer dans la logique des archives du cinéaste et
vidéaste Chris Marker, acquises en 2012 par la Cinémathèque française.
In 2012, the Cinémathèque française received the archives of cinematographer
Chris Marker who passed away that year. The acquisition of Marker’s library is
significant because of the extent of the collection and the diversity of
subjects it treats. Marker created books as his system of record keeping,
collecting and compiling correspondence, photographs, press clippings, etc.
Nearly all of these elements could be linked to other documents in other
The archives are not available for physical consultation to avoid putting the
books at risk of damage; instead, the Cinémathèque decided to create a virtual
library of Maker’s archives where each element of his books is made available
in digital form.
As part of an internship completed in the framework of the “Digital Technology Applied to History” Masters program at the École
nationale des chartes, the author explored the question of how to treat,
describe, and make available the digitized archives. This article will look at
the use of the RDF data model for the archival description of Chris Marker’s
[en] Collaboration in Digital Humanities Research –
Persisting Silences
Gabriele Griffin, Uppsala University; Matt Steven Hayler, Birmingham University, UK
Collaboration has become a hallmark of Digital Humanities (DH) research.
Nonetheless it remains under-discussed and for those not deeply engaged in DH a
bit of a mystery. Drawing on recent DH work and publications that engage with
questions of DH collaboration in different ways (e.g.
), we analyse three types of DH collaboration:
1) human-human interactions; 2) human-machine/material interactions; and 3)
machine/material-machine/material interactions. We argue that engagement with
collaboration processes and practices enables us to think through how DH tools
and practices reinforce, resist, shape, and encode material realities which both
pre-exist, and are co-produced by them. We suggest that understanding these
entanglements facilitates a critical DH in which academic hierarchies and
disciplinary preconceptions are challenged.
[en] “All Relate to Art”:
The William Blake Archive and Its Web of Relations
Michael Fox, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; Joseph Fletcher, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The William Blake Archive emphasizes accuracy and objectivity. The photographed
or scanned images are made faithful to their original objects in scale, color,
and detail. The editors’ notes are largely bibliographic and informative. The
illustration descriptions consist of precise observations deliberately void of
interpretation. The transcriptions are as diplomatic as the digital medium
allows. And the explicit relationships between objects in the Archive are
material; one can see, for example, copies of prints from the same relief-etched
copper plate, or a design carried from a water color drawing to an engraved
illustration. The scholar must be free to make his or her own
Since beginning to redesign the back end and front end of the site, the editors
and staff have realized that more kinds of relationship might be made explicit.
The challenge has been to decide which ones conform to our emphasis on accuracy
and objectivity. In a neutral presentation of art and its contextual
information, we can’t tell the scholar that object X relates to object Y because
they embody the same theme. That would impose on him or her our own
interpretation. But we can say that X relates to Y because they contain some of
the same text.
In this paper we discuss the difficult task of digitally presenting more kinds
of relationships in the Archive while staying objective. We explain how the task
has compelled us to reevaluate Blake’s methods and reencode the connections
amongst his works accordingly. We describe planned enhancements to our tools
used for representing and displaying these connections--enhancements that would
benefit all archives, not just the Blake Archive. And finally we gesture towards
further research into the philosophical context of Blake's practice of making
related art and into the idea of relationship in archives in general.
[en] SpotiBot — Turing Testing
Pelle Snickars, Umeå University; Roger Mähler, Umeå University
Even if digitized and born-digital audiovisual material today amounts to a
steadily increasing body of data to work with and research, such media
modalities are still relatively poorly represented in the field of DH. Streaming
media is a case in point, and the purpose of this article is to provide some
findings from an ongoing audio (and music) research project, that deals with
experiments, interventions and the reverse engineering of Spotify’s algorithms,
aggregation procedures, and valuation strategies. One such research experiment,
the SpotiBot intervention, was set up at Humlab, Umeå University. Via multiple
bots running in parallel our idea was to examine if it is possible to provoke —
or even undermine — the Spotify business model (based on the so called
“30 second royalty rule”). Essentially, the experiment
resembled a Turing test, where we asked ourselves what happens when — not if —
streaming bots approximate human listener behavior in such a way that it becomes
impossible to distinguish between a human and a machine. Implemented in the
Python programming language, and using a web UI testing frameworks, our so
called SpotiBot engine automated the Spotify web client by simulating user
interaction within the web interface. The SpotiBot engine was instructed to play
a single track repeatedly (both self-produced music and Abba’s "Dancing Queen"),
during less and more than 30 seconds, and with a fixed repetition scheme running
from 100 to n times (simultaneously with different
Spotify Free ‘bot accounts’). Our bots also logged all results. In short, our
bots demonstrated the ability (at least sometimes) to continuously play tracks,
indicating that the Spotify business model can be tampered with. Using a single
virtual machine — hidden behind only one proxy IP — the results of the
intervention hence stipulate that it is possible to automatically play tracks
for thousands of repetitions that exceeds the royalty rule.
