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Best DH project-management system?
12 Arno Bosse 3 years
Feedback on Digital Humanities Best Practices document
1 ebuhe 3 years
Founding staff for a new DH Center?
7 Ryan Cordell 6 years
Tips on performing an environmental scan?
5 Ethan Gruber 6 years
What would your dream DH apprenticeship opportunity involve?
4 Ethan Gruber 7 years
What does it mean to future-proof a DH project?
9 Dorothea Salo 7 years
Does DH project management differ from non-DH project management?
4 Vika Zafrin 7 years
DH projects with features explicitly addressing accessibility?
5 Stéfan Sinclair 7 years
Is there a self hosted version of web software such as or whenisgood
3 Karin Dalziel 7 years