Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Recommend a web hosting service
6 6 months
Advice for teaching myself XML?
14 6 months
Can someone point me to a list of web services that I could deploy on a service?
4 quinnanya 6 months
What is the best software package for social network analysis?
8 and1256 6 months
Digital Annotation Tool
9 reganna 7 months
Examples of Departments that Accept Digital Products for MA Degree?
5 Ethan Gruber 7 months
What software are people using for GIS?
3 aelang 7 months
Tech Foundation for a DH Center Lab
5 Arno Bosse 7 months
Good list of undergraduate dh majors/minors/concentrations/specializations?
5 Matthew Wilkens 8 months
finding a programmer for a digital edition
2 kevin.s.hawkins 8 months
Old English resources and tools
1 martinwunderlich 9 months
Experience with Lexos or Text Mining Software?
3 scottkleinman 9 months
Where do you go for data?
1 thomasgpadilla 10 months
Examples of projects that examine non-canonical figures?
2 Ethan Gruber 11 months
Rhyme Detection
1 jlassin 11 months