[en] Computational Models for Analyzing Data
Collected from Reconstructed Cuneiform
Laura F. Hawkins, Harvard University
This study used three interdependent techniques to help understand the use and
distribution of syllabic values of the cuneiform signs during the second half of
the third millennium and early second millennium BCE. The results suggest that,
during this period, cuneiform syllabaries were variable. That variation can
further inform us about the regional, temporal, and dialectical contexts in
which they existed. The addition of this research to the wider literature on the
early adaptation of cuneiform enhances the field's understanding of how
cuneiform syllabic values began to emerge and spread across the ancient Near
East, and demonstrates how computational methods of analysis can be applied to
research questions in humanities subjects.
[en] The Writeprints of Man: a Stylometric Study of
Lafayette's Hand in Paine's 'Rights of
Richard Forsyth, Independent Researcher; David Holmes, Department of Statistics, George Mason University
Thomas Paine's Rights of Man (Part I, 1791; Part II,
1792) is one of the most influential political tracts ever written. Recently,
Clark (2015) has queried the long-established notion that Part I is the work of
a single author, Paine himself. Clark argues that a passage of approximately
6000 words just prior to the “Declaration of the Rights of
Man and Citizens”, near midway through the book, was written by
Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, and inserted by Paine into his book,
perhaps with some editing. Clark's assertion rests mainly on judgement of the
tone and content of the queried passage, as well as a hint in a letter by
Lafayette to George Washington. This paper presents the results of a stylometric
study of this question. Three computational approaches to stylistic analysis —
one involving a consensus of six attribution techniques — were applied to the
text of the Rights of Man, Part I, along with a
corpus of comparison texts from the same period. Our findings tend to
corroborate Clark's contention, as well as identifying two other short passages
in which Lafayette may have had a hand, thus rendering this important document
ripe for re-interpretation.
[en] Thinking Digitally: A Review of N. Katherine
Hayles’s How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary
Technogenesis (University of Chicago Press,
Joseph Lloyd Donica, Bronx Community College, City University of New York
This review examines N. Katherine Hayles’s argument that digital media has
reorganized how we think about and physically do our work in the social sciences
and humanities. Some new methodologies enabled by digital media are obvious and
others just emerging. A major shift that digital media have enabled is
dethroning close reading as the gold-standard methodology in the humanities and
augmenting it with hyper and machine reading. Hayles’s argument has far-reaching
implications for the social sciences and humanities, but those implications
expand much further when we consider that digital media often represents
contending parties’ interests and that those parties are often drastically
unequal in resources.
[en] Knowledge Organization and Cultural Heritage in
the Semantic Web – A Review of a Conference and a Special Journal Issue of
Marcia Lei Zeng, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA; Sophy Shu-Jiun Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Review of the “Knowledge Organization and Cultural Heritage:
Perspectives of the Semantic Web” conference held at the Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures in Taipei
on June 2, 2016 and a special journal issue of academic papers related to the
conference. Speakers came from mainland China and Taiwan across the Taiwan
Strait, as well as the United States. Topics included methods and theories of
Linked Open Data (LOD), the modeling of ontologies and knowledge bases, the
historical and structural review of knowledge organization and representation,
practical approaches used in exploring cultural assets, and the efforts of
standards development for preservation and management of digital data. Speakers
were encouraged to submit full papers to the peer-reviewed Journal of Library and Information Science (ISSN 0363-3640). These
led to the publication of a whole special issue of the journal (vol. 43/no.1) in
April 2017.
Author Biographies
Published by: The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and The Association for Computers and the Humanities
Affiliated with: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
DHQ has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Copyright © 2005 -

Unless otherwise noted, the DHQ web site and all DHQ published content are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Individual articles may carry a more permissive license, as described in the footer for the individual article, and in the article’s metadata.
Published by: The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and The Association for Computers and the Humanities
Affiliated with: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities
DHQ has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Copyright © 2005 -

Unless otherwise noted, the DHQ web site and all DHQ published content are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Individual articles may carry a more permissive license, as described in the footer for the individual article, and in the article’s metadata.