Digital Humanities Abstracts

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1Author:  Gabler, Hans
 Title:  There is Virtue in Virtuality. Future potentials of electronic humanities scholarship 
 Published:  2002 
2Author:  Gallet-Blanchard, Lilane; Martinet, Marie-Madeleine
 Title:  A Case Study of an Evaluation Questionnaire Concerning the Integration of a Hypermedia Project in University Courses 
 Published:  2000 
3Author:  Gallet-Blanchard, Liliane; Martinet, Marie-Madeleine
 Title:  Eighteenth-Century Cities in an Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Creating a CD-ROM -- Hyperlink Structure and Interpretive Approaches 
 Published:  1999 
4Author:  Gardner, Colin
 Title:  Hyperfiction Reading Research: An Experiment in Method 
 Published:  2000 
5Author:  Gärtner, Kurt; Minn, Gisela; Rapp, Andrea; Raspe, Martin; Christmann, Ruth; Schares, Thomas
 Title:  Into the Depths of Data. Methods of Subject Specific Content Retrieval 
 Published:  2002 
6Author:  Glushko, Maria
 Title:  Prognostics of English Verb Paradigm Evolution 
 Published:  2002 
7Author:  Goodall, Catherine
 Title:  Defining Paragraphs - the basic unit of prose? 
 Published:  1999 
9Author:  Graver, Bruce
 Title:  The Electronic Lyrical Ballads: A Progress Report 
 Published:  1999 
10Author:  Greenberg, Hope
 Title:  We Built it. Can They?: Text Encoding and the Humanities Scholar 
 Published:  1999 
11Author:  Gunn, Ian
 Title:  A Wake Newslitter - Electronic Edition 
 Published:  2000 
12Author:  Gurney, Penelope; Gurney, Lyman
 Title:  Multi-Authorship of the Scriptores Historiae Augustae: How the Use of Subsets Can Win or Lose the Case. 
 Published:  1997