Digital Humanities Abstracts

“ What can Hyperplane-Classifiers tell us about Texts?”
Edda Leopold GMD German National Research Center for Information Technology Institute for Autonomous intelligent Systems Jörg Kindermann GMD German National Research Center for Information Technology Institute for Autonomous intelligent Systems

We want to report from our results with Support Vector Machines for Text Classification in order to promote the interdisciplinary dialogue. Our research group consists mainly of statisticians and computer-scientists, and focusses on the algorithmic side of text-classifica-tion. We want to discuss our experiences with researchers working on other fields of linguistic computing and ask for the implications of our results on linguistic approaches which use vector space representations as for example "semantic spaces" and "latent semantic indexing". The algorithm called "Support Vector Machines", can shortly be described as follows (A more detailed description can be found in (Vapnik 1998)):
  • 1 A set of labeled documents is needed for training. Documents are mapped to their type-frequency vectors. These vectors span an high dimensional input space (every type represents one dimension). This kind of abstraction from syntagmatic structures is often refered to as "bag-of-words" approach.
  • 2. The algorithm searches for a hyperplane in input space which optimally separates the training documents.
  • 3. Documents of a test-set are attributed to one of the classes depending on the side of the hyperplane they are located on. SVM have proven to provide an effective means for text classification on different languages (English and German) and textual domains (English Reuters news; Ohsumed medical abstracts, e-mail newsgroups; German: newspapers taz, FR, BZ, e-mail newsgroups) and different tasks (topic identification, Authorship attribution, classification according newspaper issues of different years). (Joachims 1997; Joachims1998; Drucker et al.; Dumais et al. 1998; Diederich & Kindermann & Leopold & Paaþ 2000; Leopold & Kindermann 2001)
The great advantage of SVMs is, that they can manage a very large number of attributes (in our experiments we have worked with up to half a million attributes), given that the attribute vectors are sparse. This makes it possible to perform document-classification directly on the frequency spectra of documents without any kind of feature selection. This is why we think that results on the precision/recall performance of Support Vector Machines can be interpreted as statements about frequency spectra of document collections, and thus constitute a kind of linguistic evidence. Another advantage of SVMs is, that various kernel functions can be used. Kernel functions correspond to a mapping of input vectors to a even higer dimensional feature space and can heuristically interpreted as different geometries in input space ((hyper)planes may be substituted by e.g. (hyper)spheres). The choice of the kernel function is crucial to most applications of support vector machines. However in the case of text-classification Kernel functions only slightly affect performance although they imply completely different geometries of input space. So from the stand point of retrieval performance it is nearly irrelevant if topic-boundaries are defined by planes or by spheres. What does this mean for the bag-of-words approach which represents documents in the form of type frequency vectors, and what does it mean for the quality of co-occurrence of types within the context of a document? We will try to give an answer in terms of stochastical dependency of types. Another observation we made is that lemmatization does not affect performance in terms of precision and recall. In English our results on the Reuters news corpus obtained without any linguistic preprocessing do not differ significantly from those obtained by Joachims (1998) who has used the Porter stemmer. In German lemmatization also did not yield an improovement of performance, which is surprising because of the morphological richness of German. However our results agree with those obtained with neural nets in French news data (Stricker 2000), neural nets however need a reduction of dimensionality as opposed to SVM. An explanation of this finding is that lemmatization leads loss of information, because different word forms are mapped to the same lemma. A surprising result, is that author identification is also best done on the bases of word-forms rather than on the basis of bigramms of grammatical tags. We are currently working multi-class classification using Support Vector Machines (Kindermann et al 2000). The problem here is to group the classes of documents in an appropriate way. To this end we explore the inter- and intra-class distance of type-frequency distributions.


Joachim Diederich Jörg Kindermann Edda Leopold Gerhard Paaß. “Authorship Attribution with Support Vector Machines.” Poster presented at The Learning Workshop; 4 - 7 April, 2000 in Snowbird, Utah. : , 2000.
H. Drucker D. Wu V. Vapnik. “Support vector machines for spam categorization.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 1999. 10: 1048-1054.
Susan Dumais John Platt David Heckerman Mehran Sahami. “Inductive Learning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categorization.” Proceedings of ACM-CIKM-98; 7th International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management. : , 1998. 148--155.
Thorsten Joachims. “Text categorization with support vector machines: learning with many relevant features.” Proceedings of ECML-98, 10th European Conference on Machine Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Number 1398. Heidelberg, DE: Springer Verlag, 1998. 137-142.
Jörg Kindermann Edda Leopold Gerhard Paaß. “Multiclass Classification with Error Correcting Codes.” Treffen der GI-Fachgruppe 1.1.3 Maschinelles Lernen. Ed. Edda Leopold Mathias Kirsten. : , 2000. 56-64.
Edda Leopold Jörg Kindermann. “Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines. How to Represent Texts in Input Space?.” Machine Learning. 2001. : .
M.Stricker. “Réseaux de neurones pour le traitement automatique du langage : conception et réalisatiion de filtres d'informations.” School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College London, 2000.
Vladimir Vapnik. Statistical Learning Theory. : Wiley & sons, 1998.