Digital Humanities Abstracts

“There is Virtue in Virtuality. Future potentials of electronic humanities scholarship”
Hans Walter Gabler Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München

The established present use of the computer in the humanities is to enhance the properties and quality of the book. With the book electronically stored, book contents and book knowledge can be accessed fast and very flexibly; while the physical book, widely still the end product of computer deployment, can be manufactured more accurately, perhaps even more economically, than under the conventional conditions of the composition room and press. Beyond the token book in electronic storage, and the real book generated by electronic means to habitually palpable materiality, paperwork and the book provide significant metaphors for computer-related discourse, with the file or the home page heading the terminology. This is a specific indication of a patterning of thought according to inherited figurations that is as tenacious as it is universal. In the face of the forces of habit, the question arises how clearly the book-conditioned and book-trained humanities scholar and researcher is capable of discerning the unique otherness of the electronic medium and both explore and exploit its potential. I suggest that the grasp hitherto, in humanities scholarship at least, of the essential virtuality of the electronic medium does not securely reach further than to a simulation of the materialities of paper and print. Hence an orientation towards the future requires reflecting on how the virtuality of the electronic medium uniquely might put us in a position to deconventionalize our scholarly pursuits and innovate them. Such reflections should not remain abstract and arcane. Examples will help to flesh them out. A main area for applying the computer is that of the organisation of knowledge. Handbooks, dictionaries and the like are already preferred objects of conversion into electronic multi-mediality. A distinct qualitative step might however be taken if, from its very conception, the organisation of knowledge is not projected as going linearly (with cross-reference props) into book form and bookish formats, but relationally into the virtuality of the computer. The example of an incipient project on such terms will be cited. A specific sub-area, furthermore, of the organisation of knowledge is the commentary on a given text, or body of texts. The thrust of the arrangement of commentary in book-printing practice is currently linear - it having been largely forgotten how early book typography was already capable of suggesting relationalities (and so was properly 'hypertextual' avant la lettre). But the relationality of the electronic medium will encourage a re-transforming of commentary into something akin to that early understanding of the essential relationality of the represented matter itself. Again, an example will illustrate the issues as indicating some first principles in need of developing towards the systematisation and organising of the computer commentary. This should lead to a brief glance at a project under way exemplifying an ambition to set up the scholar's and critic's working desk virtually by assembling all requisite primary and secondary materials relative to a pre-defined research interest on one internet website globally accessible. The Italo-Franco-German project HyperNietzsche currently under development from its German base in Munich is making the bid for such comprehensiveness. Against its heterogeneity, one may hold that it is textual editing that remains a pivotal - and perhaps the central - area of humanities scholarship. It has the longest, and intrinsically most bookish, tradition. It would seem particularly necessary, therefore, that the tradition's centeredness on the book not remain unreflected. Textual scholarship's critical self-distancing is aided by literary and textual theory that focuses the process nature of texts in reading as in composition. To such general theory, the counterpart, in theorizings of the electronic medium, are current notions of hypertext. The concept of hypertext, however, does not by itself guarantee an electronic text edition properly so called, exploiting, if worthy the definition, the medium's virtuality on its own terms. Considerable rethinking of procedures and presentational modes is required to develop, organise and realise electronic editions as medium-specific alternatives to scholarly editions in book form. An example, again, will serve to indicate directions for development. Finally, in this paper, I wish to introduce (and demonstrate) a distinction between electronic text editions and the electronic editing of processes of manuscript writing. With the critically editorial exploration of manuscripts as sites of writing and of writing processes as the successive, yet random, filling of writing space, the editorial branch of humanities scholarship cuts the moorings to the book. Such exploration is possible only in the virtuality of the electronic medium and its evanescent screen images.