Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Recommended readings on sustainability in digital humanities?
4 5 years
Experience to share on DH data curation, FOSS/OA advocacy?
7 Hugh Cayless 5 years
Proposing a new centre for Digital Humanities
3 Neil Fraistat 5 years
Seeking IT Policies and Best Practices for DH Scholars (server access, etc.)
6 Julie Meloni 5 years
What "help" questions are you asked most frequently? - 2 18 Bethany Nowviskie 5 years
How do DH institutions use GitHub?
5 jamesc 5 years
Readings on or models of collaboration in DH projects?
5 Brian Rosenblum 5 years
Addressing the idea of "the good" in digital humanities?
2 Bethany Nowviskie 5 years
Has anybody written a history of the digital humanities?
5 aearhart 5 years
What does it mean to future-proof a DH project?
9 Dorothea Salo 5 years
Hosting Recomendations
9 Hugh Cayless 5 years
A Wiki Speakers Bureau?
11 speakerwiki 5 years
Doing DH v. Theorizing DH
13 Patrick Murray-John 5 years
How do I get started learning how to write a successful grant?
8 5 years
Does DH project management differ from non-DH project management?
4 Vika Zafrin 5 years