Digital Humanities Abstracts

“Music Information Retrieval: Examining what we mean by success.”
J. Stephen Downie Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Music information retrieval (MIR) research has been a part of humanities computing for many years. Kassler (1966) and Lincoln (1967) are both examples of early work in this area. Over the last several years, there has been a resurgent interest in MIR research and development (see ISMIR 2000; ISMIR 2001). Inspired, in part, by the success of the text retrieval research community (e.g.,,,, etc.), present-day MIR researchers strive to afford the same kind of content-based access to music. Within the context of music, content-based retrieval implies the use of musical elements to retrieve music objects or specific parts of music objects: Music-based search inputs (e.g., humming, singing, notation excerpts, MIDI keyboard, etc.) to search, and then retrieve, musical works (e.g., recordings, scores, etc.) or to locate sub-components of musical works (e.g., repeating themes and motifs, harmonic progressions, etc.). Notwithstanding the promising developments enumerated in the recent MIR literature, MIR systems are still far from being as useful, comprehensive, or robust as their text information retrieval (IR) analogues. There are three principal reasons for this state of affairs. First, prompted by educational, governmental, scientific, economic, and military imperatives, the text IR community has for many years garnered substantial financial support which as allowed countless person-hours of effort to be spent on research, development, and evaluation. Until very recently, most MIR research projects have been undertaken primarily as labours of love by devoted scholars. A half-hour's perusal of the back issues of Computing in Musicology (Hewlett and Selfridge-Field, eds.) will bring this fact to the fore. Second, music information is inherently more complex than text information. Music information is a multi-faceted amalgam of pitch, tempo, rhythmic, harmonic, timbral, textual (i.e., lyrics and librettti), editorial, praxis, and bibliographic elements. Music can be represented as scores, MIDI files and other discrete encodings, and in any number of analogue and digital audio formats (e.g., LPs, tapes, MP3s, CDs, etc.). Unlike most text, music is extremely plastic; that is, a given piece of music can be transposed, have its rhythms altered, its harmonies reset, its orchestration recast, its lyrics changed, and so on, yet somehow it is still perceived to be the same piece of music. This interaction of music's complexity and plasticity make the selection of possible retrieval elements extraordinarily difficult. Third, the text IR community has had a set of standardized performance evaluation metrics for last four decades. Taking the Cranfield evaluations of the early 1960's (Cleverdon et al., 1966) as the starting point of modern text IR research, two metrics have to this day continually proved themselves to be particularly important: precision (i.e., the ratio of relevant documents retrieved to the number of documents retrieved) and recall (i.e, the ratio of relevant documents retrieved to the number of relevant documents present in the system). The key determinant in the use of precision and recall as a performance metric is the apprehension of those documents deemed "relevant" to a particular query. While there have been ongoing debates about the nature of "relevance" (see Schamber, 1994), relevance has had relatively stable meaning across the text-IR literature. Simply put, a "document" is deemed to be "relevant" to a given query if the document is "about" the same subject matter as the query. With these metrics, text IR researchers have been able compare and contrast the results of many different retrieval approaches. Thus, promising approaches have been explored more thoroughly, and weaker approaches abandoned. At present, there are no standardized evaluation metrics for MIR. Because of this lack of metrics, MIR researchers have had no means of effectively comparing and contrasting MIR methods. MIR research has not been able to move forward as quickly as it should because it has had no demonstrable basis for concentrating its efforts on better techniques nor for abandoning weaker approaches. My poster examines the reasons behind the lack of standardized performance metrics for MIR research and development. Its primary focus is on the suitability of the precision and recall as candidate MIR metrics. Seeing that precision and recall have been instrumental in the success of text IR research, this limited focus is justified. The crux of this explication is the exploration of the nature of "relevance" as it pertains to MIR tasks. The notion of relevance in the MIR context must undergo considerable scrutiny. Without a proper understanding of the applicability, limitations, and implications of relevance, the use of precision and recall as MIR evaluation metrics will not have the theoretical grounding necessary to justify their use by MIR researchers.


C. Cleverdon J. Mills M. Keen. Factors determining the performance of indexing systems. Cranfield, UK: ASLIB Cranfield Research Project, College of Aeronautics, 1996.
Computing in musicology: A directory of research. Ed. W. B. Hewellet E. Selfridge-Field. Menlo Park, CA: Center for Computing Assisted Research in the Humanities,
ISMIR 2000. The International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, 23-25 October, 2000, Plymouth, MA. : , 2000.
ISMIR 2001. The Second International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, 15-17 October, 2001, Bloomington, IN. : , 2001.
M. Kassler. “Toward music information retrieval.” Perspectives of New Music. 1966. 4: 59-67.
H. B. Lincoln. “Some criteria and techniques for developing computerized thematic indices.” Electronishe datenverarbeitung in der Musikwissenschaft. Ed. H. Heckman. Regensburg: Gustave Bosse Verlag., 1967.
L. Schamber. “Relevance and information behavior.” Annual review of information science and technology. Ed. M. E. Williams. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1994. 29: 3-48.