Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Digital history speaker recommendation? 3 jennriley 6 years
Recommended course of study for New Media/DH teaching career? 2 Miriam Posner 6 years
Resources/Strategies for teaching coding or programming to grad students? 4 Wayne Graham 7 years
Best textbooks for teaching writing fundamentals for new media environment? 1 7 years
Using powerpoint and twitter simultaneously 4 7 years
Post-DH project student survey: help! 2 Bethany Nowviskie 7 years
IS there a joint MLS MSIS/MA in English degree out there? 6 ejardine 7 years
Most comprehensive and current list of DH programs? 6 Bethany Nowviskie 7 years
Need Sounding Board for Copyright/IP Questions 6 rebeccaonion 7 years
Good books relevant to DH in the past year? 5 MelissaTerras 7 years
What is one topic or source you'd use in a History of the Information Age class? 11 elotroalex 7 years
What should I read and what software should I use to do textual studies well? 5 johnlaudun 7 years
How do I use a script to append a grading rubric PDF to papers to be graded? 4 Wayne Graham 7 years
Social media and digital history workshop--suggestions welcome 4 Shane Landrum 7 years
Design a digital history curriculum: what would you include? 4 jean_bauer 8 years